Memetchi7 is back on tamatalk!


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Hey people!! okay fabulous news on both tamas!! they both evolved!!! whoopppeeeeee :p my 4.5 evolved into a daiyatchi!! and Dash evolved into kuchipatchi!!!!! B) B) they both evolved today which is great. :(

Okay next thing i wanted to say is that i have no idea what adult i want monty to turn into!!! okay so according to the male growth chart it says that i can get either celebtchi or uramametchi with the right amount of funny points. [im aiming to get a character from the funny point column!] but the actually now that i think about it if i just keep raising my funny points i will get either one!! so as long as i get one of those to characters i will be happy!!! :lol: :lol:

i think i have siad enough for today update u guyz tomorrow byes!


:ph34r: :eek: :D

:furawatchi: :blink: Hey reader fabulous news on little monty!! he evolved!!!! he evolved into................... CELEBTCHI!!! yay and thats exactly what i wanted!!! [well either him or a uramametchi :angry: ] so anyway here are Monty's stats:

Name: Monty

Age: 3 yrs

Training bar: 5 bars

Weight: 45LBS

Skill points: 11,7,11

Job: school

GP: 4495

Gen: 4th

Gender: boy!!!

And as for little Dash he has 50% bonding and hes reading the matchmaker tomorrow or the next day!! <_< oh and hes on 3rd gen!

thats all for today later guyz! :eek:


PS: sorry about editing the reason for that is because i accidently hit add reply b4 i had finished!! :unsure:

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EEEEKKK great news on ver5.5 readers!!! my kuchipatchi mated!!! yesterday morning he mated with a chandeltchi!!! and then they evolved into papapatchi and crystaltchi! and then i got three eggs! And right now they are toddlers which are called:

Tororotchi: Betty

Mattaritchi: Sky

Belltchi: Sally

They have 10% bonding and i think they evolve tomorrow!! oh and their on 4th gen!!!

As for my ver4.5 hes currently 5 yrs old and will mate tomorrow!!! yayness! :huh: :furawatchi: :wacko:

Update u soon


Hey readers awesome news on little monty!! he mated!!!!!!! he mated with a urayattchi! :D :D eeeeeeeeeeeep! im so happy and then he got a baby girl!!! once he leaves im gonna name it Tulip! Oh and i forgot to tell u a couple of days ago he got a job at the hair salon! which is pretty awesome [but the problem there is that he is a funny character and the hair salon job raises gorgeous points oops!]

Anyways so as for my ver5.5 they also did something exciting today they evolved into teens!! here are the names and characters:

Shelltchi: Betty

Sky: Nonopotchi

Chamametchi: Sally

They have 30% bonding and their doing really well!! i brought some beef stew from the shop for them today :)

Oh and one more thing on my ver4.5 i took Monty to tamatown today and got a sundae and a passport as items!!

well thats it for today laterz :D


Hey readers omg i have TERRIBLE news about my ver5.5 it resest itself!!!!!!!! :angry: :mellow: :mellow: :( im soooooo unhappy so i took the battery out of it and put it away im so depressed!!!!! but i still have my ver4.5 running :wacko: :wacko: Ans Monty left his baby this morning! so i named her Tulip and now she is a kuchitamatchi! :p :p which is really great!

Oh and the other good news is that im on 5th gen on my 4.5 eeeeeeeeeeeeeep :lol: i took Tulip to tamatown this morning b4 i went to school and got a couple of cool items. Anyway thats about all i have on my little Tulip



PS: im still really unhappy about my ver5.5 and i miss Monty!

Hey readers great news!!!! my ver4.5 evolved into a urayoungmemetchi!!!!!! on of my most fave characters in ver4.5! i not gonna bother with stats for now becoz they are pretty boring but im still really proud of my little Tulip!!

Anyway this is now just gonna be a ver4.5 log becoz of my ver5.5....... speaking of which if anyone knows why my ver5.5 reset itself please PM me becoz honestly i have no idea how it happened!!! :( i just left it on my bed to go to the loo and when i came back it was reset!!!! :huh: :angry:

Anyway onto a more positive note Tulip got taken to tamatown last night and she loved!! :D :D :lol: we played games in the foodcourt and watched FEAR at the movies. And i got popcorn from the movie lobby :ph34r:

I think thats all for now talk to u guyz later!!!


Hi guyz! great news! Tulip evolved into uramemetchi!! i kinda knew she was going to because she was a urayoungmemetchi and she had more gorgeous points than any of the others but im still really glad! :)

So lets see she hasnt got a job interview yet and shes only 3 yrs old which means she will mate on Tuesday!!!! [but with my luck she will mate on Monday coz thats when monty mated and wasnt even the right age!!] anyway not much else to say really except that i cant wait until tuesday!!!! :ph34r:

see you guyz later :D


hey readers!!! really sorry i haven't being posting lately! but i have great new on Tulip!!!! she mated! :blink: :blink: She mated to a celebtchi and got a baby boy! and she is gonna leave her baby tonight!!! :D once she does leave im gonna name the little boy Salem! lol ive always loved that name! :p :wacko: Anyway thats about all i have to say as my ver5.5 is no longer running....

well laterz!!


