Miri's Amazing Tama Log!


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Hey everyone, big day for both tamas today!!

Jakob evolved into an adult and he is now a Paparatchi!


Not exactly what I was hoping for, but hey, I've never had this character before so I'm not complaining! Cyn will love him no matter what, anyway!

With that being said, Cyn also evolved into an adult! She's an UraZukyutchi, just as I had aimed for!!


So cute!! I love her little smile in her close up animation (last photo)

- V3 STATS -

Name: Jakob

Age: 4

Gender: Boy

Generation: 1

Training: 9 bars

Stage: Adult

Character: Paparatchi

- V4.5 STATS -

Name: Cyn

Age: 3

Gender: Girl

Generation: 4

Training: 9 bars

Skill points: 14 / 22 / 114

Stage: Adult

Character: UraZukyutchi

As you may have guessed by what I said in Jakob's part of this update, I'm planning on having him and Cyn get married - hey, Jakob's the start of a new lineage, so there's no relation between the two! I'm gonna wait until Cyn is 6 probably

The V2 still hasn't arrived yet, unfortunately. Still waiting, the hardest part of ordering anything online!

Another big thank you to those of you liking my posts, I greatly appreciate the support!!

See you next time!


Hey, everyone, this entry is REALLY late, I know - my apologies for that, I got distracted by other stuff

Anyway, today, I decided to let Jakob try on the Hohotchi costume!



He also decided to come up and say hi earlier!



As for Cyn, she got her job offer today!! She's working at the hospital, just like her grandfather, Inigo!


Interview process and acceptance


Work gift from the Gotchi King!


Cyn was so happy to have gotten the job!!

- V3 STATS -

Name: Jakob

Age: 5

Gender: Boy

Generation: 1

Training: 9 bars

Stage: Adult

Character: Paparatchi (wore the Hohotchi costume today)

- V4.5 STATS -

Name: Cyn

Age: 4

Gender: Girl

Generation: 4

Training: 9 bars

Skill points: 24 / 30 / 128

Stage: Adult

Character: UraZukyutchi

So that's it! Since Cyn will be 6 on Monday, and I'm working that day, I'll probably wait until after work before I get her and Jakob married! Either way, it'll surely be a day to remember!!

See you next time!


Hi guys!! Nothing much has happened today, except for monetary gains for both tamas through item use!

For Jakob, I let him use a lamp I'd bought earlier and he got...



1000 Gotchi points!! A good amount!

As for Cyn, she had a fishing pole in her items, so I let her use it, and she got...



2000 Gotchi points!! Twice as much as Jakob, although I'm not sure if it means as much in the long run, since the V4.5 has a higher points max than the V3

- V3 STATS -

Name: Jakob

Age: 6

Gender: Boy

Generation: 1

Training: 9 bars

Stage: Adult

Character: Paparatchi

- V4.5 STATS -

Name: Cyn

Age: 5

Gender: Girl

Generation: 4

Training: 9 bars

Skill points: 24 / 30 / 136

Stage: Adult

Character: UraZukyutchi

So guys, tomorrow's the big day - Cyn and Jakob's wedding! I'll be sure to get as many pictures as I can, I hope you're all looking forward to it as much as I am!!


Hey everyone, today's been a big day, with good news, bad news, and even more bad news

The good news is, Cyn and Jakob got married this morning! I managed to find some time early on during work, as I had the office to myself




They had two lovely baby girls!!

Now, the bad news is, both tamas died within two hours of being married, taking their newborn daughters with them (This was the first time I ever got girls from a connection marriage too... R.I.P)


I only have a photo of Cyn's death screen because that leads into the "even more bad news" which is - shortly after I discovered the two of them had died, the V3's buttons glitched out, and I ended up with a new egg before I could get anything for Jakob's death. I discovered the deaths shortly before my lunch break, so I messed around with the V3 during the egg screen during lunch break, and it was doing the same thing my very first V2 did about 11 years ago - acting like the A button was being pressed/held when it wasn't. Realising I can't run a tama like this, I promptly deactivated the V3 right then and there. So, now I'm down to just one running tama again, at least until the V2 I ordered arrives

I did, however, a+c restart the V4.5 during my lunch break, and when the egg hatched, I was greeted by a happy baby boy!


