Mellow Yellow


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Well-known member
Feb 5, 2007
Reaction score
WinterHaven, Florida
My new V3 came in last night. I had to make sure it worked and so I begun it rather than waiting for monday for the group hatching. Our new little one is named Remus and we learned to play get. Thet was fun. We did badly at first, but then began making real scores before long. We figured out how to turn off the lights, though little one liked to wake up unexpectedly. I had to suspend him a few hours for his own safetly while I went to work. After then, he went to sleep on his own for the night.

4 hungry

4 happy

1 training

0 yrs old

19 lbs

1 gen

300 p

Lokks like someone's awake. TTFN

4 hunger

4 happy

2 training

0 yr

10 lbs

1580 p

We took a trip to tama town. It was great fun. We collected suveniers and saw 3 movies. Then we bet on q race and played games. We went to school and participated in a presentation, showing our spelling skills.

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4 hungry

4 happy

3 training

1 yr

20 lb

1570 p

Our first transformation turned him into something looking like a tooth. Now he has become, I think, a young Mametchi. Anyway, at least he is now a form I know and love.

We made our first connection to Viola, v4. The two have been giving each other gifts and playing games together. It is so cute.

4 training


24 lbs

430 p

v3's do not get assigned jobs, so Remus brilliantly decided this meant he can be whatever he wanted. He now runs an internet store. Yay him! He now has a little brother Orion who he loves to tease.

4 hunger

4 happy

4 training



350 p

4 hungry

4 happy

4 training

4 yr

23 lbs


Remus has changed again, into a tadpole looking guy with a big nose. If anyone knows what this is called please reply to this and let me know.

4 hungry

4 happy

4 training

7 yr

22 lbs

1180 p

We are waiting for the matchmaker to come and hoping to continue this journal with a son or daughter soon.

We had a battery mishap, fortunately father and daughter are both fine. They both just need more time together after this.

4 hungry

4 happy

4 training

8 yr

37 lb

185 p

4 hungry

4 happy

3 training

1 yr

22 lb


2 gen

1135 p

She gave a poo to her little sister Raven and played games with her.

Changed into a Hinotamatchi.

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4 hungry

4 happy

5 training

1 yr

19 lbs

1645 p

I think Adrie's shape is quite interesting, thugh 'I never figured her to be the fire sort. Perhaps I should have, she has always been a passionate character. Why should this incarnation be any different?

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4 hungry

4 happy

5 training

3 yr

22 lbs

3540 p

She has become a Gorarutchi, also a very Adrie thing to do. She keeps to the shadows now, seeing herself as a champion for the underdog and a guardian of those weaker than she.


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4 hungry

4 happy

1 training

0 yr

17 lb


3 gen

8640 p

Baby Frodo is now in my care. He is a sweet baby, does not fuss as much as most that that I've cared for.

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