Middle School


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Well-known member
Jun 1, 2007
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Atlanta, Georgia.
Okay, so I'm VERY curious about middle schools. I actually have a few questions about 6th grade.

It it hard to find classes there? (Like, your homeroom number.)

Do 6th graders get bullied?

They smoke at Lee (My middle school). How can I avoid these people that smoke?

What about lunch? Do you sit where you want to?

Locker combinations- are they hard?

Any advice for me?

Any funny stories to randomly blurt out?

Well, it's different for every middle / junior high school, but I'll try and answer your questions the best I can.

Is it hard to find classes?

No, it's not. My junior high school was huge, and after the first few days, I could get anywhere I wanted in a flash, with no questions or guessing whatsoever.

Do the sixth graders get bullied?

Well, in my school district, sixth grade is still part of elementary school. So junior high was seventh and eighth grade. Did the seventh graders get bullied? Nahh, not really. Most people got along fine. The underclassmen are usually looked down upon by the upperclassmen, however. When I was in eighth grade, I was sometimes like, "Ew, underclassmen," but really there were no confrontations and everyone got along fine. I really wouldn't worry about it.

How can I avoid people that smoke?

This sounds sterotypical, but I'm going to be honest with you. I know in my school district, I never really crossed paths with people who smoked because the majority of the smokers took basic / average courses, and I'm an all honors student. And it's really okay if you wanna hang out with smokers... Just if smoking is something you don't want to be involved with, don't give into peer pressure. If someone offers you a smoke or a hit, just tell them no thanks. They can't MAKE you try it. A speaker once came to our school and said, "There is no such thing as peer pressure -- you either do it or you don't." I believe that peer pressure does exist, but that speaker was so right about the second part -- you either do it your don't. Just stick with your morals, and you'll be fine, whether you come in contact with a smoker or not.

What about lunch? Do you sit where you want?

This probably varies from school to school, but I'd bet that yes, you sit where you want.

Locker combinations, are they hard?

I'm going into my second year of high school, and I sometimes still have problems with my locker. The combinations aren't hard, but everyone has those days where it takes them a couple of tries to open their locker. And that's okay. It's not hard, just sometimes annoying and inconvient.

Any advice for me?

Just get involved and enjoy it. Relax, and you'll be fine. Be yourself. I really enjoyed junior high. You meet more people and get treated more as an individual and an adult. Cherish these years, they'll be gone before you know it.

Good luck. ;3

It it hard to find classes there?

No. Well..My school is small, so there isn't a way to get lost XD

Do 6th graders get bullied?

6th graders are not in Middle school where I live. But the youngest grade in the school : No. They are on the other side of the school.

How can I avoid these people that smoke?

A Lot of people in my school do drugs :/ (Higher Grades). I haven't been "offered" anything yet. But we had this drug free class. Just say no if you are offered a cigarette. You can't "avoid" these people.

What about lunch? Do you sit where you want to?

Yes. But My lunch period lost their privlages of that, so be good XD

Locker combinations- are they hard?

The first few days. I had to change my lock in the middle of the school year (Because someone got my Combo) And I was fine. I had it down in 2 days. After that, it's a piece of cake. Although sometimes when I'm in a hurry to get to class, I don't hit my numbers exactly and It doesn't open. But some locks DO open in that case. It all depends

Any advice for me?

Bring your books. You might not be able to go back to your locker during/ inbetween periods. Pay attention.

Well, my middle school was still elementary, so I'll describe highschool. They're very similar so..

It it hard to find classes there?

On the first day, it is a bit terrible. xD But you will have a whole bunch of other people going through the same thing you are, so don't feel bad. And a couple days later, you'll know the place like the back of your hand.

Do 6th graders get bullied?

In my school, the youngest grade doesn't get bullied. You might be kind of 'rejected' if you try and talk to older grades, but they're just going to try and not talk to you as much. They'll leave you alone, don't worry. They might not be very friendly, but they're not going to bother you in any way.

How can I avoid people that smoke?

Well they're going to be at your school weather you like it or not, and it you happen to see one, it's not the end of the world. If you want to avoid them, just don't hang out with those types of people, and if you get offered a smoke, just politely turn it down.

What about lunch? Do you sit where you want to?

I'm assuming that you do, because it's lunch and all. Sounds somewhat hard to make a seating plan for it.

Locker combinations- are they hard?

