Logs Of Zoria's Tamas


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Well-known member
Oct 16, 2005
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On the computer...
At last, I have got a OFFICIAL Tama Log. Here is my picture for now, Babysitting Annoyance. The older one is Renee (Ren-ay), who is a Ringotchi and the baby one is Baby( Bayb-ee);

who is a ShiroBabytchi. As you can tell they are both girls. On gen 1. I have a V1 with dead batteries which is on 7th generation! On saturday I am getting Batteries for it with the $5 my grandma gave me. And my mom will pay for the V3! Before Baby, I had a kusatchi named Jappy with his baby. I was watching Air-Bud, The Seventh Inning and I heard a BEEEEEEP!

I ran to Jappy to see a angel. A few tears ran down my eyes as I presed 'A' and 'C' and looked at the new egg. I will post a memorial for him as soon as finish I finish this post. I had a old Tama called David in October 2005 and I still miss him. He was on the same tama as Baby. He was a pyonchitchi. Oh well, he will always be in my heart. Jappy will too. That is about all I have to say here.

Two Updates!

Baby is a Marutchi! *hugs baby* Marutchi's are SOO cute!

I have my bed time in 5 minutes so I need to hurry up! I did the memorial for Jappy so now I just am waiting for a Mod to aprove. For now, I will wait. Tommorow I will post a new Piccy! And I will put up the link of Jappy's memorial. I now have 3 minutes left to log off! Bye!

Good Morning Tamatalk!

lol. . .Baby and Renee is fine. My before/after school program teacher calls tamagotchis Tamagootchis. LOL! It is soo funny! And this Friday I get off early. Tamatalk. . .wait. I have to go to my before/after school program! NOOOOOO! Wha!! I am going to update my piccy for now. Bye!

I have got the new picture of True love hosted in my siggy. Right here. Only I did one desk. It's easier. Lol. . .Renee is in love. Anyways I paused Renee and Baby instead of putting them to sleep when I went to school. I now have them off pause.

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I am starting to do a color pattern! Red, Purple, Green, Yellow. Neat! Anyways I am puttiong Baby and Renee to bed at 8PM. I so cannot wait till saturday! V3 time! On sunday MewMew Power! Yay!

NOO! I left Baby at my Before/After school program! Thank god that my friend, Logan will pause her cause I phoned Elizabeth. (works there) I am releived. Guess it's just me and Renee. Oh well, I will see tomorow. And. . .nothing is really new. . .I recieved a book order with a cute plush lab! *hugs plush lab* It came with a chapter book called Shadow, will he ever be a guide dog? So I will just stuff him in on my bed.

I thought I would just post Randomly. . .I am a member of: Pokemon Paradise, Tamaisland, Tamazone and Tamaclub Version 3. I am going to anpther Forum now! Bye!

And if you cant read it. . .click 3 times.

*pulls hair* WHAT A BAD YET GOOD DAY!!!!!

Good stuff: I am getting a V3 tonight

Bad stuff: I had my mouth bleeding earlier, I forgot my black lab plush AND Baby at daycare and Renee is sleeping with 2 poops and all empty hearts.

*pulls hair more*


Oh well, at least I still get it. Anyways I need to put in a new piccy. And feel free to post in my logs. I love to get replys. And if Marvin joins. . . .YOU BETTER POST HERE OR I WILL PULL YOU HAIR OUT WHEN I GET TO SCHOOL!!!!!!! Lol. . . .Marvin is my Best Friend (so far)

I am going to make a thing abput my tama's:



Renee is a very popular tamagotchi, all the boy tama's

go crazy over her. . .She seems to have a crush on a hinatchi named Marvin (I randomly made that up. . .when the matchmaker comes I will want a maskutchi)

She has a best friend in her highschool, named Zinira. (once again made up) And she absoulutely HATES it when she has to babysit Baby. Whenever Baby cries Renee calls her a crybaby.


Anyways. . . .she can be really nice. So yeah. Thats all for renee.

*pulls hair again* When I went to wal-mart They get their shipment on Thursday. (the ninth) we went to Toys 'r' us. . . .AND THEY WERE SOLD OUT! I was sick. So thats why I didn't post. I feel better now.

(you know what to do)

*does a happy dance* I watched MewMew Power. LE AWSOME! That was a great episode! I am eager to watch it later today at 1:30 PM. Renee is fine. I named her Renee

after her from MewMew Power. I never told you that. But Bridget is my favorite!

Ack. I am thinking Renee is not a good name for a tarakotchi. Maybe Ducky. . . .I will nickname her Ducky!


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SO MUCH to post. First of all I got Baby back. I am nicknaming her hats. Renee weighs 30lb so she is very thin. I am thinking of the blue with ocean waves V3. I soo cannot wait till thursday. My GP is tama poop. Hats has 349 and Ducky has 469. SO POOR! I want to get 9999 GP. But that would be ALOT of work. So when I have time I will try. Now I was thinking of the user Emmadavison. And from a friend I heard that there was someone in the school named Emily Davison. I met her. She had a tamagotchi but she didn't go on tamatalk. My friends tama randomly turned into a Hiratchi. How do you get them? They are soo cute! And I am working on this thing that you can make a long knitted peice of fabric the same size as a snake. I will post instructions when I gwt them from Susan. So now I will go. This is enough for one post. :huh:


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