Well-known member
[SIZE=14pt]I read teen magizines sometimes[/SIZE]
Thats sounds like a good magazine...Sometime's I'll buy an Issue for something to talk about at a Sleepover, but there alot of things in Teen Magazines that I just can't agree with.
A Magazine that I really like is Brio, which is a Christian Girl's magazine, packed with truthful information about Our Saviour, and yet, still has the features that the Average girl wants like Health and Beauty.
bart simpson? I thought u were obsecced with tom felton/droco malfoy...I only get Tiger Beat!!! I only have 1 more issue of Nick Mag though... But I think I'm gonna join the Nick Mag club! I LOVE the fake "TOON PEOPLE" mags in some of the issues. I'm still looking for my one that has a pic of Bart Simpson looking hot on it(you all know that I'm OBSESSED with Bart Simpson)
Funny story time!I don't like gossipy magazines. I'm a nature freak and a bookworm, I love National Geographic, I own 31 magazines. =D
LOL! XD They banned NG? I'd asplode.Funny story time!My school bannned all National Geagraphics! They say they are inaproprite! Lol