I sleep talk.
I sleep move a lot too.
Last summer on vacation at the beach, I shared a room with my younger brother && cousin, who I would call my sister. ^w^
It was a big room.
My cousin took the queen bed.
I took the bottom bunk of the bunk bed.
My brother took the top bunk.
When I woke up in the middle of the night, I was on the top bunk.
Somehow I got up the ladder with my comforter, to lay down next to my brother, while I was sleeping.
He was like, "What the heck Katie?!"
I sleep talk a lot too.
At the beach when I was like, 6, I shared a room with my Aunt Harriet.
I slept on the air matress next to her bed && she had the queen-sized bed.
We are incredibly close.
I was dreaming about a shark, & then I started screaming bloody murder.
She had to wake me up to make sure I wasn't like dying or something.
I was at my friend's house sleeping over one time.
We had our sleeping bags on the floor.
We were watching Scary Movie 4~ 8D
I like, fell asleep. I'm usually the first one out.
It was about 3 in the morning.
They said in the morning that while they were watching the movie, I lifted my head up && started talking, but they couldn't get what I was saying.
Then I rolled over && tried to grab my friend's stuff catapillar.
Stuff like that happens at about every sleepover I go to.
My friend's are used to it. x]
As for when I am awake, I do have some speaking... umm... issues.
When I'm with people I don't know, I am extremely quiet && insecure. Afraid to say anything. I only answer when I am spoken to, & a short answer at that, with a very low voice.
But when I'm with my freinds...
That's a completely different story. x]
I talk really loud, first off. Like, you can hear me across the room.
I talk really fast too. But my friends are also use to that && can understand me.
&& I talk, a lot.
After I like, hog up the whole convo, I feel bad.
But my friends tell me that's what makes me, "me."
How I'm so open && can talk to them for hours about nothing at all, && most of the time I somehow make it interesting.
Umm... so there's my whole talking schpeel (sp?). ^^;;