Miri's Amazing Tama Log!


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Hello everyone! So, today is Elise and Stahl's last day here with their babies before they leave tonight, with their sons in my care! So, of course, we used some items!!

First off, both tamas had a plant in their inventory, so I used them both!

Stahl's plant gave him...


A flower!! That's nice I'd say!

Meanwhile, for Elise...


100 Gotchi points! Not bad!!

Also, here's Elise trying on the cap (again, doesn't really look like a cap on her)


Pretty cool!

And here's Stahl playing in the play house!!


He looks like he's having a nice time!

- V3 STATS -

Name: Elise

Age: 6

Gender: Girl

Generation: 2

Training: 9 bars

Stage: Adult (with baby)

Character: Pipotchi

- V4.5 STATS -

Name: Stahl

Age: 3

Gender: Boy

Generation: 1

Training: 8 bars

Skill points: 37 / 50 / 117

Stage: Teen (with baby)

Character: Daiyatchi

So uh, I guess that's it! As I said, they'll be leaving their sons tonight, so tomorrow those babies will be in my care! Also, once again, a HUGE thank you to those of you who are liking my posts, it's greatly appreciated!!

Anyways, see y'all tomorrow (possibly, if I'm not too busy to update)!


Hey, everyone!! Last night, I watched Elise and Stahl leave their sons...


Goodbye you two, you will be missed.

So that means that when I woke up, I was greeted by two crying baby boys!



I named the one on the V3 Dwyer, and the V4.5 Inigo, keeping to their naming themes!

After about an hour, the two evolved!

Dwyer evolved into a Mohitamatchi (just like his mother!)...


While Inigo became a Kuribotchi!


Some time after that, Inigo got accepted into preschool!!


Have fun!!

- V3 STATS -

Name: Dwyer

Age: 0

Gender: Boy

Generation: 3

Training: 2 bars

Stage: Toddler

Character: Mohitamatchi

- V4.5 STATS -

Name: Inigo

Age: 0

Gender: Boy

Generation: 2

Training: 2 bars

Skill points: 21 / 9 / 14

Stage: Toddler

Character: Kuribotchi

The boys are doing well so far, and at least with two boys, I shouldn't have the teen marriage mishap from last generation happen again! anyways, until next time!!


Hey guys, I know this entry is late, but I've been a bit busy today!

Anyway, both tamas evolved into teens today!

Inigo evolved first, becoming a Kujakutchi



And Dwyer followed suit a few minutes later, becoming a Young Mametchi!!


I see Grandma Setsu's Mametchi lineage is running strong in Dwyer!

He was a few minutes late in evolving because he accidentally got paused during work, otherwise he would have evolved at the same time as Inigo

Then, even later (I waited until after I finished work), Inigo got accepted into school! I enrolled him in Mr Turtle's class!!


So there we go!!

- V3 STATS -

Name: Dwyer

Age: 1

Gender: Boy

Generation: 3

Training: 6 bars

Stage: Teen

Character: Young Mametchi

- V4.5 STATS -

Name: Inigo

Age: 1

Gender: Boy

Generation: 2

Training: 5 bars

Skill points: 35 / 15 / 22

Stage: Teen

Character: Kujakutchi

So, again, the boys are doing well!! Other than the stuff I already covered today, there's really not much else. So, until next time!!


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Hey everyone! Today has been an uneventful day for both Tamas really...

I did take a picture of them in a connection game!!


(I tried to make it smaller but it wouldn't go smaller)

I did several of these, and Dwyer did not win a single one. Then again, Elise never won connection games either...

I don't have any pictures of events involving just Inigo today, unfortunately...

However, Dwyer is a different story! Y'all remember when I had Setsu and I bought her that action figure right? And how, because she was a girl, she didn't like it? Well today I let Dwyer play with it, and he really enjoyed it!!


- V3 STATS -

Name: Dwyer

Age: 2

Gender: Boy

Generation: 3

Training: 9 bars

Stage: Teen

Character: Young Mametchi

- V4.5 STATS -

Name: Inigo

Age: 2

Gender: Boy

Generation: 2

Training: 9 bars

Skill points: 79 / 15 / 22

Stage: Teen

Character: Kujakutchi

So yeah, again, that's it! Nothing really eventful today but what do you expect? See y'all next time!