Still wanting to continue with the naming scheme, I named him Brady!

I left the sound on during work again to care for him, and after about and hour, Brady evolved into a Tamatchi!!


After I got home from work, I got him his preschool enrollment!


- V4.5 STATS -

Name: Brady

Age: 0

Gender: Boy

Generation: 1

Training: 2 bars

Skill points: 0 / 12 / 0

Stage: Toddler

Character: Tamatchi

I'm expecting the V2 will arrive within the next day or two! Hopefully it's here tomorrow, I can't wait to run it!!

See you all next time!


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Hi guys, I still don't have the V2 yet (it SHOULD be here tomorrow), so, as I'm only running the V4.5 for now, today's entry will be all in purple!

Anyway, Brady evolved this afternoon! He's now an Ura Young Mametchi!


Nice, my first non-UraMeme male character!!

Later on, he got his school enrollment! I enrolled him in Mr Turtlepedia's class!!


Congratulations, Brady!!

- V4.5 STATS -

Name: Brady

Age: 1

Gender: Boy

Generation: 1

Training: 5 bars

Skill points: 14 / 12 / 0

Stage: Teen

Character: Ura Young Mametchi

That's it, really! I did get told at work this morning that I shouldn't bring the tamagotchi because it might distract me too much, but if you think that's gonna stop me bringing tamagotchis to work, think again! I'll just be a bit sneaky about it instead of having the tamagotchi on my lanyard for everyone to see...

Until next time!!


Hi guys, nothing new with Brady today, so here's some pictures of him brushing his teeth!


Gotta make them all nice and clean, right?

Anyway, I was right, and my V2 did in fact arrive today!!


Bad picture, but hey

I started it up, reset to truly start this as Miri's Tama, and after setting the date, time, and my birthday, I waited for the egg to hatch! When it did, I got a lovely baby boy!


I named him Alex, as I've decided to do an alphabet naming theme for this V2!!

After about an hour, Alex evolved into a Hitodetchi!



- V4.5 STATS -

Name: Brady

Age: 2

Gender: Boy

Generation: 1

Training: 5 bars

Skill points: 25 / 12 / 0

Stage: Teen

Character: Ura Young Mametchi

- V2 STATS -

Name: Alex

Age: 0

Gender: Boy

Generation: 1

Training: 1 bar

Stage: Toddler

Character: Hitodetchi

And that's it! as you can see, since the V2 is red, stuff about it in log entries will also be red! Additionally, Brady was paused for a few hours today during work (after my lunch break), as I didn't want to be wearing my jacket (it was too hot), and I had no other pockets on me, and since I'm not actually allowed the tamas on my lanyard anymore, I wouldn't have been able to find time to check on him. Sooo, depending on the weather, and what I'm wearing each work day, some days the tamas might get paused for a bit, even though I really don't want to

Anyways, until next time!


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Hey everyone, sorry for being so late with today's update, I've been distracted by stuff again!

Anyways, today, both tamas evolved!

Alex evolved first, becoming a Young Mametchi


Hey, nice!!

And Brady followed behind a few minutes later, becoming an UraMametchi!!


So cool!

- V4.5 STATS -

Name: Brady

Age: 3

Gender: Boy

Generation: 1

Training: 6 bars

Skill points: 101 / 12 / 8

Stage: Adult

Character: UraMametchi

- V2 STATS -

Name: Alex

Age: 1

Gender: Boy

Generation: 1

Training: 2 bars

Stage: Teen

Character: Young Mametchi

So yeah, that's it for today's entry! See y'all tomorrow!!


Hi guys, I know, another late entry. Oh well!

Nothing new with Alex today, so here's some pictures of him taking a bath


On the other hand, Brady got his job offer, and he now works at the circus!!


Seems like a fun job! I hope you enjoy it, Brady!

- V4.5 STATS -

Name: Brady

Age: 4

Gender: Boy

Generation: 1

Training: 6 bars

Skill points: 114 / 12 / 16

Stage: Adult

Character: UraMametchi

- V2 STATS -

Name: Alex

Age: 2

Gender: Boy

Generation: 1

Training: 3 bars (this V2 hasn't really called for timeout or praise much...)

Stage: Teen

Character: Young Mametchi

So, that's it for now!! See you guys next time!