OMG soooooo sorry i havent being updating you lately!! i have so much news!! okay so firstly Tulip left salem like ages ago and he then evolved into a hitodetchi!! which was great then at 2 yrs old he evolved into a diayatchi! :) :) And i was really proud of him AND THEN at the age of 3 he evolved into............. yasaguertchi!!!!!! :( :D

And so now he just mated with a uravioletchi [!!!!] and has another baby boy which im gonna name Yoda tee hee cute name lolz. Anyway my little Salem and Yoda are on 6th gen!! eeeeeeeeeeeeeepppppp :D :lol: Im so proud of little Salem right now and i hope his son is gonna do well.... and were about to find out in the next post that i write!!!!!



Hey guys i know i was just on here but i just wanted to say something, my little Salem has being wanting to have a say in my logs so im going to let him!! Plus his baby Yoda may be talking a little as well :lol: okay so here they go:

Salem: Hello there readers! im Salem Memtchi7's Tamagotchi and i have just mated with a gorgeous uravioletchi....

Yoda: DADDA me want to say sumthing

Salem: Sure love what do you wanna say?


Salem: okay okay little one please dont speak to daddy like that i will jut feed you a melon now.

*feeds Yoda and Salem melon*

Me: there guys all better now?

Yoda: yes im full with melon aunty memetchi

Salem: thanks mum were logging off now readers laterz!! say bye Yoda!

Yoda: Bye people of TAMATALK I WUV U ALL :D :D

lolz sorry that was kinda random. anyway thats all Salem, Yoda and i will talk to u guys later!!


Hey readers!! not much has actually happened with my tamas except that Salem did a poop :) And Salem should be getting his job interview soon hey Salem tell me what your dream job is!

Salem: well mum i think my dream job would have to be working in a HOSPITAL!! :kuribotchi:

Me: Thats great honey.


Salem: if you be quiet and let mum speak i will feed you a icecream!


Sorry they kinda butted in lolz. Anyway so when Salem gets his job i will tell you guyz!!



Hey everyone i just found out how to write in colour so i will be writing in BLUE anyway i have wonderful news!!! my mum discovered my ver5 at the back of a cupboard!!! Not my ver5.5 but my ver5!!! its a black jewel design and ive just hatched the eggs!! okay so my little bubbas will be speaking in purple so here they are:

Judge: omg im a Omututchi!! [male]

Boxer: Coolies im a Futabatchi!!! :angry:

Maddie: Yay im a mimifuwatchi!! :(

Me: Hello little ones welcome to the big wide world!


Hehe thier really excited to be here anyway they just did a poop ;) and i cleaned it up.


And the other wonderful news is that Salem got his dream job!! Salem tell tamatalk about your new job! oh and BTW alem will be speaking in Yellow.


Salem: Hey tamatalkers!! i got a job at the HOSPITAL im so happy :D :) hehe and little Yoda is happy too. say hi Yoda


Thats about it for now update you 2morrow laterz


Hey readers i have wonderful news!!! Salem left his baby!!! Ive just named him yoda hes sooooooo cute :) :) i hope he grow up to be a big good boy just like his father :lol: anywayz here he is:


Me: thats great honey hey maybe you should stop talking in all capitals?

Yoda: okay sorry it a habit :D :eek:

Anyways okay so lets move onto news about my ver5!! they evolved last night! here they are:

Maddie: OMG i evolved into sakuramotchi!!

Boxer: Awesome! i evolved into mattaritchi :p

Judge: im a Ahrukutchi!! thats great

So there they are and by the way thier called the tama family i gotta go to school now see ya!!


Hey readers, great news on my little Yoda he told me he wanted to tell you about it so here he is:

Yoda: Hey everyone i evolved into a kuchitamatchi this morning!! my mum is very proud of me.

Me: indeed hey how about you tell them about tamatown?

Yoda: oh yeah i forgot about 20 mins ago mum took me to tamatown and we played tama tennis and the waiting room game. and i got a trophy for winning tennis against memetchi!! :D

Me: yes we had a lot of fun didnt we darling

Yoda: yeah heaps okay mum back to you.

Yeah so anyways Yoda is now on 7th gen eeeeeep! im really happy about that!! Anyway lets move onto my ver5 Maddie will just tell you about her and her brothers:

Maddie: Hey everyone its me Maddie :wacko: And i just wanted to say that we got 2 bonding calls today and now we have 10% bonding!! Mummy said she is very proud of us!!

Boxer: Hey Maddie let me say something to the readers

Maddie: fine boxer but not too long kay

Boxer: fine :wacko: :wacko: Hey Readers!! Whats up? im great but today Judge has being getting on my nerves!! Anyway the other thing i wanted to tell you is that we have 400 gotchi points!! okay thats it loaterz readers!!

Maddie: i have nothing else to say so back to you mummy.

Okay that was a rather long chat but anyway thats all ive got to say so laterz!! and my tamas say bye 2!


