~Life in Tamagotchi Motion~


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Bad Casey Crying for Nothing!!! *gives Time Out*

Sorry Ma! *crying* I didn't mean too!

Alright, I forgive you! OH, Dear, you Have 2 Happy hearts unfilled!! Let's Play Mimic!


I will Post Again when We have finished Playing!

Oops! Forgot to Post!


Ok we Won!!! So now lil Casey weighs 11LB!


Aww! Here are the Characters we Faced:


Round 1 Against:Obotchi(Boy)

Round 2 Against:Hanatchi

Round 3 Against:Otokitchi

Round 4 Against:Obotchi(boy)

Round 5 Against:Nikatchi

Round 6 Against:Marotchi

We Won, We Won, We Won!

Yes Casey, I think they Have got the Picture now!

Ok Ma, Hey, Do ya Hear the Rain outside?

Yes, It's chucking it down!!




Oh, You have Post!!!


It's a Letter!

GOTCHI KING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!





Can I say what Items I have Now?

Course you can sweety! Saves me doing it!

Yay! *giggles* *smiles*

Here are My Items:



3.Blog Block



6.Music(MP 3 Player)

7.Soccer Ball



There! I have Loads of Items! Thanks to Tammie!(TAMAGIRL2008/Mum!)

*smiles proudly*


~Tammie and Casey~

:( May and :( Allie

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Good Morning!!


Haven't we got news Casey?


And what's the News??

I Evolved!!! I am a Ringotchi!!!!!

And you are Happy about it too!


So onto some info:


Favourite Food:BBQ

Disliked food:Corn (Well that's funny, your Father loves corn!)



Mimitchi for Intellectual

Maidtchi for Fashion

Marotchi for Kindness


Hmm, I want you to be a Mimitchi, but also a Marotchi!

The only thing is, YOU MAY BE A MAIDTCHI!!!


Ok, I think I want you to be a Mimitchi!!


Let's get Playing Shape!

Shape's My Favourite Game!!

Oh, wait, you have Post!


It's a Letter!


Oh, dear Poor lil Casey!!


Let's Play Shape!

And also, I got her the Flower Teacher instead of the Turtle Teacher!!! Oops!


I will post back with the results of the Game in a Minute!!


~Tammie and lil Casey~

:D May and :p Allie!

Oh, sorry, I forgot to give you he results of the Game we Played!!


[SIZE=21pt]WE WON!![/SIZE]

Now, What happened today Casey?

I don't know! I fell asleep, then you gave me Breakfa.....

Not that!! What Happened a Few Minutes ago?

Oh, That! I evolved!!!

What are you Darling?

I am a Mimitchi!!!! Yayz! I love it!!

At last! Aw Let's press the [C] button and see what you look like up close!!


*Presses [C] button*

Awww! Little Black Ears and a Little White Body! You look really Cute!!

Ma, Don't be too Proud!

Oh dear!!! You have a Poo!!


Let's clear that up! Now, Let's check your stats!









Weight:30LB(Minimum Weight for Casey!)






Oh, Dear!! Look at that Happy Heart section! We need to fix that!!


Come on, Let's feed you so that you can Play Shape!

Yay! SHape, Shape, SHAPE!!

Ok, Your Favourite Food is:Ice Cream


Eeeeeeeeew Hamburgers! Can I have an Icecream? It's in Snacks, and it will get me 2 more In Weight! Then I just need a Meal!

Ok, *looks for Ice cream*


Ah, here's one! Aww, That's cute!! You did a little Dance!! Now, Let's Have a Look for a Meal!


Hmm, Here, you can Have some Tacos! It looks very yummy to me!

Yum!! I love Tacos and Ice cream!!

Shape, Here we come!!

We shall post again when we finish the Game, Won't we Tammie?

Yes we will Casey!

~Tammie and Casey~

:unsure: May and :furawatchi: Allie

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We won Shape, this is a very quick post so Bye!!


~Tammie and her Tamas~

:furawatchi: May

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Aww, Last Night was a Big thing for you wasn't it Casey?

