Lip Balm Junkies


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I have one chapstick. And when that one get worn out, I buy another one.

My lips aren't that chap. But I have chap stick just in case. I got it from the Claires store. It has something to do with Foster House or something. It has "CHEESE" on it. It really smells like chocolate milk o-o;; I think i've had it for a while , but I've kept it in good condition. eew. you know what I hate? When people have like a whole lot of gunk around their lip loss. That's why I don't like it liquidy, opposed to chap stick. X]

Lip Smackers are totally yummy, but I actually prefer Chapstick because they're often less about the flavour and actually make your lips feel and look softer and more moisturised. And they usually have more SPF. But Lip Smackers come in WAY more colours + flavours!! I bought the 'Christmas gift set' today!!! So yum!


Lip Smackers are totally yummy, but I actually prefer Chapstick because they're often less about the flavour and actually make your lips feel and look softer and more moisturised. And they usually have more SPF. But Lip Smackers come in WAY more colours + flavours!! I bought the 'Christmas gift set' today!!! So yum!-bratztroxg
Lips Smackers are great~

Meh. Chapstick/lip balm bothers me. It feels weird. o.0

Once I tried putting some on before bed, and in the morning, my lips felt disgusting!

Never will I do that agan.

I really can't stand chapstick D:

I'll only put it on when I'm really really really chapped up, because otherwise it feels weird on my lips.

And I don't care what flavor it is, to me, it always tastes like wax.

Some of it is nice though. I got a few from this boy Myles at school, the brand is called Simple Pleasures and it tastes and feels good.

It's the only acception I've seen so far though, unfortunately.

' date='December 24, 2008 07:02 pm'] Some of it is nice though. I got a few from this boy Myles at school, the brand is called Simple Pleasures and it tastes and feels good.It's the only acception I've seen so far though, unfortunately.
My ginger spice chap stick is from Simple Pleasures~

What kinds did he give you?

Oh, and by the way - peppermint in Chapstick may taste totally yummy, but it's not actually that great for your lips because the peppermint has a drying effect on your lips. (My Mum is a beautician so I learn these things from her).


Omg ^^; I love chap stick <33

[just not the kind in the tube o_O]

My ginger spice chap stick is from Simple Pleasures~What kinds did he give you?
Vanilla, melon, and strawberry.

I think I like the strawberry the best.

I'll have to try the ginger spice one then :]

' date='December 24, 2008 07:42 pm'] Vanilla, melon, and strawberry.
I think I like the strawberry the best.

I'll have to try the ginger spice one then :]
the ginger spice is great <3

i gotta try to find the strawberry one then

^ ginger snap???

it's soooo good <3

I got mine like... I think like 2 weeks ago. xD

Mine's from Old Navy. =]

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