mah tama loggeh!


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Jamie is a Mizutamatchi!

same as her mother!

ummph... i don't know,

my leg itches


i think I'm gonna watch American Idol!


and read old logs!


-Jaycee and Jamie♥


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lots of rolling on the floor today!

all my friends were admiring the fact that she was a teardrop...

and the ones that pay attention noticed she took after her mom

other people freaked out because " you still play with those?!?"

in hi!school, I'm the talk of the day because of the things i play with in class

:] i feel special sometimes ♥


I'm having trouble with getting her weight down!

I'm seriously worried she will die of fatness!

and she is asleep right now

:] well I'm gonna goo then


-Jaycee and Jamie♥

Jamie evolved!


Jamie the Hashitamatchi!

Has a nice ring right?


Hey!! be nice! > :D


She is doing fine!

Her weight is normal and everything!

I really have nothing else to say so,

till next post!


-Jaycee and Jamie♥♥

Last night, before bed...

Jamie told me she admires Bunbuntchis,

and ninjas! :lol:

So that's what were aiming for!

:] and also she some guy while she was out with Jen, her BFF,

and he bought her a movie.

She says he is the most gorgeous Hinatchi she has ever seen.

His name is Rudy.


And she gave him his number!

Well ill post more, later on.


-Jaycee, Jamie, and now Rudy :]

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Some body has passed on.

Sorry to say that somebody was...Jamie.

It was an accident, for i was busy with everythi9ng throughout the day,

and had no time for even calling Jordan.

So i decided not to reset.

And I think i am gonna start using my...

Music Star.

PM me with what ever other kind of tama you think i should use.

[i have every version from v1-v6 tour edition]


-Jaycee ♥


I'm sorry i was gone!

i am going to try and post daily again!

i just hatched a v4.5 and its a baby girl.

Her name isss....Anzu!

that means apricot in Japanese :]

and ill report what i did when she evolves :] not to mention the tama town adventure!


-jaycee! [anzu and a new boyfriend]

imm soorrryyy!!!

Anzu kinda...went to a little girls backyard,

never to be seen again.

soo now i have a v4 boy named...


[no TWILIGHT intended]

and i promise...i will keep him alive as long as possible. :]


i just made it to 14 on jump rope!

pretty darn special.

and now im going to tamatown.

will you guys PLEASE pm me s

aying what you want me to do during this log?!

cuz i have absolutely nothing!

well just to lett you guys know,

i broke up with jordan!

he was a total perv, and then the next day i was hanging out with jacodie

then we became best freinds

and on the 26th he asked me out

:]i hope you guys are proud of me

till next post!


-Jaycee and Jacob and Jacodie :] ♥
