Memorials of Faith


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Active member
Feb 6, 2023
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La Habra California
In loving memory of Chamametchi,
In loving memory of Memetchi,
In loving memory of Mametchi,
In loving memory of Neliatchi,
In loving memory of Mimitchi,
In loving memory of Loveletchi
And in loving memory of Mametchi2.
These were all of my loving TamagotchiPix
Family. May we cherish them and remember them forever! Coming soon! Tama memorial update. Leaving me by Faith.
So a little hack for when your Pix Tama’s grow up. Take a picture of your playdate and meetup QR codes. You will be able to invite them over to visit, and it will feel like they are returning from their home planet from a vacation!

The only catch here however is that you will need two Pix to pull it off, because you cannot scan your own QR codes from the same Pix they generated from.

Sadly however, I do have one Pix Tama that has moved on to better things completely. Lovetchi and I were “best buds”, but I forgot to get a QR code before sending her off!

May she find success in her fashion designer career and know that she will never be forgotten.
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