mametchi for ponytchi!


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When Ahsley went to the hospital,they gave her a splint instead of a cast.She sued Mimitchi.

soon enough the mametchi got married to a girl mametchi and soon had a :D . Ahsley was furious but soon got very sick and was paralyzed for life.

mamechi retired and soon gotsick really really sick the hospitals couldn't fix kind.

ponytchi saw that mimitchi was teaching his kidshow to kill tamas this was the final straw.

then ashley(from now on ashley due to a spelling error)found the kids.but the kids tried to kill her but ashley made them grow soft and friendly and they started being how they were born except ann marie didn't want to give up smoking so she stayed being punk.ashley cried about this and then...

they had actually just been nice, as a survival tip. They all ran away one night. Ann Marie brought back their punk.

Meanwhile, the reincarnated Mametchi, who was named Kite, was a harutchi. He lived with the Houston Astros, who kept him as a pet. He didn't mind. He just spend his time during games just watching. He still had his passion for baseball.

The reincarnated Mimitchi hopped up to the gang, and they took him in. He was a harutchi too.

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But then she came back to life to get her childeren back which weren't kids anymore they were adults.

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