Hi guys, this is a late post, I know, but there's (kinda) a reason for that! Anyways, moving on,

Nothing much really happened with Dwyer today, and I don't even have any pictures (plus he's sleeping right now),

So today's post is gonna be more Inigo-centric

Inigo evolved this afternoon, and he is now a Celebtchi!!


I'm gonna be honest, I didn't know if it actually would happen today, because I did a reset+download on him some time this morning, as a result of a panicked reaction to a supposed near-death experience, that probably wasn't even that at all! Due to this, he has fallen behind Dwyer in terms of aging

Also, at some point, Inigo got a fishing pole from the Gotchi King, so I decided to have him use it...



He got 2000 Gotchi points! Pretty sweet, if I do say so myself!!

So anyways, today's entry was so late because I was waiting to see if Inigo would get a job offer (he hasn't yet)

- V3 STATS -

Name: Dwyer

Age: 3

Gender: Boy

Generation: 3

Training: 9 bars

Stage: Teen

Character: Young Mametchi

- V4.5 STATS -

Name: Inigo

Age: 2 (still 2 due to the reset+download I mentioned earlier)

Gender: Boy

Generation: 2

Training: 9 bars

Skill points: 103 / 15 / 30

Stage: Adult

Character: Celebtchi

Ok, so that's it for now! Hopefully I'll have something to update on for Dwyer tomorrow! Also, tomorrow, Inigo should get a job! That'll be exciting!

On another (slightly related) note, one of the kids at my work really seems to like the V4.5 in particular (because it's purple - I'm pretty sure that's her favourite colour) She was looking at both of them today, but often kept going back to the V4.5, saying "I like the purple!" Cute!

Anyways, until next time!


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Hey everyone, today's been a pretty eventful day for both tamas!!

First off, some time this afternoon, Dwyer evolved! He is now a Mimiyoritchi!!


I don't remember ever having this character in the past, and it's pretty cute too so win-win!!

Also, here's his close-up animation since I managed to catch it earlier!



Next, not too long ago, Inigo finally got his job offer!! He is now working at the hospital!


The interview process...


He got the job, and a present from the Gotchi King!

Now, I should note, this wasn't the first place I tried. The five places for Inigo's job offers were the news station, the preschool, the music studio, the bank, and the hospital! I tried the bank first, remembering its mini game is the same as the V3's Get♪ game basically - unfortunately, Inigo didn't get that job. Then I remembered the hospital has the same mini game, so I figured it was worth a shot, and what do you know, he got the job!!

- V3 STATS -

Name: Dwyer

Age: 4

Gender: Boy

Generation: 3

Training: 9 bars

Stage: Adult

Character: Mimiyoritchi

- V4.5 STATS -

Name: Inigo

Age: 3

Gender: Boy

Generation: 2

Training: 9 bars

Skill points: 115 / 23 / 40

Stage: Adult

Character: Celebtchi

So, that's really it! It sure was an eventful day!!

Thanks again to those of y'all liking my posts and/or rating this log five stars, I really truly appreciate it!

See you next time!


Hey guys, as today hasn't really been too eventful for either tama (what do you expect really there's not much else until marriage), I decided to let them both use the chests they each had in their items from a while ago that I'd just never gotten around to using!

They both had some life-changing, albeit temporary experiences from it!

For Dwyer, he was turned into an oldie


He didn't seem very happy about that, but, as I said, it was only temporary, and after a short amount of time, he turned back to normal!


A bit shaken, but just glad it's all over I guess!!

As for Inigo, he was turned into a baby


Same dealio, not too happy but only temporary, and he was returned to his adult form not long after!


"Thank god that's done!"

- V3 STATS -

Name: Dwyer

Age: 4 (still 4? really?!)

