look who's back. :]


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Enjoy your stay here and catch up with old friends! (I feel like a doorman for a hotel, lol)
Haha! <_< No worries, I think that you sound extra-friendly and nice.

It's extremely great to have you back, newbiekidlex!

Everyone seems extra-psyched to see such a nice person return. :D

I hope that you will always have an awesome time on Tamatalk, and everyone welcomes you back!

Hey newbiekidlex! <_< It's nice to see your face on here again, how has life been? Are you still a fan of the Sprouse twins? :D


Whoa! Look who's back! It's nice to have you return! I remember a few thousand of my posts ago when I was comparing my posts to everyone else's. You were a very active member and I was thinking to myself, "Whoa! I can't wait until I can have that many posts!" I always like admired you. And now you're back! So welcome back! You bring back many of my TamaTalk memories. *wipes tear* It's been too long NKL!

ZOMG! *glomp* I missed ya! *huggle*

Anyway, yeah, I remember how much of a spammer I was. "INUYASHA PWNS!" XD Still does, but Yeah Im a 7th Graders now. And Naruto pwns.

ZOMG, hi! Welcome back!

Heh, I DO remember you, but I doubt you'll remember me. xD

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