Mimi&hanalover Entama logs!


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Well-known member
Oct 23, 2005
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My house ;)
This is the Mimi&hanalover Entama logs!!

My design is the Cafe Brown one, with a white ball on the antenna and blue and red beads saying TMGC. Hmm....

Anyway, my Entama is a Mamezoku Intelligence boy, very cute!!

His name is Popi♥♪* and he's a toddler Mamebotchi.

He has lots of GUTS points already!!!!

Kashikosa: 145

Oshare: 33

Yasashii: 16

The card matching game is SO easy!!! I always get atleast two matches!!!

The robber tama already came to me. :furawatchi: He stole 300gp.


And, I reset him as a Mamebotchi. But...

I got a Mamezoku GIRL!! She was so cute!!

She evolved:



Young Mimitchi


She's a Mimitchi right now... she has a TON of items!!

GUT points:

Mamezoku: 568

Memezoku: 42

Kuchizoku: 20


Pencil, graduating hat, Intelligence TV, Intelligence bath soap, Kindness bath soap, Preschool Magazine, balls, CA4LA hat, and matchmaker call dating service card 1

She has no friends, no parents, and no history (dead tamas) either. Now, to find my V3 log!!

Guess what?! About a half-hour ago, Yoko got a job!!

She was crying with her teacher, then he went up, while she waved, crying.

Then, a letter came in the mail!! I went to check it out. It was in the bottom option.

After I skipped through every single sentence some options popped up. I didn't know what they said so I just picked the first option. There were also options like ????. But I picked the first one, at the top of the whole list. Then, the king's servants came. I pressed B and they all said O, which means yes! The king gave her a magnifying glass. I think I'm a detective or scientist. Anyway, I got more Intelligence points!!

Intelligence points: 600p


She has one star in her job, and 11870gp!!


Magnifying glass, Kindness bath soap, Intelligence bath soap, Intelligence TV, Call dating service 1, CA4LA hat, Preschool magazine, balls, Microphone, Car, and Trampoline!!. Wow, I have the biggest lot of items EVER!! 11 items!!

Wow!!! This is all about her job, so be prepared!!

Today, when Yoko got 681 Intelligence points, she got one more star for her job rating!! So she has TWO stars!!

She also has 700 Intelligence points now!!

I went to e-Tamago and went to the office. I played a game in which she was supposed to be doing her job - online!!

Items: Magnifying glass, Kindness bath soap, Intelligence bath soap, Intelligence TV, Ichigotchi Town ticket, Ichigotchi Town strawberry from store, dragon, CA4LA hat, M block Intelligence, car, balls, microphone, trampoline, Matchmaker love card 1, Matchmaker love card 2, Matchmaker love card 3, and Pre-school Garde magazine

The car animation is so cute. Yoko swoons or something while she rides on top of it.

I also love the balls too. It sounds like tama balloons are popping, and she looks really surprised. Then, she gets covered in balls and look VERY dizzy.

I love the microphone also. She sings three different tunes. 1: she looks and sings fine, 2: she gets stage fright and 3: she decides to sing a little tune of her own.

The trampoline is the cutest of all. She has her eyes closed as if she's sick, then when she jumps it sounds like when you press B and she looks happy.

Today, at 5 or 4 (well her clock is set one hour forward), 3000G$ (gotchi dollars), came in the mail!! I'm guessing that's her salary. o_O

Yoko was brushing her teeth and I accidentaly stopped her. Oops!!!

I just went to Kuchipatchi Town, and bought a nice candle!!

Now, to start thinking about what I want for a baby!!

Memezoku GIRL

Memeputchi - Memepetchi - Young Memetchi OR Ichigotchi - Furawatchi or Memetchi

Memezoku BOY

Memeotchi - Memebotchi - Hinotamatchi - Togetchi OR Shimashimatchi

Mamezoku BOY

Mameotchi - Mamebotchi - Young Mametchi - Mametchi

Mamezoku GIRL

same growth as before

Kuchizoku BOY

Kuchiotchi - Kuchipotchi - Young Kuchipatchi - Kuchipatchi

Kuchizoku GIRL

Kuchikotchi - Kuchipetchi - Young Dorotchi - Sebinetchi OR Yattatchi

I hope you think this is a good chart - I have likes and dislikes. I don't like Pukatchi, Nikatchi, those kinds of characters......

Okay... I haven't posted because of my loss. My sister reset Yoko, and now I have a Memezoku boy because I reset it again. His name is Tama!♥@. The @ is supposed to be a spiral.


Memeotchi: already there --> Memebotchi --> Hinotamatchi --> Togetchi OR Shimashimatchi

This is hard: I don't like the best character you can get and I'm probably going to get high Intelligence points anyway.

For Shimashimatchi you need high Kindness points and for Togetchi you need high Style points!! HOW AM I EVER GOING TO DO THAT?!

So that's it. I wonder what is going to happen during his life - with Entamas you just never know. But I wonder if this gigantic sunflower like in the instrcutions is going to come. I wonder how it looks - HEHE HE HE!!

It's a TINY LITTLE BIT EARLY, but when he has a baby I want it to be a Mamezoku girl or Kuchizoku boy.


On Friday Tama changed into an adult!! He's Togetchi. I love him!! He also got a job yesterday! I have a cooking pan. I think he's a cook!! I just went on e-Tamago and I got a car and balls!! Haha he's funny!!

Okay, I'm catching up. Well, Tama left. I named the baby Tata♥, and he grew from Kuchiotchi to Kuchipotchi to Oniontchi. Personally, I think he looks cuter on Entamas then V1, V2, V3 and da da da.

Items: wierd hat, clay, Style bath soap, Style TV, Memetchi Town ticket, Memetchi Town mirror, 2 microphones, trampoline, heart card 1, preschool grade magazine, Guage dragon, JAL airplane, Eco panda doll KIRIN beverage, CA4LA hat, car, and balls.

I like your log! Cuz entama logs are my favorites :wacko: I've got one shipping from yesasia, but it says it'll start shipping out to me on June 22.... :) :wacko: *sigh* anyways, your log is very interesting! :p

Whoops! I forgot to say why: if a tama ships in thirty days that means it's Out Of Stock.

And Tata will never get a job because it won't happen. He's still a Kuchipatchi but DAYS have gone by!!

Whoops! I forgot to say why: if a tama ships in thirty days that means it's Out Of Stock. And Tata will never get a job because it won't happen. He's still a Kuchipatchi but DAYS have gone by!!
Oh, actually... it shipped a little more than 2 weeks early (well, yesterday actually)... even though they said ships within 30 days... so, maybe I got the last one or something! anyways, once again, I like your log!

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