Hey, sorry for not updating yesterday, nothing really happened worthy of an update

Today, on the other hand, was a big day for both tamas!

Alex evolved into an adult! He's now a Nyorotchi!!



As for Brady, he got married!!


The matchmaker brought an UraVioletchi, and Brady fell in love with her right away!




And a baby girl to top it all off!! Congratulations Brady!

- V4.5 STATS -

Name: Brady

Age: 6

Gender: Boy

Generation: 1

Training: 6 bars

Skill points: 143 / 12 / 16

Stage: Adult (with baby)

Character: UraMametchi

- V2 STATS -

Name: Alex

Age: 3 (he's fallen behind in aging I guess??)

Gender: Boy

Generation: 1

Training: 7 bars

Stage: Adult

Character: Nyorotchi

So yeah, that's it! I might actually start pausing the tamas and leaving them behind when I go to work, just so I can be sure they're ok, so updates may become more and more scarce from here on out

See you all next time!!


Hi guys, this is just a really quick post to say I have indeed paused both tamas while I'm working. Fortunately I only work three days a week, so when I come home on Wednesday, they'll be unpaused again!! I'll continue doing this regularly from now on, so instead of daily or near-daily updates, there will only be actual updates form Thursday-Sunday (Wednesday-Saturday for those of you on the other side of the world, as I'm in New Zealand)

See you all on Thursday!!


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Hey everyone, nothing much has happened since I unpaused the tamas for this week, so here's some item use pictures!!

Here's Brady playing the piano!


Truly talented!!

And here's Alex playing the maracas (or, uh, racquets, as they're called in the items list...)


I love how he plays them with one in his mouth and one in his tail, since he has no arms or legs

- V4.5 STATS -

Name: Brady

Age: 8

Gender: Boy

Generation: 1

Training: 6 bars

Skill points: 161 / 18 / 16

Stage: Adult (with baby)

Character: UraMametchi

- V2 STATS -

Name: Alex

Age: 5

Gender: Boy

Generation: 1

Training: 7 bars

Stage: Adult

Character: Nyorotchi

I think tonight is Brady's last night with his daughter! That said, I joined rjalda100's Easter hatch a while back, babies depending, and it's coming up pretty soon, so I'm gonna pause the tama again after Brady leaves, and leave it until then. As this is for a hatch, I'll try to bring it to work again, but be extra sneaky about it, and I'll be logging that one in the hatch instead of here! So, keep your eyes out for that!!

Not to worry, though, Alex will still be here!! (Until he has a baby and leaves, that is)

So anyway, see you next time!


Hey TamaTalkers!! So, Brady did in fact leave his daughter last night, so now the V4.5 is paused for the Easter hatch!

Which means today, we only have Alex with us!

That said, Alex hasn't really done much today. Here's some pictures of him taking a bath


Gotta keep yourself nice and clean!!

- V2 STATS -

Name: Alex

Age: 6

Gender: Boy

Generation: 1

Training: 7 bars

Stage: Adult

Character: Nyorotchi

So uh, yeah! Despite being 6 years old, Alex didn't get any matchmaker visits today, but that might be because of being paused! He might get married tomorrow, though, I'm hoping! Regardless, the V2 will not be in the Easter hatch, as trying to sneakily care for two tamas during work might be a bit of a hassle, and I don't really wanna interrupt a hatch generation with pausing. On that note, when I do run the V4.5 in the hatch, I won't be posting about that particular generation here, since I'll be posting there

Anyways, until next time!!


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Hi guys, still just Alex with us today! But, today was a big day for him - he got married!!

At around 3:00, the matchmaker came around


She brought over a Tarakotchi, and it was an instant yes!!


Congratulations, you two!!


A lovely baby boy was born!!

I haven't decided what I'm going to name him yet, but it has to start with B, for the alphabet theme. Maybe y'all could PM me some ideas?

- V2 STATS -

Name: Alex

Age: 7

Gender: Boy

Generation: 1

Training: 7 bars

Stage: Adult (with baby)

Character: Nyorotchi

Yep, that's it! There's really not much that can be posted with only one tama running - after the Easter hatch, we'll get back into the swing of things, I suppose!

Anyways, see y'all next time!!