Yes it was!! I got a Job Which Tammie will Tell you about, and I got Married! Which I will tell you About! Over to you Tammie!

Thanks Casey! Yes, My lil Angel, Casey..

Don't over do it Ma!

Ok! Anyway,


Casey Got Post Last night, and ti was an Important Letter!


I Scrolled down to it, and clicked the Button, Casey Jumped up, and a Thing, saying [AWAY] Came up. I clicked the Button Agian, and there she was, outside her school with her Teacher, Mr.TurtlePedia!

Casey started to cry at Him and so did Mr.TurtlePedia! The Mr.Turtlepedia gave her a Letter, and Casey Came Back!

Then There was another Important Letter, I scrolled down and clicked the button again, and Casey Jumped up and There was the [AWAY] sign Again! I clicked and There she was standing outside some Job offers!(Can't remember them!)

I went through them, and I finally found the Perfect one! It was a Bakery! I clicked the button, and there was 3 Judges there! Casey wobbled from side to side, and then the Judges held up 3 [o]'s and Casey had got the Job! Yayz!


Ok, Casey, what's Your Story?


So Tammie Had just come home From school, and I had woken up! then she Played with me for a Little while, but after about 3 Games I Bleeped and My Attention Button was Highlited! There was the Matchmaker With a Book! Tammie clicked the [A] button, and There was an Androtchi there! Tammie and I thought He was Perfect! So Tammie clicked Marry! The Androtchi and I started to Kiss with love Hearts Above us! Then There was Fireworks, and I was left with a Little Baby Girl!


I will call Her Maya! Is that alright Tammie?

Of Course!


~Tammie, Casey and Baby Maya!~

:gozarutchi: May

*Gasp* Bad me!!!! I forgot to call the Baby Maya!!!!! I called her Angie!


Ok, so I woke up, and poor old Angie was crying for her Mother. I saw that Casey had left :(

So I Put her Name in(Here is were I forgot the Name!) and She bleeped at me. I fed her, and then Played a Game of Jumping Rope to make her Happy Hearts Full. I continued trying to Take good Care of her. Then after 1 Hour She evolved!! She is now a Harutchi!!

Don't be shy Angie, say hello!


Oh, wait you are crying!! *praises*

Yay!! Hia Guys!! It's me, Angie!! My Mother, Casey left this Morning! I cried for her because I missed her so much! But Tammie was there to comfort me!! And now I am a Happy little Harutchi!! Tammie, can you change my Colour to Turquoise Please?

Ok! I will type in Plum purple then!

*Tammie's colour changed*

*Angie's Colour Changed*

Here's Angie's stats:








Weight:12LB(Still refusing to play a game)





Cool! A Healthy little Angie!!

So me and Angie are of for our Sunday lunch!!

~Tammie and Angie~

:lol: May



Poor little Angie evolved into an Obotchi(Girl)!! But I have found out something!!


She is 2LB because she was just Hungry!

Yum! I love food! Hia guys! Tammie, can you show them my stats? Cos I wanna tell them about uhem my Intelligence!!

Sure!! Here they are:








Weight:2LB(Nearly Minimum weight!! But refuses to play games)





As you can see, Angie is VERY Intelligent! Just like her Mother!!

And Look at them Gotchi Points! Over 7000!!

But we need to play a game!!

Let's Play Shape!

Oh, wait, I will have to feed you!!

We have to go soon, I just have to update my V5 Log!


I shall tell you the Results of the Game when I am next on!

~Tammie and Angie~

:ichigotchi: May


Angie, who was perfectly well and Healthy, EVOLVED INTO A PYONKITCHI(GIRL)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

No!!! *sniff* This is stupid!! Why? Here are her stats when she evolved. (This happened just a second ago!)








Weight:3(This is when she was about to evolve, I caught the stats)





There, apart from her happy hearts, she was completely Fine!!

