Mimitchi Logs


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Well-known member
Dec 21, 2010
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Ill start this logs of by saying hi, Yesterday my morino woke up from its cocoon and then changed into the character that you get from the white egg! He is doing well and he woke up at age 8! So tonight he will be 9 and is still not that needy~! I have seen a difference in the last 24hours but nothing major. Today I also hatched my 2 p2's They will hopefully be changing into Mimitchi and Zuccitchi! I wonder if I will get them or not! I guess time will tell! I also have my Familitchi running! They are on gen 1 so nothing much has happened! Will post more tomorrow! Byee

My mimitchi Fan

Dear log! Today I have been in school! It's been pretty boring but I finished all my school work! I came home from school about 30 minuets after the bell went, as I sat down I thought to my self " I'll see my little tamagotchi soon" as I got into my house I snacked them on the unit and set the time and took morino off pause and did the same for mimitchi tamagotchi and my other p2.

Morino has been really goof and still not that needy! He empties about 1 heart/leaf every 40 minuets and happy it's about an hour. Over all he is doing very good!

Mimitchi tamagotchi is still in the child form and will be changing some time tomorrow or Wednesday, he is 3 years old and is good as gold! The thing I like about the p2 is that they are so un-needy! I constantly check him anyway.

My other p2 is doing fine! Just the same as mimitchi tama! He is due to change tomorrow! So I'll post sone updates! Anyway I think I better wrap up this log by saying good night!
