I tell people that I got to hug Gabe Saporta because Alex [from here] hugged Gabe and then when I met Alex afterwords, she hugged me.
I've gotten a lot of offers from people over YouTube having to do with my singing voice with them like, putting my stuff up places and possibly getting me signed and famous and blahblahblah. So I've talked to those guys [turned them all down, though] but I don't think they count. xD
I've met people from gospel groups who most of you likely have/will never heard/hear of.
I talked to Forever The Sickest Kids via Internet a while ago because they randomly added me on Ning and I posted on their page, "Hey, thanks for the add.

" and they responded with, "no prob.

I've tried to talk to Brendon Urie and Victoria Asher and, I think, Pete Wentz through Twitter, but they never responded. xD But Kelsey talked to who we think is The Young Veins's drummer or Jon Walker, by the way he typed, via Twitter.
I might have spoken to Sam Koster once on YouTube. I can't remember.
EDIT!: AHHH smilies.