Here are her stats now:








Weight:30LB(Minimum weight for her)





Now Lately little Angie has been keeping a Diary. I shall post something from her Diary soon!

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Tammie and Angie here!!

As Promised, I have a Diary Entry here from lil Angie's Diary!!

Dear Diary,

Today Tammie went to the Beach and left me at home by the computer Desk. She put me on Pause(I hate being on Pause!!)

I sat there listening to the sound of the Boiler!

Occasionaly there would be the bleep of Tammie's Dad's Mobile Phone Bleeping to say it was running out.

Then after about 4 Hours, Tammie came back and got Me of Pause(She did it to the Other Tamas too!) Now we are sat at the Computer!


Tammie, I'm Tired!

I am not suprised! We have had A Long Day Today! Bed at 10:00 Your Normal time Please!

But Tammie...

No Buts! You said you were Tired!

I'm not now!


Ok Tammie!


Tammie's Back!! And so is Angie!

Angie, What's Happened today?

I got a Job!! I work at a TV station, I broadcast lots of stories!!

Yes, that's a VERY important Job you have!!

Let's look at her Diary for Today:

Dear Diary,

Today I got a Job, I now work at a TV station, the Latest story is about a Mimitchi :kuribotchi: That is Missing. Oh, that's what my Mother was!! Tammie got me a Cell Phone this Morning too! It's cool! I get to Phone My Mother and GrandFather! I miss them Dearly!! Tammie also got me a Clone! I love it!


Aww, cute! I keep Phoning her Mother and GrandFather!

We Have to go now! Bye!!


Sorry I haven't Posted in AGES!!

Here I am though!

Ok, so today after school I had to go shopping for Summer Camp! So Boring! I had to buy so many Pairs of shoes(About 3!) And trying them on... Well really! And Now My Feet Hurt! Oww! lol!


Little Angie Partnered with my Silver V4!

I gave the Silver V4(Gozarutchi Called Patch) Love Potion, (They were Already Freinds!) I Connected them and I watched them Kiss with sweet little Love Hearts above them. Then, I connected them Again! They Started to Wobble and Over Came Patch to Angie, They Kissed Again. Then, There was FireWorks on the Screen and Angie Wobbled Even Faster! Then, Little Angie Got 2 Baby Boys Beside Her! One Jumped To Patch!


Then, After 24 Hours, Angie Left :)

I Named the Baby Boy Adam!

I cared For him.

Then, After 2 Hours, Little Adam Evolved into A Sweet Little Harutchi!


Now Just Now, Just THIS second, Little Adam Evolved!!

He is a Darling Little Young Androtchi!

Aww, Adam, Say Hello!

Hi!! My Name is Adam!! I am A Young Androtchi! Tammie says I look cute!!

I wish I could Be Like My Great GrandFather! He was a Kuchipatchi! You lot Know him as Alex! But Tammie says I won't be Able to Now. She said I could Be a Mametchi though! Yay! I wanna Be that. Tammie! Can you change My Colour to Red Please?

Sure Adam! I shall have My Colour as Orange Then!

*Tammie's Colour Changed*

*Adam's Colour Changed*

Can I just Point out, Feel Free to Comment! Please, Only By PM though. Thanks! The PM's Shall Be Posted Here. As Long as they are to do with the Log.

Yayz! Tammie, I'm Hungry! Show them My stats!

What's the Magic Word?


Ok, Here they Are:









Weight:20LB(Minimu Weight for Adam)






There, Now all we Have to do is Feed you 1 Meal and 1 Snack to Make you 23LB so that we can Play a Game of SHAPE to Make you Happy!


I shall post Back soon!



It's Tammie and Adam!


Adam Evo...

Can I tell them?

Go Ahead!

Thanks! So I evolved, and Tammie fufilled My Dream! I am now a Mametchi!! Yayz!

I got a Job Aswell, But Tammie will tell ya about that!

Thanks Adam!

Yes, He got a Job!! He is a Travel Guide!! Aww!


See Ya!