Gender: Boy

Generation: 3

Training: 9 bars

Stage: Adult

Character: Mimiyoritchi

- V4.5 STATS -

Name: Inigo

Age: 4

Gender: Boy

Generation: 2

Training: 9 bars

Skill points: 115 / 23 / 129

Stage: Adult

Character: Celebtchi

So, yeah, that's it! I suppose once again, updates will just be item uses until someone gets married! See you next time!!


Hey everyone!!

Not much has happened with Dwyer today, so here's some photos of him trying on the wig!


Very stylish!!

Now, onto Inigo - he got married!!


At 7:00 the matchmaker brought over an UraYattatchi, and it was love at first sight!!


Inigo was blessed with a lovely baby boy! (I was kinda hoping for a girl since I haven't had a girl on this version yet, but this is fine)

- V3 STATS -

Name: Dwyer

Age: 6 (he must have aged after yesterday's log entry and I simply didn't notice - and since this entry is later than usual I would have passed that time again)

Gender: Boy

Generation: 3

Training: 9 bars

Stage: Adult

Character: Mimiyoritchi

- V4.5 STATS -

Name: Inigo

Age: 5

Gender: Boy

Generation: 2

Training: 9 bars

Skill points: 115 / 23 / 153

Stage: Adult (with baby)

Character: Celebtchi

I find it odd that Inigo got married but Dwyer didn't, especially since Dwyer's 6 now... oh well, he'll probably get married tomorrow!!

Also, another thank you to ammonride for liking every new post I put out here, I really do appreciate the constant support!

See you next time!


Hi guys, so today it was Dwyer's turn for marriage!!


The matchmaker brought over a Hidatchi and it was an instant yes!!


Dwyer has a daughter now!

As for Inigo, since it's his last day here with his son, I had him use some items!!

Here he is, talking to his father, Stahl, on the cell phone!


That must be nice

And here he is, trying on the jeans!!


Totally rocking them, I'd say! And he seems to enjoy it!!

- V3 STATS -

Name: Dwyer

Age: 6

Gender: Boy

Generation: 3

Training: 9 bars

Stage: Adult (with baby)

Character: Mimiyoritchi

- V4.5 STATS -

Name: Inigo

Age: 6

Gender: Boy

Generation: 2

Training: 9 bars

Skill points: 115 / 31 / 153

Stage: Adult (with baby)

Character: Celebtchi

So, I'm not sure what I'm going to do about Inigo's son tomorrow, given that I have work. I might leave him until I get home, because I'm not sure I'd have time during work to constantly tend to the needy baby stage. We'll see I guess! (The same will go for Dwyer's daughter the next day probably)


Hey TamaTalkers!!

Since today is Dwyer's last day with his daughter, and there's not really much else with him, it was of course, time to use some items!!

Here he is in the shoes!


Too fast for my camera at times!!

And here he is trying on the bowtie!


Lookin pretty stylish there, Dwyer!

And, as you all know, last night Inigo left his son. I didn't catch this happening, as I slept early for work!

I did, however, bring the tama with me to work, and inputted a name for the crying baby boy during my lunch break, so it would be easier to tend to his needs!


I'm not sure if you can see all too well in the second pic, but his name is Henry!

I left the sound on as I got back to work, so I could tend to him as needed, and after about an hour, Henry evolved into a Kuchitamatchi


Some time later, and I had to sneak on my phone during work to get photos of this, Henry got accepted into preschool!!



- V3 STATS -

Name: Dwyer

Age: 7

Gender: Boy

Generation: 3

Training: 9 bars

Stage: Adult (with baby)

Character: Mimiyoritchi

- V4.5 STATS -

Name: Henry

Age: 0

Gender: Boy

Generation: 3

Training: 2 bars

Skill points: 15 / 3 / 27

Stage: Child

Character: Kuchitamatchi

And, that's it for these guys! However, I do have even more tama news! I have actually managed to order myself a V2! I'm not sure if I'll be able to cope running three tamas AND working, so what will happen when that gets here is uncertain. Maybe I'll deactivate the V3 if three tamas at once proves to be too much, maybe I'll pause all of them when I go to work, who knows! I definitely plan on running it ASAP though, as the V2 is one of my favourite versions!!

