Country: Argentina
Human Name (if said country has none, make one up): Armando Balduino
Gender: Male
Age (if you're not sure about an age, ask me): Twenty-two
Personality: Armando is a young, confident man with a massive heart. He is courageous, but always tends to think he's right, which leads him into major arguments. Also, like Arthur, he has a low tendency for alchohol (he also gets rather angry when drunk).
Looks: Armando has shaggy dark hair and matching chocolate eyes. His skin, like Aroha's, is dark but a few shades lighter. He has some facial hair, which represents Buenos Aires. He, for some reason in my head, wears the Los Pumas rugby union outfit (what I imagine him in lolol). He is quite tall, a few centimetres shorter than russia, and is also slightly muscular.
Allies: New Zealand, Canada, America, Russia (tries to anyway), England.
Enemies: Russia (when drunk)
Friends: Canada, America.
History: No.
Other: No.