Masktchi Petetion poll


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Should we stop abuse to all masktchi's???

  • YES, They dersive respect!!!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • NO, They r ugly, why should we???

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Masktchis are Tamagotchis, too.

They desreve everyone's respect.

No matter what.

Besides if they get annoying, that's your own fault.


Yes, masktchi's are tamagotchi's to and if u get them and don't like it, thats ok. We aren't forcing u to like them, its just that we think that they need respect.

[SIZE=14pt]well we should respect them, coz u kno our parents or guidians, they care for us no matter wat (unless they're bad parents) and we're like parents or guidians to tamagotchis so we gotta care for them (unless u don't care for them even its a virtual toy)[/SIZE]

:ph34r: well, i didn't lyk masktchis and hindotamatchis but when i saw this post i realised they arn't so bad! i just feel lyk i've not taken good care of my tama! there not so bad- i mean some people probably think kudipatchis or hanatchis etc are ugly or they get annoyed cos they keep getting them bu there stil ur tama pets!! :furawatchi: :furawatchi:

my brother has 2 tamas and there both masktchis

I love these little guys :wacko: don't let them be abused!

I like Masktcis! i kinda wanted one when i first got my tama PS Tamagotchis Rock, that was total spam!

It's so mean the way people hate masktchis. I mean, I don't like it when I get a Maskitchi, I would perfer something else. But that doesn't mean I won't take any less care of them! I love my tama! I don't think they're ugly, I['m just not proud of them when I get them. Know what I mean? :ph34r:

I Reckon They're Kind Of Cute.

They Wear The Masks Coz they Are Scared, And Probably Coz Ppl Want 2 Kill Them!!!

:) :huh: :chohimetchi: :ichigotchi: :furawatchi: :gozarutchi: :pochitchi: :mametchi: :mimitchi:

i realy want a maskachi,but i dont like takin bad care of tamaz. :wub: theyr cute!!

Yeah cuz the coolest thing about tamagotchi's is that your Tama could turn into something unexpected, and if yours turns into a Masktchi, that's how u treated it! If it turn'd into a Masktchi, it means you still have to care for it and not just let it die! Besides, it's cool when you keep the generations coming and if a single Tama dies, you have to start the generations over again!

Ypu are SO right. A lot of people get Maskutchis and don't like them, but they keep gettin them bcaus they don't take good care of them, but that's no reason to kill them or throw them away. Too bad that this petition won't take care of the people that always kill them on purpose, eh? :marumimitchi:

I have a dream. A dream where the Maskutchi's are free to Bump and Jump along side the Memitchi's. Where the Oniontchi's dance and play alongside our velvet-faced friends. Power the Maskutchi's!

I totally think that peeps should stop killing Maskitchis :D !!!!!!!!!!!!!All you people that do,read my signature.that should get u to change your mind!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!there not even ugly.there cute :marumimitchi: !!!!!!!!!!!I own 2 :chohimetchi: :ichigotchi: Maskitchis and im taking very good care of them.

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