At first, maybe. After like a week you'll know your combo so well you won't even have to look at it. Write it down on your hand for the first while, so you remember it better.

Any advice for me?

Study hard! Make some new friends and behave, haha. You'll love middle school, and once you're done, high school will be even better!

I have no stories right now, but if I think of some I'll be sure to post.

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It it hard to find classes there?

In my school there are only 2 classroom to go to, the science lab and our regular classroom, where the rest of our classes are. Just draw a map of the school.

Do 6th graders get bullied?

In my school, no. In other schools they might though. If you do get bullied, then just run for your life. Or report it to a teacher.

How can I avoid these people that smoke?

You probably can't, just don't take cigarette if your offered one. I reckon you know what drugs do to your brain.

What about lunch? Do you sit where you want to?

In my school people choose their seats for the year so we don't have to fuss. In some schools different groups claim tables, so sit with your friends.

Locker combinations- are they hard?

Are the locks in your school built in or do you bring your own? If you can bring your own then I reccamend (sp?) a word lock. Click. Instead of numbers theres words. DOn't worry about people cracking the code cause there are tons of combos to choose from.

Any advice for me?

Study hard and spend time with friends. Enjoy it.

Any funny stories to randomly blurt out?

Not at the moment. My brain is to tired to think anymore.

It it hard to find classes there?

Well, it all depends on your school. Usually, teachers will be more than willing to help you out. Sometimes, other students can point out classes. On my first day of sixth grade, I was looking for my math class and a couple of girls pointed it out to me. In my school, classes for each grade were usually grouped together so they weren't that hard to locate. Like I said, it is different for every school.

Do 6th graders get bullied?

Not usually. In my middle school years, I have never seen a sixth grader get bullied by an older student. Then again, it all depends on the people in your school and such.

They smoke at Lee (My middle school). How can I avoid these people that smoke.

I doubt that these people smoke during school hours. People in my school smoke too, but they don't smoke during school. Unless smoking is allowed at your school, don't worry about it too much.

What about lunch? Do you sit where you want to?

In all the middle schools I know, lunch seating is arranged by homerooms. There are certain tables for each homeroom and then students of each particular homeroom sit there.

Locker combinations- are they hard?

Locker combinations are usually fairly easy to remember. If you still can't memorize it, try coming up with a trick. For example, I was 6 when I got my dog, or my brother is 12 and such.

Any advice for me?

Just relax and be yourself. Don't stress out too much and you will be fine. Study and do your work. Try your best.

Enjoy your middle school years. :)

Any funny stories to randomly blurt out?

None that I can remember at the time. Sorry, I'll come up with some later.

I have more questions-

How long are classes?

Do you get to talk to people in the halls?

How much time do you get in the halls when you're switching classes?

Are you allowed to decorate your locker(posters, mirrors, etc.)?

Overall, what is your opinion of 6th grade?

Okay, this may sound weird, but I can't wait for school to start! I'm obsessing over it! I can't go 5 minutes without thinking of middle school! My mom thinks I've gone crazy. I count the days until school starts! I really can't get over it. My head is flooded with thoughts about middle school.

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How long are classes?

It depends on different school's schedules. In my schools classes last from 45 mins- 1 and a half hours.

Do you get to talk to people in the halls?

Yes, I don't think to teachers can stop you from doing that.

How long do you have to stay in the halls?

Depends on different's school schedules. If the school day is longer you probably get more time in the halls.

Are you allowed to decorate your locker(posters, mirrors, etc.)?

Probably. I think you can as long as you can remove it at the end of the year.

Overall, what is your opinion of 6th grade

Fun and exciting. You experience new things and have a pwnsome time.

How long are classes?

About 45 mins?

Do you get to talk to people in the halls?

Yeah, just be fast. You got like 5 minutes to get to class.

How much time do you get in the halls when you're switching classes?

5 mins

Are you allowed to decorate your locker(posters, mirrors, etc.)?

I believe. o.o I never did that or heard a rule about that.

Overall, what is your opinion of 6th grade?

DUDE, Middle school is not that hard, it's not scary at all. You'll get the hang of it, no freakin' out.

I'm a soon to be Sophomore (10th grade, high school)

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I love helping with these questions!

How long are classes?

It mostly depends on your school. Some are about an hour, others are 45 minutes.

Do you get to talk to people in the halls?

Of course! That time, as well as lunch, are your best social time.