Anyways, see you all next time!


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Hi everyone!!

So, of course, last night, Dwyer left his daughter. Again, no picture for this because I slept early for work.

However, just as I did with Henry yesterday, today I inputted a name for the crying baby girl during my lunch break!


As you can see, her name is Hana!

And, just as I did with the V4.5 yesterday, today I left the V3's sound on while I was at work in order to care for Hana as needed and, after about an hour, she evolved into a Kuchitamatchi! Just like Henry was!!


Here she is!

Now, you may notice, I said that Hana became a Kuchitamatchi just like Henry "was"

That's because Henry evolved into a teen just a few minutes before Hana's evolution, and he is now a Daiyatchi, just like his grandfather!


He also got accepted into school! I enrolled him in Mr Canvas's class!!


Good job!

- V3 STATS -

Name: Hana

Age: 0

Gender: Girl

Generation: 4

Training: 2 bars

Stage: Toddler

Character: Kuchitamatchi

- V4.5 STATS -

Name: Henry

Age: 1

Gender: Boy

Generation: 3

Training: 5 bars

Skill points: 25 / 7 / 37

Stage: Teen

Character: Daiyatchi

Again, that's it for these two! Also, the V2 I mentioned in yesterday's entry has shipped now, and I'm so excited for its arrival! I don't really have a specific naming theme planned for it when it gets here, so it'll be my opportunity to just use any name I think sounds nice!

Stay tuned for next time!!


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Hey guys, nothing much has happened with Henry today so this post is gonna be Hana-centric!

Anyways, today Hana evolved into a teen! She's now a Hinatchi!!


Hana the Hinatchi, haha, has a nice ring to it! I've never had Hinatchi before so I'm proud of this!!

- V3 STATS -

Name: Hana

Age: 1

Gender: Girl

Generation: 4

Training: 6 bars

Stage: Teen

Character: Hinatchi

- V4.5 STATS -

Name: Henry

Age: 2

Gender: Boy

Generation: 3

Training: 7 bars

Skill points: 26 / 7 / 53

Stage: Teen

Character: Daiyatchi

So yeah that's it for today!! I know this is a really short post but hey what can you do when there's not much to report on?

Until next time!!


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Hey TamaTalk!! For today's entry, this is going to be another quick post, and this time Henry-centric, to balance out yesterday's Hana-centric post (also because nothing's really happened with Hana today)

So, Henry is now an adult! He's an UraTogetchi!!


Nice! I'll be honest, I was kinda aiming for this with Stahl back in the day, but the teen marriage prevented that, so I'm glad I got this chance with Henry!! (I mean technically I could have gone for this with Inigo too, but y'know)


Henry says hi!!

- V3 STATS -

Name: Hana

Age: 2

Gender: Girl

Generation: 4

Training: 8 bars

Stage: Teen

Character: Hinatchi

- V4.5 STATS -

Name: Henry

Age: 3

Gender: Boy

Generation: 3

Training: 9 bars

Skill points: 26 / 7 / 109

Stage: Adult

Character: UraTogetchi

So, again, that's it!! See you all next time!


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Hi everyone!! Sorry this entry is so late, I really just never got around to it until now!

Anyways, as expected, nothing much has happened with Hana today. However, I let her play with the doll not long ago, and she enjoyed it!


Also, she's asleep now, but here's some pictures of her sleeping with the doll!!


Sweet dreams, Hana!

As for Henry, he got his job offer this afternoon! He now works at the bakery!!


Interview process, and acceptance!


With his new work gift from the Gotchi King, Henry was really excited to get started at his new job!

- V3 STATS -

Name: Hana

Age: 3

Gender: Girl

Generation: 4

Training: 9 bars

Stage: Teen

Character: Hinatchi

- V4.5 STATS -

Name: Henry

Age: 4

Gender: Boy

Generation: 3

Training: 9 bars

Skill points: 34 / 11 / 119

Stage: Adult

Character: UraTogetchi

So, that's it for these guys! The V2 might get here soon, though the earliest date in the expected delivery is March 30, so probably about a week at least, before it gets here!! I'm really looking forward to it!

