Marshmellow Delights


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Mr ducky buck teeth... Married a miss ducky buck teeth. Lol. Had a little girl. It was sorta fitting to marry the same tama I currently have. I keep forgetting I can't see my Akai when I have this one light on. I always try to play with my tamas or pets at night before bed. This one, pretty much fail unless my normal light is on.

Guess who finally showed up during a battle on my Precure Phone? (as if you all watched it...) Cure Lemonade! She was the last to show up to be transformed. She looks cute in her Yes! GoGo Precure outfit. I don't think it did anything though. I am half expecting Echo to show up since it is an Precure All Star, New Stage phone...

Confusing however that when Bloom and Egret show up as the hero in battle... They have their Mix Communes, but when they show up as Bright and Windy. they have their Crystal Communes.... Say whaaa.... It should both be Crystal Communes in there. Someone made an oopsie?


Cure Lemonade

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My little Akai girl has done some growing since she was born. Was a chibi cuteness, then a cheri, now is something like a rounded doll. The name ecapes me this moment of the doll. She gets sick easier then her dad did. If I don't play with her as often, I find her sick. Poor girl. I think I named her Ai on the text... But I can't be too sure right now. Still trying to remember them all.

Playing Hiragana Pixel Party. Its low-tech looking, but its pretty good. Although remembering the letter chains on level 6... Pain to even finish. If I do at all... Stuck until I can be faster. This level I might need to team up with my nephew. He hits the buttons and we try to remember the letter chain. He has a better chance then I do beating the level and probably the game too. Hahaha.

I have also been playing Chowdown (hiragana, katakana...other stuff) to help memorize the letters. Its pretty easy but it does reset the levels back to 1 if you leave... Maybe I haven't gotten far enough.

Both might help you read your tamagotchi. Although I figure Kat is needed too. I picked Hira to start with....

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My tama... She is something like a human with a rectangle head. Humm. Needs lots of care... Probably lack of me checking her as often. She enjoys the balloon toy though.

Been playing this MLP.FIM game. Currently level 32... Probably lv33 later. It reminds me of the smurfs, except with pony. I like it can connect to the internet but it doesn't have to be. Many of my games have to have the internet to even play. Thank you its not. They must of considered all the young children who have to play with a gadjet to keep them from being loud. This one burns time will too. Hahaha. Just sit there with it open... Hit the shops, play 20 second games... Ya.

I might turn off my Akai... Turn something else on. Like a Nano pet or a Giga pet... Maybe my frog. That hasn't been ran in a long ol' time. This reminds me back when I would carry my tama, my giga kitty, my giga frog and my nano kitty to school. Parents would eye roll but they didn't want to care for them.... So... They let me, only if I agreed not to play with them in class. Which I am pretty sure I did... But only when they were getting on their soap box about a topic. Like... The Oregon Trail.... Or... Higher Scientific stuff they tried to slip in. Oh and when the school was putting on an "educational" play. *facepalm*

Turned on my Floppy Frog. Seems he reset himself.... Probably too much swinging. I guess that means I carry him by hand. Oh well. Thats froggy rebellion for you. Nothing like being a room full of older people when it chooses to reset. All the beeping of the time setting. I didn't name this one because they probabaly would have shot me a glare.

Off to play more pony then...

My frog does reset itself... I need to fix it on the inside then. Boo. Oh well, I have done that before. Guess another pet needs to be turned on. NanoKitty or TeeTee Kitty. Humm.

Playing my Pony App. Need more buddies on the App. I am sorta stuck in a waiting mode. Gaining money and just buying the pony I can. Fluttershy is next to get... That don't require diamonds or hearts. Blah... Rarity is a diamond pony I think. *glare* I will get her...