Hi, everyone!! I do have the V4.5 running now, but it's for the Easter hatch, as I said earlier, so no posts about it here. For updates on Lissa, Brady's daughter, head on over to the hatch log!

Which means that on here, it will still be just the V2 for a while. Anyway, since today is Alex's last day with his son, and there's not really much else other than that, here's item use again!!


Here's Alex trying on the bow!!


And here he is playing with the, uh, tools (more appropriate to say it's bubbles but...) and really enjoying it!!

- V2 STATS -

Name: Alex

Age: 8

Gender: Boy

Generation: 1

Training: 7 bars

Stage: Adult (with baby)

Character: Nyorotchi

So, that's it for Alex! Tomorrow kicks off his son's independent life, the "B" generation of this alphabet naming theme!! See y'all then!


Hey guys!!

Last night, Alex left his son, so when I woke up, I was greeted with a crying baby boy


For lack of a better name (and because Fire Emblem Fates names are totally up for use now that the V3 isn't running), I named him Benny!

I cared for him as needed throughout his baby stage, and after about an hour, Benny evolved into a Hitodetchi!!


- V2 STATS -

Name: Benny

Age: 0

Gender: Boy

Generation: 2

Training: 2 bars

Stage: Toddler

Character: Hitodetchi

And that's it! I might let him marry Lissa, over on the V4.5, but also I'm not sure, as Lissa is already a year ahead of him, and that's only going to increase over the next couple of days during work. Anyways, until next time!!


Hi guys, Benny evolved into a teen not too long ago! He's now a Hinotamatchi!


I'm honestly a little surprised at this, as, all throughout his baby and toddler stages, I took excellent care of him (he was even paused for the two hours I was at work, so nothing could have happened to him then), but I've never had Hinotamatchi before, so I'll accept this

- V2 STATS -

Name: Benny

Age: 1

Gender: Boy

Generation: 2

Training: 5 bars

Stage: Teen

Character: Hinotamatchi

So yeah, that's it for today - just a nice, short and sweet update! See y'all next time!!


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Hey everyone, not much has happened with Benny today. Here's some pictures of him playing with the ball


He seems to enjoy it!!

- V2 STATS -

Name: Benny

Age: 1

Gender: Boy

Generation: 2

Training: 8 bars

Stage: Teen

Character: Hinotamatchi

So, that's it! His age counter still says 1 not because of pausing (I had another sick day from work, so he didn't need to be paused), but because we simply haven't passed his aging time yet - he'll be 2 soon probably!

Reminder to check the Easter hatch log for updates on my V4.5 for this generation!!

Anyways, see y'all next time!!


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Hi everyone, again, not much has happened with Benny today. Here's some pictures of him using a shovel!


Nice, a delicious tart! Not sure how good something that's been buried underground would taste, but he seems to like it so *shrugging emoji*

- V2 STATS -

Name: Benny

Age: 3 (I got past the time of aging before tonight's entry!)

Gender: Boy

Generation: 2

Training: 9 bars

Stage: Teen

Character: Hinotamatchi

So uh, that's it! We actually had two shovels, and I used them both, but they both gave Benny the same thing so I thought I'd post just one. Anyways, see y'all next time!


Hey guys, so not too long ago Benny evolved into an adult! He's now a Kabutchi (I think that's the character?)


I don't remember ever having this character any time I had a V2, so this is nice!!

- V2 STATS -

Name: Benny

Age: 3 (not quite past aging time yet)

Gender: Boy

Generation: 2

Training: 9 bars

Stage: Adult

Character: Kabutchi

I've connected him with my V4.5 a lot today to increase their friendship rating so they can get married! I'm expecting their marriage to happen either tomorrow or the next day, so there's that to look forward to!!

See you guys next time!


Hi everyone, so today's been a pretty big day!! Not too long ago, Benny married Lissa, from my V4.5 (more on the wedding in the Easter hatch log), and they had two lovely little girls!!


Here's Benny with his girl!

- V2 STATS -

Name: Benny

Age: 4

Gender: Boy

Generation: 2

Training: 9 bars

Stage: Adult (with baby)

Character: Kabutchi

And, yeah, that's it! Tomorrow is the last day with the babies, and after that, the V4.5 will be logged here as normal! So, see you guys next time!!



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