See y'all next time!


Hi guys, late again, I know, I'm sorry!!

Anyways, first off, Hana evolved today!


She's now a Pipotchi, just like Grandma Elise! I was kinda hoping for a different character, one I haven't had before, but I'm not complaining!

Nothing much has happened with Henry, meanwhile, so here's a picture of him at work, just before the minigame started!!


And here's a picture I got of him in the bath earlier


- V3 STATS -

Name: Hana

Age: 4

Gender: Girl

Generation: 4

Training: 9 bars

Stage: Adult

Character: Pipotchi

- V4.5 STATS -

Name: Henry

Age: 5

Gender: Boy

Generation: 3

Training: 9 bars

Skill points: 34 / 11 / 132

Stage: Adult

Character: UraTogetchi

Ok, that's it for today! Until next time!!


Hi, everyone!!

Not much has been happening with Hana today, but she did decide to come up close to the screen earlier to say hi!


Still cute, with that little wink! I'm expecting that she may get married tomorrow, though if so it might be during work, so I might not be able to get pictures

And speaking of marriage, Henry got married today!!


The matchmaker came at around 3:00 and brought Henry an UraVioletchi!!


The two immediately fell in love, and were married!!


Henry now has a daughter!! First girl on the V4.5!

And of course, Henry had to call his father, Inigo, right away, to tell him the news!


Inigo seems a bit surprised there, or at least that's how I'm interpreting the emoticon!

- V3 STATS -

Name: Hana

Age: 5

Gender: Girl

Generation: 4

Training: 9 bars

Stage: Adult

Character: Pipotchi

- V4.5 STATS -

Name: Henry

Age: 6

Gender: Boy

Generation: 3

Training: 9 bars

Skill points: 40 / 27 / 138

Stage: Adult (with baby)

Character: UraTogetchi

So, that's it for now!! The V2 might arrive some time this upcoming week, I'm hoping! Again, really looking forward to it!

See you next time!!


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Hi guys, this entry is going to start off with some sad news, as much as I hate to say it

I checked on Hana during work, and was greeted with a rather unfortunate sight


Yes, sadly, Hana has died. Rest in peace, Hana, you will be missed

I honestly have no idea how it happened, she'd never been very needy on the days when I wasn't working, it'd take at least three hours before she'd call for me, and yet - prior to her death, I'd checked on her not even a whole hour earlier, and I filled any hearts that needed filling, and she was perfectly fine. Not even an hour later, this happens

Still, this happened before my lunch break, so I wasn't too discouraged - I pressed a+c to start again during my lunch break, and I got a new baby boy!


Sticking with the Fire Emblem Fates name theme for this tamagotchi, I named him Jakob!

I kept his sound on as I got back to work, and cared for him as needed, provided I could, and after about an hour, Jakob evolved into a Mohitamatchi!!


Now, as for Henry, since it's his last day here with his daughter, all I have, once again, are item use pictures!

Here he is trying on the bow!


Whoa, he's totally rocking that look!!

And as for the next item, he had a chest in his inventory, which I remember he got from Hana a few days ago, in a connection present-giving session, so I figured we should let him use it, as a tribute to her


500 Gotchi points!! Sweet!

- V3 STATS -

Name: Jakob

Age: 0

Gender: Boy

Generation: 1

Training: 2 bars

Stage: Toddler

Character: Mohitamatchi

- V4.5 STATS -

Name: Henry

Age: 6 (yes, still 6 - I think it hasn't come time yet for him to age tonight)

Gender: Boy

Generation: 3

Training: 9 bars

Skill points: 44 / 27 / 138

Stage: Adult (with baby)

Character: UraTogetchi

So, uh, that's it! I'm still pretty sad about Hana, considering I have no idea how it happened, but at least tomorrow kicks off Henry's daughter's independent life, and therefore the life of the first girl on my V4.5!! Stay tuned for then!!