I got some pony unlocked last night. Not sure what I did but I bought Trixie and the Music one. Yay. I bet they unlocked them when I leveled. Once those two were bought they went back to diamonds. I am on level 39. Lol. I might have been a bit higher if I kept playing when I was sewing a scarf. (inspired by Rainbow Dash)

Last night, I was also watching Bridge to Terabithia. The girl had a pegasus on her shirt. The green/teal shirt at the beginning. Its HELIOS! Yes! The one from Sailormoon. I always thought it reminded me of something. Sailormoon SS, when ChibiUsa first reaches out to touch Pegasus/Helios. Then he turns to his more human form.... Blah! What did it take me so long! Dang! sailormoon fandom in a Disney movie! Hahaha! Take that America lisencing committy that removed SM from the airwaves! It lives.... And of corse, it will live again too! Lets just bring those italian dolls over here.

Link of her in the SM shirt....|14;d|gMu2Z07cT9E2oM:

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I am on level 45 on pony. I would be almost at 46, but something made me loose some experiance points. Probably had something to do with my icloud freaking out... Its okay. I have Fluttershy and DJ Pon3 now... Few other pony. Some people have added me. They are getting hearts from me and sending me some too. I am getting close to Scootaloo now... I would rather her be Sparkleworks though.

Had my Aquapalz Dolphin on. Its cute and it like bubbles. Hehehe.

So... I went snooping. Saw a Tama P for purchase... I sat for a moment. Bought it. Lol. I couldn't resist it. Its Pink. I am actually glad its not white... My IDL is white. Seems to be the popular color for tama p. If I was going to get one, I didn't want a color I had on another color tama. (Blue, White, Purple.15) So it was Pink, Yellow, Green or the Blue.... Since my Blue isn't the same shade. That narrowed it down. It helped it was EMS. Lol. Happy Black Friday.

Waiting game. I have not seen my Tama P shipped yet. Although... It will likely update or ship Tommorrow. I hope its shipped and they haven't added my tracking info yet. I want to have it by the end of the week? That sounds funny, but it will happen, hopefully.

I am sitting here waiting for a few things to finish. My neighbors are mowing! It snowed... And melted... But where did that grass grow? I don't think it did at all. Crazy people. If anybody needs to mow, its me. We have the longest grass over here. Oh and its still green, not a brown or crunch yet. Its almost December! Is it really nessasary here? Its snowed enough to probably call it good. Too short and it will make it dead if it's roots get frozen.

I want my Tama P so bad right now. Lol. Until then, I plan to have my other color tamas on. I need batteries though. To BigLots! Well... Maybe I will go to another store. I might carry them in my cute BalletUsa bag. (The playset with a fabric room, sewn at the edges)

I really want a big plush with a zipper and a nice tuck away spot for them. I want to hug them, but they are too small. Derp. I made this one bag but it looks like I am carrying a pillow purse thing. Lol. Its good for at home, but not directly public.

I made a case for my color tamas last night. It holds two IDL shape tamas. It probably holds my Color to, but with its back, it might stretch the back a little. I have them sitting in a metal pencil box for now. The pencil box only holds 3, so its a temp home for carrying. The case is so they fit inside together without being too thick. My other pouches were too thick to be in my pencil case together. I plan to make a plush to hold them.... I am totally thinking a Pony so they can be in the legs. Lol.

No update on my Tama P... Boo, but I would hope it is shipped now. No tracking number update as far as I have seen. To put on top of that ... CDJapan misses me. They were a few days late considering I might have bought my P from them. They said I have points yet... Hummm. Like $4? Something like that. Buy stickers for the heck of it or something. Doesn't looks like they have the Piece right now.

I have Trixie and Lyra Heartstrings in a MLP.FiM figure. I could not resist after seeing them in different stores together. Atleast my last stop had them at the cheapest price.

I made one of my weirdest looking pouches yet. Its like a triangle, but with 4 pockets. But the top looks so strange. I made a handle and then put fabric on the handle with a hole so they cover the opening. It looks so strange to me though. Oh well. Maybe I need to make a round cover to cover the akwardness of it. Hehehe.

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HLJ has had a backup in orders... Just as I thought. I was hoping it was just tracking numbers that weren't updated yet. The whole thing... So my Tama P, it hasn't shipped yet. They said they have been backed up by about 4 or 5 bisness days. Yesterday being the 4th. They said its going to be shipped soon. (tonight in other words, likely) The wait for my shipping update continues. Atleast I know it will be here in a few days. Anybody who probably bought after Friday.... Probably in the same boat as myself.

