Love Potion-


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Well-known member
Sep 10, 2006
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New York; United States
Well, I wanted to mate my V4 and V3 today so I bought the love potion on my V3 and connected them. It was a game and they only had one face. I kept connecting them and there were 2 faces. I don't get it? I thought they were supposed to fall in love and mate. Could somebody please tell me what's going wrong? Am I missing something? Please help.

-A very confused GotchiGirl

1. Love potion works only with tamas 4+ years old.

2. If you want to marry your tamas, they must have 4 hearts. Connect them all the time until their friendship is 4 hearts.

3. You must apply love potion in both tamas.

Hope I helped,


1. Love potion works only with tamas 4+ years old. 2. If you want to marry your tamas, they must have 4 hearts. Connect them all the time until their friendship is 4 hearts.

3. You must apply love potion in both tamas.

Hope I helped,

I think you only need the love potion on on ONE Tamagotchi only.

I think you only need the love potion on on ONE Tamagotchi only.
I tried only using the potion on my adult V3 and connected with my adult V1. They were both 7 years old and the potion did not work.

to get the two tamagotchis to mate you will have to

connect the tamas until they become best friends.

to know if they're best friends go to the friends list

and if under the tamas names it has 2 hearts and 2 faces

when they're best friends put the love potion on each of them

and connect, then they will mate.

The love potion will only speed up thier friendship rate. It will not make them mate immediately; you still need to connect them until the friendship screen is four hearts, and they must both be at least four-years-old.

Well v4 love potions only work on v4 and so on. Love potions only speed up how fast you marry but it does work better if the tamagotchis to be mated both have a love potion each and don't have them together (have one tama drink the love potion and connect and then the other one). However on my friends v4 their tama only needed 3 connections to marry using love potions so........


Blue_angel: You need both Tamagotchi to be the same version, provided that it's a version which has a love potion on it.

PeaceFrog777: It will if both Tamagotchi are old enough to mate normally... I think...

I think I got all the help I need. Thanks guys. My Tama V4 was 3 when I tried to connect. I didn't know they both had to be 4. I thought it was just 24 hours after they evolve into adults. I'm gonna try it again and let you know what happens. Thanks again.

EDIT: I gave my V3 the love potion and I connected them until the love potion wore off and they only went up 1 face. Thanks anyway, but I'm still confused.

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