How much time do you get in the halls when you're switching classes?

Again, it depends. At my school, we had about 7 minutes.

Are you allowed to decorate your locker(posters, mirrors, etc.)?

Yup, it's your locker.

Overall, what is your opinion of 6th grade?

Amazing! Every year you get older is better and better.

How long are classes?

It all depends. Mine are usually 43-47 minutes long.

Do you get to talk to people in the halls?

At My school, You have 3 minutes between classes (time to basically walk to your classes) So that's really your only time.

How much time do you get in the halls when you're switching classes?

3 minutes at my school.

Are you allowed to decorate your locker(posters, mirrors, etc.)?

In my School, only High Schoolers are allowed to decorate the outside of their locker. Anyone is welcome to decorate the inside though. Keep in mind you will possibly switch your locker as years go by.

Overall, what is your opinion of 6th grade?

My 7th grade year (first year of middle school) was awesome. I felt much more mature. You're going to love it :D

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How long are classes?

In my school, they're 55 minutes long x_x

Do you get to talk to people in the halls?

Nope. 'Cause I don't switch classes in my school. They teacher comes to us.

How much time do you get in the halls when you're switching classes?

^ Up there.

Are you allowed to decorate your locker(posters, mirrors, etc.)?

You can't on the outside. Only on the inside. I mean, in my school xD

Overall, what is your opinion of 6th grade?

It's okay. But that was just because I was in a bad class where everyone was so serious and trying to fight to get better grades than each other.

How long are classes?

On a normal schedule, classes are about forty minutes, not including first period. First period we have an extra ten minutes for the pledge and announcements. We don't have homeroom anymore. ;P

Do you get to talk to people in the halls?

Some kids do, but you've got five minutes or seven minutes, depending on what period it is next. Like after third we have seven minutes to go to our lockers and get to our next class. It's possible to talk in the halls, but eh, you risk being late. If you care. O:

How much time do you get in the halls when you're switching classes?

Five or seven minutes.

Are you allowed to decorate your locker(posters, mirrors, etc.)?

The insides, with mirrors and magnets and stuff, yup. And if it's someone's birthday, their friends can go before or after school to wrap the locker with wrapping paper. x3 With tape, of course.

Like others said, remember that you have to change lockers.

Overall, what is your opinion of 6th grade?

I liked sixth grade. It was a fun year, and my teachers were great. I ended up making new friends, as well. And don't listen to those television shows, I think most of the lunch food is pretty good. o: Like the french fries. :3

Overall, I think sixth grade was good~

How long are classes?

It depends on every school, but for my school each class was 47 minutes. (Except lunch which was a bit shorter)

Do you get to talk to people in the halls?

Sure. People do it all the time. lol Just don't talk too long and then be last for class.

How much time do you get in the halls when you're switching classes?

I got 2 to 3 minutes to switch classes. Then again, our school isn't really big so that could be why. Depends on your school and stuff.

Are you allowed to decorate your locker(posters, mirrors, etc.)?

I'm pretty sure you are. People do it all the time. I'm not sure how big your lockers are gonna be so you might not have that much room to decorate. I am positive you can decorate the outside because people do it for others birthdays all the time. :] So why not decorate the inside?

Overall, what is your opinion of 6th grade?

Sixth grade was great. It was a brand new start and loads of new people to meet and friends to make.


How long are classes?

Depends on your school.

My guess is probably about fourty-five minutes.

Do you get to talk to people in the halls?

Yes, though you'll probably only have about three minutes to switch classes.

How much time do you get in the halls when you're switching classes?

Depends. In junior high, for me it was three minutes,

But here at the intermediate, where the layout is bigger, we get four minutes.

It sounds like a small period of time, but really, it's plenty.

Are you allowed to decorate your locker(posters, mirrors, etc.)?

Depends on your school's policy, but my guess is yes, as long as it doesn't involve anything destructive.

Overall, what is your opinion of 6th grade?

Sixth grade for me was still part of my elementary school career, so I'll go with seventh.

I hated seventh grade, and it was by far my worst and unhappiest year. But that was strictly due to personal issues. The school was fine though, I made friends, and really enjoyed the change of pace and enviornment. I enjoyed the new responsibilites and the fact that you were treated more as an adult.

Honestly, it seems like your elementary school didn't prepare you very well for the transition to middle school.

There are always questions, but they SHOULD have told you about lockers and other school policies.

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