Meeting People From TT


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Mummy said our next minor [national] holiday will be to Sydney, which will probably be next year, if we're lucky. Unless of course, we win the lottery :]

Our next major holiday will most likely be to Canada. Not sure where yet, but that's what mummy said. She doesn't wanna go to America for some reason, so if I can, I'll come on Student Exchange when I'm old enough.

Student Exchange is like, when you're old enough, you go live overseas for a while nd live with a family who is willing to take care of you. You learn their about their type of lifestytle, and it's incredibly educational x3

I'd love to go on Student Exchange one day, but I dunno where to go.

You go to a school overseas and another student comes to your school. And you stay with another family and all. I hate strangers. Unless they have candy

I wanna meet Beth and Ksenia so much it's not funny! But If I meet Beth, I'm afraid I'll say "what?" everytime she says something. I can kinda understand her accent, but not enough to last a whole day! rofl.

I would love to do foreign exchange.

My friend's family hosts a few Germans every year,

And they are so awesome.

We teach them American/Pittsburgh slang. C=

If I ever did foregin exchange,

It would be to Japan,

Because that's my language elective.

I'm going to Japan in 2012. =D



I'll find a way to meet you two.

Somehow without my parents knowing.

That's the hardest part. XD

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^Haha. Yes. we are, Beth. That would be AWESOME!!!!!! Your awesome!!!! I hope to go on foriegn exchange and go to England. Maybe I could meet you! OMG! That would be the best day of my life when I met you!

And last night I had a dream.

I was at home, and then the doorbell rings. And guess who? Monstr, Oscar, Ksenia, Beth, Starfire, Huntr, and Admin. I stared, and I'm like. "Who's the adult?" I asked. And then Ksenia and Starfire are like "ADMIN!" And I looked around. I'm like. "MUM! I'm being stalked by kids and and adult from the internet. And my mum said. "Okay then. Have a nice life. So now I'm staring around like o.0 wth? And then admin said he bought plain tickets to Texas, and me, Monstr, Oscar, Ksenia, Beth, Starfire, Huntr and admin hopped on a plane to Admin's house, and he took us to his home. He gave us all laptops and we played tamatalk all day.

Epic dream.

Anyone want to meet me? XD

Person I'm most likely to meet is Vivienne XD

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