Meeting People From TT


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Maaaan, those dreams sound epic.

Acid: Mum becoming a famous grocery woman? I don't think so XD. But still, nice dream. Maria also coming from the ceiling and landing on my shoe sounds cool too.

Mikey: Wowwwww. Just wow. You wouldn't just walk away from us, would you? D:

Weiwei: Haha. That sounds funny. We came on the plane just to use your gym? For like, one day? Yessss, I would sorta spaz, if that's the right word. More like, jump-hug-almost-rape, haha.

I once had a dream where Esther and we went to Sharades, a mall. There was a giant sandpit, with a pacman that closes on it and almost makes us suffocate. She was wearing a neon yellow jacket. And she paid for us to go into the sandpit, yet she seemed pretty bored.

Mikey: I'd kill you if you walked past me without kissing me

Ksenia: I swear, win that SS comp, and I'll run to SA.

Hayden: I'm after youu.

I had an odd dream. I walked into a room and everyone I can think of on TT was sitting around a big table. You all looked at me then I walked out and bought a bottle of orange juice. Thats where it ends. It was very unusual.

I'm up for stalking. Any takers? xD
No but really. One day I'll get my own Epic Carmobile and drive round everywhere. I shall meet Feebee and Katie and Ksenia and Michelle and Krystal and Maria and Huntr and Shayna and WeiWei and Alex and Vivienne and everyone else who I've absentmindedly left out in this sentence. Oh yus. One day I shall be on your doorstep. <3
When this happens promise you'll break into my house, tie me up and throw me in the trunk please?

Unless there's no room in the trunk. I'll manage on the roof, if push comes to shove :3

WeiWei: What time are you going? If you don't feel comfortable telling me in public, you can always PM me.

Ksenia: No. I would probably walk up to you guys, just stare for a second, then invite you for some deep fried doughnuts with Weiwei. :)

Maria: I'd give you a nice big hug! xDD

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Oh my gosh Katie,

Every year my Marching Band goes to Kennywood. You should totally plan to come that day O:

I've never met any one yet.I used to live in Central Jersey, but we moved ;__;

To lame Delaware.

I've only met 'kiba and reji' because he's my cousin xD
I live on the border of Delaware. 8D

I want to meet Alex. Definitely.

Also, Michaela, Britt, Soha, Kelsey, KK Katie, Cinder Katie, Maylin, and there's deffo more.

The other night I had a dream where there was this huge debate. The judge type of person asked what's better, Eurasia or America? And pretty much all of you TTers were there, but the people I remember the most are: Esther, Weiwei, Mikey, Starry and Feebee. Anyway, everyone chose America apart from me and some retarded guy from my school. I then said I'm from Eurasia and Esther changed her mind. Weird dream indeed.

Tomorrow, I'm gonna beg the teacher to take us to playland so I can meet Weiwei! :)

Haha. Mum and I had a serious talk about Canada. If you call me begging and her grunting 'serious'.

Hey, I know someone on TT that lives in Canada. I met her when I went on my summer trip there, and went the the theatre. I knew it was her, because she was telling her parents about my 'awesome' rp (w.e.) Open Book, and her Mum called her 'Catleyn'. I walked over to her, and she was like, friken flipping out, and hugging me, and saying that my roleplay is awesome. Turns out she shares the same Birthday as me, and she's the same age. So Maybe you have a shot at meeting her, depending on which province.
And I also know my Oreo582 (Allison) in real life, and my sisters (unfortunatly)

EDIT: How come nobody wants to stalk me? lol
Yeah, we met. It was awkward. And Kaythina, how come you never mentioned that we found out we're actually 3rd cousins??? Anyway, it was an awkward meet.

Well,since Diva's coming to India this summer, then I can try meeting her.

And,(this is not likely but still), I might go to Thailand, since my dads friend lives there or just for tourism purposes.

And while I'm at it, I'll hunt Starry down XD

Oh my gosh Katie,
Every year my Marching Band goes to Kennywood. You should totally plan to come that day O:
O: When are you going?

Our school's marching band goes to Kennywood every year over the summer. All my best friends are in marching band, but I'm not. D:

I'd love to meet anyone and everyone that wants to meet me. But most of all; Alex, Sarah, Michaela, Kate, KKatie, Cinder Katie, Ginny, Emily, Nicola, and like everyone on TamaChat.

O: When are you going?
Our school's marching band goes to Kennywood every year over the summer. All my best friends are in marching band, but I'm not. D:
I don't know actually.

Band Camp seems so later this year. I'm off schedule with all of my events. I'll tell you as soon as I know O:

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