Also, I just noticed last night that we've now reached page 3 of this log!! Thank you to everyone who's liked any of my posts, rated this blog, or followed it, and let's hope we'll all be together for many more pages to come!


Hey everyone, big big day for both tamas today!!

This afternoon, Jakob evolved into a teen, and he is now a Patapatatchi - just like Setsu, who kicked off this log, was!



And, as you all know, Henry left his daughter last night, leaving me to start her independent life during my lunch break!


The name I gave to the baby girl was Cyn, short for Cynthia! (I always loved the pairing of Henry and Sumia in Fire Emblem Awakening, so it only makes sense to name tama Henry's daughter after in-game Sumia's daughter - just another reason I'm glad Henry did in fact have a daughter)

Once again leaving her sound on as I got back to work, I cared for her as needed, when I could, and, after an hour, Cyn evolved into a Hitodetchi!!


And, some time later, she got accepted into preschool!!


I hope you enjoy it Cyn!

- V3 STATS -

Name: Jakob

Age: 1

Gender: Boy

Generation: 1

Training: 4 bars

Stage: Teen

Character: Patapatatchi

- V4.5 STATS -

Name: Cyn

Age: 0

Gender: Girl

Generation: 4

Training: 3 bars

Skill points: 10 / 14 / 16

Stage: Toddler

Character: Hitodetchi

So, yeah, that's today's events! Thank you to Spacey for liking yesterday's post, as unfortunate as the events starting that post were (on that note, I made a memorial for Hana in the memorials section, but I'm still waiting for it to be approved). Hopefully something like that doesn't happen again for a while!

See you guys next time!!


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Hi guys, sorry today's entry is so late, I've been distracted by other things

Not much has happened with Jakob today so here's a picture of him with the cuckoo clock, the only item he has that he can use as a teen!


However, Cyn had a really big day!! First off, she evolved into a teen, and she is now an Ura Young Marotchi!


I didn't expect this in all honesty, as I've seen people say the V4.5's evolutions from 2nd gen onward depend on the parents - Cyn had two UraMeme parents (Her dad, Henry, an UraTogetchi, and her mom, an UraVioletchi), yet Ura Young Marotchi is an UraMame teen! But hey, I'm not complaining!

Later, she got her school enrollment! I decided to aim for UraZukyutchi, looking at the growth charts, so Cyn is enrolled in Mr Canvas's class, just like her father was!!


Congratulations, Cyn!!

- V3 STATS -

Name: Jakob

Age: 2

Gender: Boy

Generation: 1

Training: 7 bars

Stage: Teen

Character: Patapatatchi

- V4.5 STATS -

Name: Cyn

Age: 1

Gender: Girl

Generation: 4

Training: 6 bars

Skill points: 14 / 22 / 38

Stage: Teen

Character: Ura Young Marotchi

And, there's really not much else to say now!! Thank you to Hapihapitchi for the like!! Speaking of which, go and read her log, it's good!!


Hey, sorry for not updating earlier, I haven't really had anything update-worthy happen today with either tama! So, I'm going to post their stats first, and then move onto something else!

- V3 STATS -

Name: Jakob

Age: 3

Gender: Boy

Generation: 1

Training: 9 bars

Stage: Teen

Character: Patapatatchi

- V4.5 STATS -

Name: Cyn

Age: 2

Gender: Girl

Generation: 4

Training: 8 bars

Skill points: 14 / 22 / 78

Stage: Teen

Character: Ura Young Marotchi

Ok, so for today's post, since I have nothing about Jakob or Cyn themselves, I figured I'd tell you guys - I've made life charts for each previous generation on both tamas, so why not post them! The charts have what they were each stage - baby, toddler, teen, adult - as well as who their parents were if second gen and higher, who they married, and the baby they had! (if they got that far...)

We'll start with the V3








Hana, who we all know met an unfortunate end (speaking of which, her memorial's been approved! It's over here!!)

And now for the V4.5







I haven't made charts for Jakob or Cyn yet because I only make the charts once a tama is married! I might start posting these here on a tama's last day here for future charts! Anyways, until next time!!


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