Oh, really? Do you have any in mind?I am currently reading Harry Potter but plan to read more classics this year.
Dante’s Inferno. <3 I need to read that again!I just found my copies of The Decameron, Dante's Inferno, and The Aeneid. I'm so excited to start reading them!![]()
Love Catcher in the Rye. So good. The writing style was a bit weird but once I got used to it, I totally felt like I knew Holden.I just finished reading The Catcher in the Rye last night. It was...Alright, I guess. I wasn't a huge fan of the writing style, but...IDK, there was something about it that I liked.
I love getting immersed in a culture and time period.I am currently reading Shogun by James Clavell. I just love getting lost in 1500's Japan - the samurai, the culture, the honor....... This is my second time reading it and I only see now how much I have missed reading it the first time. Then, my all time favourite classic is Pride and Prejudice and I read it once a year. I love the old English language, they had such beautiful ways of saying things, Lizzie's unconventionality, the humor, the romance..... and Jane Austen is of course a master writer in my opinion.![]()
I personally loved Lord of the Flies as well. I had no idea a considerable amount of people don't really enjoy it. To each his own though! Regarding A Clockwork Orange: that's a good question. I've always wondered about classics and what makes them so. I think it has to do with a lot of things. Literary classics transcend time and space. In other words, their stories are of lasting interest and they do so to all sorts of readers. I don't want to say there's a "time minimum" for a work to become a classic, but since classics usually are characterized by lasting readability, most books considered to be classics have been around for at least 50 years or so. Themes should be universal to a good extent and the books often have characters to which many people can relate. It should have a well-developed plot. Popularity and genre don't have anything to do with it. If you feel that some of these apply to your book, it probably is a classic (or will be somedayI'm reading Don Quixote by Miguel de Cervantes at the moment. I love this book, even if it's long.
My favorite books of all time though would have to be the Oz Chronicles. I'm barely done with the first volume, but I intend on reading the others.
Why does everyone hate Lord of the Flies? I love that book. We read in my english class and everyone gave it a thumbs down. I enjoyed it.
Would A Clockwork Orange be considered a literary classic? I don't know, because I want to read it sometime.
A lot of the classics I like right now are also a result of having read them in high school.Hm, my favorite classics are probably all the ones we read last year in english class. These were: The Lord of the Flies, Of Mice and Men, Great Expectations, Romeo and Juliet, and The Odyssey. The Lord of the Flies is DEFINATELY my favorite out of these. I just like the messages and symbolism in it, and once you understand it, it's a huge "AHA!" moment.
I have this book! I loved reading it as well.The only classic I can remember that I LOVED reading was The Secret Garden.![]()
Hmm...that's a good question. Stephen King, right? Well, I'm not one to determine which ones are or aren't classics, but I'll refer you to a post I made in this topic a couple of days ago that might help you out:Does "Misery" count as a classic?
I personally loved Lord of the Flies as well. I had no idea a considerable amount of people don't really enjoy it. To each his own though! Regarding A Clockwork Orange: that's a good question. I've always wondered about classics and what makes them so. I think it has to do with a lot of things. Literary classics transcend time and space. In other words, their stories are of lasting interest and they do so to all sorts of readers. I don't want to say there's a "time minimum" for a work to become a classic, but since classics usually are characterized by lasting readability, most books considered to be classics have been around for at least 50 years or so. Themes should be universal to a good extent and the books often have characters to which many people can relate. It should have a well-developed plot. Popularity and genre don't have anything to do with it. If you feel that some of these apply to your book, it probably is a classic (or will be someday). Whether or not a book is considered to be a literary classic, I'd definitely dive into it anyway!