Sorryz. I have camp. I won't be here until saturday at the Latest. So My Log, and My Tamas will be on Pause. Sorry!


The Only news is that Adam got the Matchmaker and got a Darling little Girl.


I shall call her Maya.


~Tammie, Adam and Baby Maya~




We're Back!


Adam left and I kept me Promise and called the Baby Girl Maya!!


I looked after her as best as I could!


She then evolved into a toddler! but I shall change my Colour to Blue! And Maya's to Pink!

Maya shall tell you about it now!

Thanks Tammie! Yes, I evolved into a Mohotimatchi!! Then I evolved into a Teen! An Ichigotchi!! Yayz!

Yeah, lil Maya is an Ichigotchi! Gotta Go! Bye!


You'll never guess what,

TAMMIE MADE A STORY!! I shall post the Link to Part 1, Part 2 is coming soon, and I shall post the Link to where you can comment on it.

Ok, and another thing is:

Maya Evolved!!

Maya! You can tell them!

Thanks Tammie! I am a Memetchi! I have a Spiral of Hair on my Head, and I have big, loving Eyes! I always show them to Tammie!

Aww, how sweet! Now, we have some changes!

1. I shall now put the Date.

2. Maya, and the Tamas that are in the Log(The next Generations) will have a Diary and shall post things from there.

3. I shall now put it in [SIZE=14pt]Size Large from now on![/SIZE]

There, That's enough Changes!

So, the links to the Story will be here soon!




Maya has a baby boy!!!


So since they were little Babys!(I Forgot to tell you. Sorryz!)I have been connecting Maya to a Boy who is on my silver V4, Jack, to Maya. He is a Gozarutchi unfortunatly.

I gave Maya Love Potion, then I conncected Maya to Jack and They started to kiss. They were partners.

Then, I kept connecting them. After that I saved up 7000gp for some more Love Potion and gave it to Jack, they did the same again.

I connected them again in the hope that they would Marry, but they didn't. I had to put them on pause after that. Then, I started to connect them. I saved up another 7000gp for Love Potion. I gave it to Maya. The Same thing Happened again. I connected them and they still wouldn't marry. I had to go to bed. In the Morning,(this Morning) I woke up and connected Maya to Jack, and They started to shake from side to side. Jack jumped to Maya and they started to kiss with 1 Love Heart above their head. Jack jumped back and there was Fireworks on both screens. Maya shook even harder and she had 2 Baby Boys!! 1 Jumped to Jack. Yay!!!

Maya also has a Job!

She will tell you about it:

Hia! I have a Baby Boy! I have a Job too! I work at a Labratory! Yay!

Aww, Cute!!


You have post!

It's a letter!

A Love Heart!


[SIZE=14pt]Awww, Maya's in the Bath! She's singing!![/SIZE]

Don't you cry tonight, I still love you Baby. Don't you cry tonight. DON'T YOU CRYYYYY TONIGHT THERE'S A HEAVEN ABOVE YOU BABY! and Don't you cry tonight.

It seems she's singing Don't you cry(Orignal) by Guns 'n Roses. Aww, sweet!



Sorry I haven't Replied in AGES!

Maya Left her little Baby Boy. It was there on the screen, crying.

I named it Brian. I played with it, fed it, cured it when it was sick, Praised it when it was crying and took as good as care as I could.

After 1 Hour, He evolved into a Toddler! He was a Sweet little Harutchi! Cute!

He then evolved into a Lovely little Teen, a Young Mametchi!!

I am hoping he will evolve into a Cute little Mametchi.

I shall now change my Colour to Light Green!

Brian's Colour will be Orange!

Say Hello Brian, Don't be shy.

Uh, Hia. My Name is Brian and I'm a Young Mametchi!

I am setting to work on a Chart.

I shall Make a Chart of What The Tamas where. Their Names and Lots more!

I shall post it soon!

Here is a thing from Brian's Diary:



I evolved yesterday! I loved it, I am now a Young Mametchi! I'm quite Tired so I shall Write some more maybe tommorow.
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