I have Makiko on my Color. Little Air guy on my 15th. Happyboitchi on my IDL. I think... Hehehe. Playing with them for the duration of my wait. I will probably leave an IDL on but I don't know which yet. Love my colors though.......

Playing with my Precure phone too. I think I unlocked everything now. I have all the pictures they sent me, the henshin, the regular human self, the fairies... I like seeing all thhe characters together. I just wish Echo was in the phone since it is from the movie. She was only a temporary precure though. I want Kaoru and Michru in the phone too... The Dark Yes! Precure 5 in there.... Regular queen, the Flora Princess... They have tons of characters they sorta missed.

Turned on my nano. Little girl. We should totally hatch our tama P together... Like Christmas break. Usually a week before Christmas for my end. Or a New Years hatch... Or both. No resetting, just where you are. Hummms... Little early yet to create a hatch, but I am sure people will want to. People should be getting them around that time.

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Oh boy... This version of the waiting game is really sucking. HLJ, they didn't send my Tama P. sad face. I hope they send this weekend. From the sounds on the website, they don't ship weekends. I hope they allow/ do this time around. If they have that big of a back-up...

I am sitting here thinking of funny ways to let them know I am waiting. Most recent. A picture of my cat holding my color tamas. It would say "send me more" (and have my order number on it) it might be funny. Might be even more exciting if she was holding all of my tamas. I wouldn't , but the thought makes me feel a little better they are being sluggish.

My nano, she turned into Lovlitchi. She looks so squishy on the nano. Yes, squishy.

I also have reduced to one color tama being on. That would be my 15th. I love the locations. Its the little flower girl that was an adult in the p1 or p2. I am not trying for any tama in particular. Have them both in some cases I made the other day. Nano sized and IDL sized.

10:07am, on a Saturday... HLJ finally sent my Tama P! I didn't need to send the picture of my cat afterall... It still might be funny. So roughly an hour ago, it was sent.

I was in a store... Exiting, I had quarters. We had some quarter machines with Rubber Ducks and stickers in one. I splurdged and bought one. I got a pair of Duck Stickers. One was a Bee Duck and one a Star Duck. The Bee Duck said... "Bee Happy". I did feel a bit happier after I got that sticker. I went home saying... This is lucky. I come home. Look at my duck stickers some more.

Then motion to my computer. "Time to check the Tama P" I get online. Check a few minor things... Gearing up for what I was hoping a message. I opened my email to see, "One unread message" I was like.... OMG. then look... HLJ. "Shipping Notice" I go OMG again. Then open it. It was shiny.... Had my shipment info in it. Everything I had been waiting a week for.

The Duck sticker... I look at it again and go. "Thank You Ducky Sticker" it maybe childish, but ot made me feel better for my long wait for some reason. Bee Happy... It was like it was telling me it was sent or about to be. This sticker... It might go someplace special. Its funny, a sticker that might be lucky or sends cheer.

Yes, the Duck sticker isn't much... But in a way, it seems that way right now.

Another baby on my 15th. She is a girl. Her mom was a Makiko. Shes a reindeer baby.

My nano is lovlitchi. I really do like her look more and more....

Yesterday, I was out all day. Ruin the Orange Dora (the explorer) guitars! Ga.... Long story short. It was about to be ruined, even if it was someone's favorite toy... Loud, annouying, and definately needs a volume control. Anyone familiar with this toy, I am sure you are about the same way when its played with.

I am pretty sure my Tama P is in my postal office. The tracking hasn't updated... But they tend to get items and not update until the morning of delivery. So, I might go try to get it from them. If not, I am sure they will get it to me in the morning. Hahaha. Either way, I am very excited! We had a sub mail person today so... Maybe why it wasn't passed over to me?

