*remembers the days of v1-v3 where characters weren't gender-specific*
I sometimes wish it was like v1-v3 where you could have whatever character regardless of gender. Okay, I guess most characters were generation-specific. For example, on my v1, I could only get a Mimitchi and a few other characters on an even-numbered generation or Kuchipatchi and a few other characters on an odd-numbered generation. (I happen to prefer Kuchipatchi over Mametchi, possibly because I got so many Mametchi because I looked after my Tamagotchi too well!) But at least then you would know you have a chance of getting one every second generation and it wouldn't be a problem if you happened to have 7 generations straight of only Tamagotchi of the wrong gender for that particular character!
Or, if you're like me and got your generation counter stuck on 99
Anyway... Hope your Mimitchi has a good time back in the Tamagotchi World! I hope that when your Mimitchi's baby grows up and has a baby it's a girl so that you can get another Mimitchi seeing as you seem to like them so much