Marilyn Mandon Vs. My Chemical Romance


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Actually I was j/k, I wanted to see what anybody said. I think he's like, SOOOO UGLY! And his voice is SCARY!
xDDDDDDDDDDDDD muwahaha... you are good LOL

but seriously.. he wouldn't be too ugly... if he didn't have all of that make up on... o_O

just not hot.. LOL, he woud kind of look normal >.>... wait nah.. still scary looking...

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Yeah, I'm pulling this from my memory so scuse me if I'm wrong. I believe he, as in Marilyn, said something like, "I'm like, 700 (yes he said 7 hundred) feet tall, and he's like 2 (feet tall)" then he called him a dwarf.
One thing I have to say Marilyn Manson is ugly.....

Frank being short is not all as bad as Marilyn Manson being sooo ugly... >.<

i dunno who i am mored scared of... marilyn manson.. or ronald mcdonald....


i still can't beleive he called frank a dwarf! It's not his fault....

he needs a life xD

but i still respect anyone who is on Mariln Manson's side... i just feel he was being alittle rude thought for bugging them.. >.>

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I dun know. I like MM....

but im definitely on Gerald's side. I trust him not to steal a look from anyone, and MM needs to leave Frank alone...Besides, other bands do it to. hes just picking on MCR cause their on of the more popular bands right now...



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