My ex-best friend got a masktchi ---->

and she completely killed it and didn't feed it or take it potty or anything! She let it get sick and die frm neglect. It's name was David.It started out as babytchi boy, then marutchi, then hinotamatchi, and then masktchi. She hated it! I said it looked a super hero dressed up for football or something. So after that she left her tama home averyday until the last day of it's poor little life which was about 1day she said watch it die and see me get a new tama. I was about to feed it, clean it, make it all better and then when I said give it here The angel icon lit up and she was like "YAY it DIED!"

I was so pi**ed! I mean sure it's kinda ugly but when you look at it in an angle it's actually really cute!