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tama v9

Well-known member
Dec 16, 2010
Reaction score
I am in your closet. I will strike at night.....
hi everyone, i'm tama v9 and i got a music star! i just pulled the tab and a boy came out of the egg. his name is alex like from Madagascar. he has a train and a piano. for some reason he likes rock and roll. hmm.... anyway here are his stats name alex,gen.1, happy:full,hungry:full, music stats: 0,0,0 :( got to go. Bye! :D

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Hi guys. sorry I didn't reply earlier. Had it on pause.... Update for earlier. Alex evolved into kuchitamatchi. I'm aiming for kuchipatchi when it becomes an adult. right now I'm about to raise his stats. Alex- come on stop stalling! Me- ok! got to go. from now on me and alex will be talking like this Me: hello! :D

Me- hey... alex- I evolved! also I got a care miss cause of tama v9 > :( me- well sorry! I wanted you to be kuchipatchi! alex- well I wanted to be MAMETCHI! me- stop yelling! Geez..... alex- Uhh... I forgot to say I'm a KIKITCHI! me- HOORAY!!!!! alex- YAY!!!! We have to go. ME- BYE!!! :D

hey guys! I have 62 views! .3. anyway... alex- I transformed into Shimashimatchi! :D me- yay! alex- i think I'm in love because my band member Ringotchi transformed into Chantotchi! :3 Also, Hinotamatchi transformed into Dorotchi. -3- guess that shows how much were alike. Me- stop talking before you faint. any who this is all we have to say. BYE!!! EDIT: I do not know if he passed auditions

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Alex passed his auditions! alex- YAY! Me- Alex says he wants to get married to chantochi so- Alex- I'm pretty sure they know I HAVE to be prepared! Me- Geez.. just sayin. Alex- Humh..! anyway this was just a quick update not going to be writing much due to waiting for band member. OFF TOPIC: also, My sister has a v5 that she want me to take care of. Right now, I have Mamekatchi, Chamametchi, and Bakutchi!

Summary of this log: Alex- I wonder who the Band Manager is going to bring me!

Me- Actually...

Alex- What?

Me- I got my sister's Violetchi coming over.

Alex- OK. Nothing wrong with that.

Minutes later... Alex and Alexis- It's a girl!

baby- Goo! :D

Me,Alex,and Alexis- Awww!

Alex and Alexis- Lets name her Alexia!

Me- Great name! :3

The End.

Let the new Generation Begin!

Me- Alexia turned into Hitodetchi today.

Alexia- YEP! I'm proud of myself!

Me- :l

Alexia- Also Daddy sent me 8000 Gp!

Me- I was shocked.

Alexia- I got a visit from the pre-school teacher and got a Labtop for a toy! Tama v9 tried to give me the train and the U.F.O. >:l


Alexia- Well, Bye!

Me- Last night at 11:21-

Alexia- I TURNED into.... ICHIGOTCHI!!!!!!! :D

Me- Yep. Just what was aiming for. :3

Alexia- Later I'm going to meet my band! I wonder who they will be. Maybe the Tamatchi and Kuchitamatchi from school.

Me- Anyway she woke up with 6 stress and I have no idea how.

Alexia- I had that much stress from waking up in the close to middle of the night! D:<

Me- Sorry. >:l

Can someone please tell me why she had stress even though I didn't wake her up. Also she didn't have stress before going to bed. PLEASE PM ME. Thank You!

Me- Today Alexia met her band.

Alexia- Cheer up! Nothing worse could happen.*Strom cloud rolls in* Oops. Spoke too soon.

Me- Don't worry it's not your fault.

Alexia- Ok guys, Tama v9 is too upset to log right now so I will! :3 Ok so I met my band members Toby and David.

Toby- Hey.

David- Hey.... :D

Alexia- Anyway that's it so.... BYE!!! :D
