Logs Of Zoria's Tamas


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Blah. . . .it's just that Hats is 2 years old. Ducky is now 5yrs so 2 more days till matchmaker AND v3! Sweet! I will try and get the instructions for the thing I am making.... I might take a picture of it. But. . . .I DONT HAVE A CAMERA! So that wont work.

Hello! Ducky is fine. I noticed I am getting the matchmaker for her, Hats is evolving AND I get a V3 on thursday. What a big Tama-Day! I am waiting for thursday. The end of tuesday is nearing. *holds $20 bill* Hehe. . . . . . .anyways I am getting boared. I am going to TamaZone.

Turns out Ducky got the matchmaker this evening. And it was a gir. :D I keep getting girls. So annoying. "I, Zoria say that girls are banned for 5 generations" Lol. . . .anyways I hope that Hats enjoys her last evening of being a Young Mametchi called Hats. She will get a new nickname.

No V3. My mom went in and the shipment didn't come through. :p But the god news is that the Wal-Mart will save a V3 if the shipment comes in next friday. :unsure:

Ok, since this computer was down I didn't post this morning. *glares at Computer* Anyways! Ducky left. I named the baby Genny. It is prounounced as Jenny but. . . .my friend is name Geneveive and everyone calls her Genny. So my baby is named Geneiveve. She is currently a Kuribotchi. Seems I don't get Marutchi much anymore.


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