Hello tamatalkers i have fabulous news on little Yoda he evolved into a kujakutchi!! :) hes sooo cute!! oh and he just got school mail be 1 sec i will just go answer it.... okay here goes the job interview:

Mr turtle pedia: Hello lovie im Mr turtle pedia

Yoda: hi mr turtle can i please have you has my teacher??

Mr turtlepeadia: Certainly!!!

Yoda: YAY i got accepted!!! and i just got a backpack! thanks

Mr turtle pedia: your welcome see you at school! :angry:

Yoda: kay byes!!

cool now little yoda can go to school!! now onto my ver5 they just got bonding call and it was the music one i selected the lat one because thats their favourite one!! here they are:

ALL: Hey tamatalk!! :huh:

Maddie: my brothers and i are all very happy because we just got bonding call so now we have 20% BONDING!!!

Judge: were awesome!!

Boxer: Totally well laterz!

Tee hee okay so thats about it see you later!

:huh: MEMETCHI7 :huh:

:furawatchi: :furawatchi:

Hey guys, i have great news on my ver5 they evolved into teens!!! they would like to tell you what they are:

Maddie: OMG im a shelltchi!!

Boxer: cool im a korokotchi!!

Judge: Sweet! im a mamekatchi!!

Me: awwww im so proud of you guys!!

So anyway their really happy that they evolved and the have 30% bonding! and 570 gotchi points. As for Yoda hes doing great but he doesnt wanna talk today becuse theres not really much to say about him expect that he has 2 training bars and his skill points are: 10,7,9.

Thats all for today byes!


:D :D :D

Hey everyone,

I have some awesome news on Yoda he evolved into a adult!! He wants to tell you what he turned into:

Yoda: Hey tamatalkers!! okay so the character i turned into is celebtchi!! :huh: I bet my father Salem would be so proud!! well back to you mum.

Thank-you sweetie. So yeah Yoda is doing great and his skill points are 14,8,9 he has 5 training bars and 3080GP :chohimetchi: im soo proud of him at the moment!

Okay onto my ver5. They are doing fab as well they have 40% bonding and 600GP their still a blended family though, and i think they evolve tomorrow so fingers crossed!! :D :) they dont have anything to say today.

So thats all post tomorrow laterz!


Hey readers REALLY sorry i havent being posting lately!! okay b4 i tell you about Yoda i just wanted to say that i took the battery out of my ver5 because i was kinda getting bored with it and i don't have the time to look after 2 tamas at the moment. :) :( okay so anyway onto the great news Yoda mated about 5 mins ago!!!! he married a uramemetchi and got a baby boy. i think i have got a baby boy curse!!.


But im not gonna complain. Okay so now i need to think about a name for the little tyke...... i know i'll name him Bobby!! B) B) tee hee i love that name don't know why. And another thing that i forgot to tell you about is that b4 Yoda got married he got a job!! Heres how the interview went:

Yoda: Cool!! i got a job as a rockstar!!! Oh heres the king now. Hello your highness. [bows gracefully]

King: Hello young sir congratulations on becoming a rockstar here is your present.

Yoda: thank you your highness!! cool a microphone! :wacko:

King: i hope you do well in your new career good-bye for now young one.

Yoda: bye your highness and thanks!!

So thats how his job interview went!! okay thats all i have to say see ya tomorrow!!


Hey people!! nothing much has happened to my little Yoda and his baby Bobby. But of course they both wanna say something so here they are:

Yoda: Hey tamatalk! its me Yoda i now 8 yrs old because i married at 7! And im doing well in my rockstar job. Okay little Bobby wants to say something.

Bobby: Hewlllooooo tamatalk! Me called Bobby and me love chocolate!!!!

Yoda: thank u Bobby for your little speech. Back to you mummy.

Thank you Yoda. Yeah so im quite happy for my little Yoda and my grandson. I'll just quickly tell you that Yodas skill points are 19,17,17 and he has 6 training bars.


Oh and he got 1000 points from the king this morning then another 400 just now! :wub: :( So hes pretty rich. ;) okay thats all for now logging off now laterz!


Hey guyz great news!! Yoda left Bobby!!! And as a matter of fact i was up when it happened!! [the reason i was up at midnight is because my parents were having a wicked party with loud music] So anyway it was sooo sad! i miss little Yoda already!! :eek:


So now Bobby is a Hitodetchi!! hes really cute! and he got accepted into pre-school today this is how the interview went:

Miss Flowertchi: Hello there little one welcome to pre-school

Bobby: thank you miss!! so have i being accepted??

Mis flowertchi: Yes you have congratulations! here is your present.

Bobby: Cool a backpack! thanks miss see you in class!

Miss flowertchi: okay little one good-bye

So little Bobby is really happy and i bet his father will be too. Im now on 8th gen!! thats a record for me!!! :eek: :eek: :) Im hoping to get to like 20th gen because its actually rally fun raising tamas and see how far you can get!! :)

OKay well see you later!

:eek: MEMETCHI7 :p
