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May 11, 2010
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well i would like to get mametchi or mimitchi on my v4 ut evrything says to take good care and never let the hearts less than 1 but sometimes i get poop or a snake in the mail then i hav only 1 heart left!. how to i prevent this and how do i get mametchi? thanx! ^_^

us to get a mamectchi you need like 100 or 150 int 100 of the other stuff pencils are inteligence

There is no way to prevent your tama from pooping, and no toilet training is possible, you just have to clen up the poop, and play games with your tama when it's sad. There is no way to prevent negative mail surprises either. But you sure have to get a lot of smart points (pencil point) also, and take good care! :wacko: :) :)

Well i think that if your fortune is quite high up you have lower chances of getting a poop or snake and on v4 and v4.5 raise the happy stats l-----l


......................................l--U--l <<<< looks kinda like that :(

Edit: Hope i helped


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All im going to say, is that Mametchi is one of the easiest male characters to get. All these tips and tricks and whatnot, dont usaully work. Just take care of it well, and make sure its a male, and nurture it well!

V4? I currently have a mametchi and mimitchi running on both of mine, here's what you do:

It's pencil points have to be higher than the rest (I got my mimitchi and it's pencil points were only 63!)

Keep its weight down by playing games.

You can let more than one heart drop, but if it beeps, you have to feed it before the attention light goes off (Mine always used to have empty hearts, but I always fed it before the attention icon went off)

For mimitchi, it has to be a girl on an odd generation

mametchi must be a boy on an even generation.

That's about it! Here is a picture of the mimitchi and mametchi for you:

us to get a mamectchi you need like 100 or 150 int 100 of the other stuff pencils are inteligence
I'm afraid that's untrue, I once got a mametchi from only 34 smart skill points, the other two were in the 20s.

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