mametchi & memetchi


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mametchi screamed for help and princess tamako jumped in surprise. the dollhouse was a present from her brother and she didn't know the "dolls" were alive

Princess Tamako took them out, laid them on the floor, and used an invention to turn them back to normal size. They told her the story. "Stupid Tamahiko! Stupid brother! I cannot believe he did such a terrible thing, as the heir to the throne! I cannot believe this!" Princess Tamako went to the king, shocked, and told him the story. The king was shocked. He was full of anger. He took off all the royal clothes Tamahiko had, and stole his horse, and banished him from Tama World, the king sent Tamahiki to Earth.

Memetchi was immediatley rushed to the Tama-hospital, almost ready to have her babies. Mametchi zoomed alongside the ambulance, hoping that he would get to Memetchi in time. Memetchi was rolled out on a stretcher, having severe contractions. Mametchi was not far behind. He rushed into the hospital, but then was stopped by the guards.

"Sorry dude. You don't wanna see the babies being pushed out. It's sick."

"Fine." Mametchi said, and starting worryingly strolling back and forth.


A baby cry.

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