Mini Tama log


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Day 8-1: I finally decided to include instagram links to show off Maskutchi and Yana-chi. Starting his day off early Maskutchi showed his new sibling around so Yana-chi could get a hang of things. Though Yana-chi is still a new born so they didn't know what Maskutchi was talking about. It will be an interesting time with them that's for sure.



I hope you all enjoy your day ^~^
They're so cute! Glad you uploaded pics, finally. :)

They're so cute! Glad you uploaded pics, finally. :)
I am glad I figured out a way to finally show them to you guys. Both Maskutchi, and Yana-chi both (probably are) feeling glad to be seen.

Day 8-2: So just about six minutes ago Yana-chi went ahead and grew up into a Kuchipatchi. To be honest I am surprised. Though Maskutchi is happy that his sibling grew up. So yeah. My Tama family maybe a little weird but I love them just them same.


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Day 9-1: Today Kuchipatchi, Maskutchi, and I went outside. Though it was to my backyard, it was Kuchipatch's first time outside sense I first hatched him. It was chilly outside so they didn't want to stay outside for long. So before we went back inside I got a picture of them both over looking the yard. Also from what I could gather Maskutchi should grow today. I will most likely do a second post for that as well.

Step Into the wild Kuchipatchi, and Maskutchi!:

Day 10-1: Today Oyajitchi and Kuchipatchi wanted to explore more of my backyard. Going as far as my table that's out there I let go. Though Kuchipatchi wasn't happy about fully exploring it, Oyajitchi told Kuchipatchi stories of his, and mine walks. Thankfully that was enough to settle Kuchipatchi down. We're back inside now, and it was fun to have my little ones outside again.

Keep exploring Kuchipatchi and Oyajitchi!:

Day 11-1: Today to the much upset of Kuchipatchi we stayed inside my home. It is much warmer than how it currently is outside. So at this point we three are nice, and warm. I am thinking of having Oyajitchi and Kuchipatchi have sometime to play with Kikichi, and Petithanatchi so they won't exactly feel like they are the only to tamagotchi's here, but that will be a later time. Right now I think the two need to relax. Anyway have a nice day guys! I hope to read your comments soon.

Oh also I noticed I started to write my tama-logs in an episode style. Even more so when I name photos that I add onto these now. Should I keep it up??

A breath of respite inside the warm home:

I love the clock shell. I have the blue and yellow one from the first wave, but the markings wear off super fast in my pocket. ><

As for episode style... do whatever you want! It's your log. :D I think it works. :)

I love the clock shell. I have the blue and yellow one from the first wave, but the markings wear off super fast in my pocket. ><

As for episode style... do whatever you want! It's your log. :D I think it works. :)
Alright I will keep it up. Also to keep the markings safe I do suggest using a lanyard. I have an old V4 Mametchi lanyard, and use it for when I go anywhere with my tamagotchi's.

Day 12-1: Happy Easter Everyone!!!! Today is Kuchipatchi's and Oyajitchi's first holiday with me. Lucky for them they don't have to spend it with just me. Took some time, but I got two other Tama's to visit today. Kikitchi, and Petithanatchi agreed to hangout with them today. I thought it would be fun for all four of them. So these four are hopefully going to have such a fun day! Once again from Kuchipatchi, Oyajitchi, Kikitchi, and Petithanatchi, and myself Happy Easter! ^_^

The first Holiday: Kuchipatchi and Oyajitchi have visitors!:

Day 2-2: Yūki-tchi has finally grew into their adult form! I managed to get Maskutchi from my care. It is surprising to see I got that one even though I thought I cared a lot for it. Oh well I am just proud of Yūki-tchi finally growing up. I am not sure what Maskutchi will grow into, but I know I will be in for a very fun week. I know these updates have been short, and all, but I am at least happy that this has been getting read so far. Anyway I am gonna watch over Maskutchi. I will try to update daily here. Thank your ^~^
Oh LOL twinsies X) I thought that Oliver would be a best care character as well ^_^ oh well it probably was at the very end of his teen stage, but i love him nonetheless :wub:

Oh LOL twinsies X) I thought that Oliver would be a best care character as well ^_^ oh well it probably was at the very end of his teen stage, but i love him nonetheless :wub:
I love my tama's as well. They have been amazing to me. I did get Mametchi on Music Star though. Not the one that appeared in my recent log post

Day 14-1: Today I was able to go outside with Kuchipatchi, and Oyajitchi. It was out to my city's center which they quite did enjoy. On the down side however it was at a retirement ceremony so I couldn't get any pictures of them. Keep on exploring! Kuchipatchi, Oyajitchi!!

Day 15-1: Hard to believe it's been over two weeks. Kuchipatchi, and Oyajitchi, and I are out of the house. Today is the first day of my new job as well!!! Both of them feel happy for me yet worried that I may not have time for them. So I brought the two into work so they could work with me!

Work hard Kuchipatchi, Oyajitchi!!!:

Day 15-2: T-Today it is with a heavy heart that I must announce the tama that started this entire log Oyajitchi has went back home....(passed on but I hate to think that they die.) He was the one that got this ball rolling as Yūki-chi. Oyajitchi maybe gone now, but he will always be in my memories and this log..... Kuchipatchi is sad as I am about this no doubt. I can't imagine how Kuchipatchi must feel about losing his sibling....

Edit: Kuchipatchi is heavily upset. He ended up going to bed five hours earlier than what he usually does...

Long Live Oyajitchi! In memory forver and more:

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Day 15-3: Kuchipatchi grew into a new Oyajitchi... I am sorry but losing Yūki-chi I'm not in the best mood.

Day 16-1: Took Oyajitchi-2 to work again today. Happily he survived the day and is currently asleep. I don't have a picture to show you guys again, and for that I am sorry. I am debating whether or not to get a new egg on my egg shell white mini. Anyway hope to read your guys comments soon!

Day 17-1: Today to the surprise of Oyajitchi-2, and mine surprise it started to snow! He is wondering what it is, but to protect I will keep him close so he doesn't get sick.

It's a Winter Wonder Land Oyajitchi-2!

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