Lucid Dreams


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Well-known member
Feb 9, 2007
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Has anyone here ever had a 'lucid dream'?

Lucid dreaming is when you are dreaming and you are actually aware that you are dreaming.

And for a better explanation...

"Lucid dreaming is consciously perceiving and recognizing that one is in a dream while one is sleeping, sometimes leading to control over the "dreamscape", or the faux-reality dream world within a dream. Stephen LaBerge, a published author and expert on the subject, has defined it as simply realizing that one is dreaming while in a dream. ..."

I have had several. At one point I was working to get to the point were I could have them on command, but it didn't really work since my circadian rhythym is so off - I could never remember my dreams for some reason which is key to lucidity - whats the point if you can't even remember going lucid? Polyphasic sleepers always say that they get more intense dreams when they sleep less... Hasn't been the case for me. I also have experienced sleep paralysis - if you know what Lucid Dreaming is, chances are you know what that is. o_O It was a mild case but it was still a very memorable occurance - scary as heck.

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I do have lucid dreams. And I've experienced sleep paralysis. I've also had occurances where I'd wake up for school, go back to sleep, but think/dream that I was getting dressed and such. xD

Lucid dreaming is when you are dreaming and you are actually aware that you are dreaming.

And for a better explanation...

"Lucid dreaming is consciously perceiving and recognizing that one is in a dream while one is sleeping, sometimes leading to control over the "dreamscape", or the faux-reality dream world within a dream. Stephen LaBerge, a published author and expert on the subject, has defined it as simply realizing that one is dreaming while in a dream. ..."
Ah, yes, I have. A few times in my dreams I have said to people "don't worry, this is only a dream." And I also can controll my dreams sometimes.

I have had several. At one point I was working to get to the point were I could have them on command, but it didn't really work since my circadian rhythym is so off - I could never remember my dreams for some reason which is key to lucidity - whats the point if you can't even remember going lucid? Polyphasic sleepers always say that they get more intense dreams when they sleep less... Hasn't been the case for me. I also have experienced sleep paralysis - if you know what Lucid Dreaming is, chances are you know what that is. o_O It was a mild case but it was still a very memorable occurance - scary as heck.
I've had sleep paralysis a few times, I'll never forget those moments. Scarier than anything I've ever felt before.

I don't think I've had a Lucid Dream before, maybe when I was a child, I dreamt alot.

Yeah, It's happened to me before.

I was dreaming I was getting shot and I was shivering and thinking "Run!"

I was really sweaty too. It was scary o_O

A few times, yes. :( I'll explain to you one that I remember most:

I was in this huge place (inside a building) with dinosaurs in cages. I was there with my teacher and some girls from my class. It's really weird, so pardon me if you don't understand it. Anyways, I was looking at all the dinosaurs and suddenly I knew I was dreaming. I ran up to this girl, Madison, and yelled, "This is all a dream! This isn't real! We're dreaming!" She stared at me blankly and said, "No, this is all real. What are YOU talking about?" and she walked away. So I went up to this other girl, Kelsey, and said, "Kelsey! We're dreaming! WAKE UP!!" but she didn't believe me either. Thats when our teacher called a meeting. We were all placed in desks, and we were taught mathematics. I knew that I was dreaming, so I wasn't afraid to end the math lesson (I hate math, by the way). I stood up and stared throwing the desks all over the place, breaking the chalk, and damaging the chalk board. The teacher grabbed me by my shirt, placed me into this machine, and said in an angery voice, "It's time to wake up, Stephanie." She pressed a button, and I woke up.

xD So awsome!


Lucid dreaming is when you are dreaming and you are actually aware that you are dreaming.

And for a better explanation...

"Lucid dreaming is consciously perceiving and recognizing that one is in a dream while one is sleeping, sometimes leading to control over the "dreamscape", or the faux-reality dream world within a dream. Stephen LaBerge, a published author and expert on the subject, has defined it as simply realizing that one is dreaming while in a dream. ..."
Yeah I have had those. Usually if I know I'm dreaming I tend to snap out of it faster.

Here's a way to tell in the dream if you're dreaming:

1. Go find a clock. Does the time make any sense? Is it constantly flashing or blinking so you can't read it? If you can't tell what time it is, you're in a dream.

2. Try to turn on or off a light switch yourself. Does the light change or does it remain the same? If you can't turn on or off light yourself you're in a dream.

3. Try reading something like a newspaper or book inside a dream. It will all be gibberish if you're dreaming.

Anyway majority of the time I don't have too much control besides waking myself out of a dream.

Yup, I have had a few.

But the coolest one was that I was the Terminator, and I can remember saying to this guy, "COME WITH ME IF YOU WANT TO LIVE!!" And the guy said "But wait, why?" "I dunno, it's a dream anyway."

I know, corny lines, but it actually happened.


Sometimes, before I get a chance to actually sleep, I trip in my dream :( those dreams last for about three seconds. Also, sometimes I think I get sleep paralasis, or something simular-I see little black and white dots, and can't do anything-and waking myself from that is kinda hard. sometimes I can wake myself up, and once I randomly half-woke up, punched the alarm clock, and went back to sleep. It wasn't ringing or anything :(

I had one the other night.

I have a reoccuring dream where I'm in an elevator and it goes up to a floor higher than the buttons say(buttons: 12, floor: 100+) and then free-falls x.x I'm terrified of elevators so this is more like a nightmare.

When I had the dream the other night it showed me in first person looking at the floors, then in third person yelling, 'Heather, wake up. Wake up. This is a dream. You need to wake up' and I was hitting my head.

I was aware I was asleep and in a dream. It was really weird though.

I've had a few others like this, but never with me telling myself to wake up.

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I had one the other night.
I have a reoccuring dream where I'm in an elevator and it goes up to a floor higher than the buttons say(buttons: 12, floor: 100+) and then free-falls x.x I'm terrified of elevators so this is more like a nightmare.

When I had the dream the other night it showed me in first person looking at the floors, then in third person yelling, 'Heather, wake up. Wake up. This is a dream. You need to wake up' and I was hitting my head.

I was aware I was asleep and in a dream. It was really weird though.

I've had a few others like this, but never with me telling myself to wake up.
I had a dream like that, I crashed but it was a cool dream

No, not in memory.

The most vivid dream I had... hehe, it's weird. I was standing on top of a tree, with a knife... I jumped down, and...err... let's just say my arch enemy was walking below me, saying "I'm so perfect" over and over again, and I gor angry... xDD Yes, it was a real dream. ^_^

yeah, but I have another one. I can sometimes controll my dreams! Wierd, huh? Oh, one time I was dreaming that I was sick and my mom was coming in to give me a glass of water, and as i was taking it, I had my hand out of the covers and in the shape of holding a cup! :p sometimes I have dreams that come true later on the next day or few days or so...

What I do is I keep a dream log, like after I wake up, I record what happened in any of my dreams, and sometimes, they come true!

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