Well, i was in bed last night and my butt was itchy (no comments please. lol). I pulled a deer tick off my buttcheek, which was indeed causing it to be itchy. Well before that, i had all the symptoms of lyme disease... Joint pain, rapid change in temperature, headache, flu-like symptoms, etc. My mom said it was just from looking at the computer screen all day. (psh yeah right.) Right now i am very hot and i have a headache. I have pulled deer ticks off of me before so i know what they look like when they're swollen up with blood... and that's what this looks like. both my dog and my stepdad have had lyme disease and we live in an area where it is EXTREMELY common, so it's no big suprise if i do have it.
Can someone help me with this?
Can someone help me with this?