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It wasn't at my post office yesterday... It was at my other one. Derp. So I decided to wait for it to get here. Its out for delivery now. I went to the post office to see if I could get it earlier since the route has been a little late. She left early and the tracking thing doesn't say "en route" Suuuu.... Wait. I gotta wait for the mail. I don't want to go to the post office a 3rd time. Hehehe. I will try to remember to take pictures when I get it. I don't do open box stuff. I open, set and play.

Got my Tama P! Yay!

I was out shopping today. I had it with me today, but I haven't placed the batteries inside of it yet. Scary? I am joying to start it now. I might not have pictures uploaded right away but I will try to remember to take them. I wonder what one I will have first...?

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I have a girl tamagotchi on my Tama P. pink and blobby. Very cute. She turned into the cute ghostie doll. Awww... So cute. I have it hanging on and MLP:FiM lanyard I got at Hot Topic yesterday... Then went back today for the Rainbow Dash plush backpack. Super cute... I can put my tama in there and cuddle R.D. At the sametime. Lol. Got some pins, a reusable bag (R.D and Derpy Hooves/Ditzy Doo) then... Open it to look at my stuff again. They tossed in a Dvd! Hahaha! At The Gala.... Yush. Or it was two pennies... Lol.

I need pictures for my Tama P. The ones I took yesterday, blurred. I was to excited... It happens. Didn't take any today, but maybe I will tommorrow. I love how the inside (under the clear screen part) has a halographic tint to it. Very pretty under the clear part with gems in/on it.

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Hummm. So I was thinking my tama was going to sleep soon after I played with her. Not quite. I forgot the time was still a bit late. She turned into the Orange-colored strawberry, something of the sort. She was hungry a bit, I fed her some food and played some games. She felt better after that. I adjusted the time to match my own. This morning, I didn't check on her right away and she got sick. I felt bad... I got her feeling better again. Then painted her in pastels.

I love the look of the Tama P. it looks so nice next to my others. I plan on taking pictures of my colors together again. Not to mention my whole hoard of tamas again, maybe include my others. I have a ton of them... Might need another tama home soon.

My plush Rainbow Dash backpack... The pocket part, it really isn't that big. It fits my Tama P (and other colors too) and that is where I planned to put it at night. That way, I can hear it in the morning and maybe check it in the night. Easier to fimd a big plush thing over a small plastic egg. Although... Plush city around my head. I would rather hit them over my wall since I moved my bed so close to the wall/window in one direction. Hehehe.

My tama should change if I change the time. She will be in her adult form. She will be my first adult on my TamaP. Exciting!

I got kiraritchi! Yay! She is so cute. The one I wanted to get first. That is super cool. Hehehe. I need pictures. Derp.

I am Going to eat some pancakes. Barrowing some internet. More later.

Bloop! Trying to find the food that is Kiraritchi's favorite. I know it, but I can't seem to pick the correct one. I did use the Tiara. It was a guess and I was right. Used the sceane clapper thing from the movies, that was a cute animation. Also an happy item. Otherwise, I found the marrying place by accident. Told her to go home before her dream shows up...

Went to the park a few times... Maybe its the seaside. Anyway, she met a nice Kutchipatchi there. He took her to a fair and bought two ice cream cones. Aww, it was so sweet. I think he wanted her to go again a bit later. Maybe he will show up when its time to marry for real? I think they would make a nice couple.

Made yet another pouch. This one is holiday themed. Sorta, it came out of a felt pack with Christmas themed felt. Made it so it could be held by a keychain hook nicely. On my MLP:FiM lanyard. That way I am not always using my cross pocket thing... Its nice, but I don't want to use it everyday. Hence, more pouches, more choices... Although IF I could get away with it. I'd be carrying my Rainbow Dash backpack with my Tama P inside, everywhere.

I still have my Kiraritchi. Maybe I will marry her off ToMo. Found the cake. *facepalm* the first guess... That ended up being the last. Haha. Finishing a character puzzle, cute. I don't really want her to go but I want to meet thr other characters too. I will just enjoy her time with me.

And myself still without pictures. *sulks* I got to try to get atleast one of my Kiraritchi.... Duration, taking longer then I thought for images. Lol.
