Life as a tamagotchi:


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Ok, awesome news!!!!!!!

Tamagotchis all grew at once, i will tell you the order:

Coco family (v5)

Peice (v4.5)

Abby (v4)

icy? (v.45)

Sofie (v4)

and now to list their genorations:

3rd (Coco family)

6th (Peice)

16th (Abby)

18th (icy?)

17th (Sofie)

Tamatip: keep track on you tamagotchi's genorations!!! :lol:

Awesome news:

I just used the datingshow and as much as i love my changotchi, i want to stay with in my goal: To get a mametchi family, so i summond my mametchi!!! :)

Unforchanitly, my mametchi got married to a youngpatchi so now i have a blended family, (still), but eventually i will get a mametchi family! :furawatchi:

BTW: Now for the Coco family, it is 4 genorations!

Tamatip: Be sure that on the tamagotchis, thy're getting more than they need, or else it will be harder to get a certain job! :gozarutchi:

Guess what, The next genoration was here! Right now they're toodlers! But now they're teens, and i have twins! Bye, i have to go!! :D . TTYL...

Ok, so i have not replyed in awhile, so, to get started, my v5 is on the next genoration! The patrents are papa and mama mametchis!! But it's still a blended family, i am going to conected my tamagotchi when it grows up with Katlens, who knows, she might join our site too!! And if Britney's reading this, then i would like to thank her for the free 1000 pts, i told my friend and she's using it more than i am!!! Lol. So the others are fine, there's the fire ball one, the uramemetchi, the dimond thing, and gourmetchi! Best of all, since their all teens, when my little gourmetchi is an adult, it will be a...

T~O~S~A~K~A~T~C~H~I!!!!!!! That's all for now, i gtg!

Tamatip: To get tosakatchi for sure, just get a gourmetchi, or a fire ball thing and teach it the first teacher when it picks its teacher. Make sure he's smart, because tosakatchis are smart. Aslo, did you know that tosakatchi's a lead singer and is apart of a band?

So, right after i replied to this topic, i had to go, but right after....MY V5 GREW!!!!! Not only that, but this morning, so did my v4 and v4.5. I put them on pause so the other two can cheatch-up. I have toegetchi, (v4), ura memetchi, (v4.5), the clock, violetchi, and the note head thing, (other three are v5).

I can't put a tamatip right now 'cause i really need to go to the bathroom, and i am running out of them...BYE!!!

B~A~D N~E~W~S...

They grew whilethey were in bad condition, i 4got all about them! My poor, cute gourmetchi grew in to...A UNERVERSAL!!!!!!! IT'S A CREPY UNERVERSAL AND I HATE IT!!!!!! But i hate the factthat it didn't grow into tosakatchi, i don't really hate it. But of course some day i will get him. He's not easy to get, it's acually kinda hard!!!! The other one grew intoone of those ones with a buterfly mask; (it's a v4.5 tamagotchi). Any ways, my v5 just came on the dating show, and married a male memetchi, and so now they're mamametchi and papamemetchi. They're on the 7th genoration, and they're kids are belletchi, moseketchi, and the main one is ahirukutchi. Bye!

Tamatip: take good care of your tamagotchis, or they'll be universal...

Tamagotchis grew, the v5 that is, and now the v4.5s have gone to their next genoration. Their on pause right now. Bye!

Tamatip: To watch the parent leave, put it on 11:59, the time that is...Bye!

Ok, so today my tamagotchis are in an exelent condition! All, of them are! So sooner or later, on my v5, they're adults and should be able to use the dating show today! Also, the others are toddlers and i am worried about my v4s. I haven't been doing my best carring performance and they might becpme uerversal teens!!!! OR ADULTS!!! <_< ...bye!

Tamatip: Question: Can you or have you discoverd all the tamagotchis?

NOTE: For now on, pm me for questions, i will answer them here!! -_-

Sorry about that, it's just well, I GOT A TOSAKATCHI!!!!!!!!! And i haven't gotten in a long time! There's the good news! And here's some more: I have another tamagotchi! XD! So count them! That's right; 6 tamagotchis, two v4s, two v4.5s, and two v5s!!!! So far, my v5s are teens! And the sad news is that i have to pause tosakatchi, because the others need to chech up to him, same with my v4.5. Hopefully this isn't too confussing...

NOTE: None of you ppls have been asking questions for me to answer, i need these questions to get an idea of what i should put up, (unless if none of you read it). Ok, so the tamatip is; don't debugh your tamagotchis, it can KILL them...


That's right fokes; mametchi familitchi!!! Now, on my other tamagotchi, i am trying to get a memetchi familitchi!!! That's all 4 now...

Tamatip: There really IS another way to get the smart familitchi; here are the three ways:

A: Mametchi finds changotchi on lover's show.

B: Furikotchi finds Lovezukintchi on lover's show.

C: Hatsugatchi finds Violetchi on lover's show.

Hope this helps, bye...

So today, all of my tamagotchis have met the matchmaker, (not v5), and all of the babies were boys!!! Which is acually what i need, because i wanna discover all the tamagotchis!!!

Tamatip: v5 rocks!!! Get one!!!

So today, all of my tamagotchis have met the matchmaker, (not v5), and all of the babies were boys!!! Which is acually what i need, because i wanna discover all the tamagotchis!!!

Tamatip: v5 rocks!!! Get one!!!

My v5s are prepared to go to the matchmaker! All i need to do is be pacient! However, if i get changotchi onm the dating show for my mametchi, then i will have a smart familitchi 2 genorations in a row! 0.0

Tamatip: I don't got one...

So today i realized someone lied to me, because it didn't work!!! I was going to get the secret family but my bond was too high!!! Oh well, then i got a mumutchi, and someone said that you can get a secret memetchi family with makiko and mumutchi, and i ahd those characters. And i got a mixed. But i don't really care because i will get that family!!! (the secret family). So right now on the next genoration, they're toodlers...that's all. BTW: tomorrow it's my bday!!!! ^.^!

Tamatip: Wish me a happy bday or you'll be sorry!! :wub: :( :) :p

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They're teens right now, and i have another Tosakatchi!!!!! XD!!! And... yeah! ;) , oops, i did that quote thing by accident~! So i put 'Hi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' Ok?

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And so, now there's the next genoration and they're teens right now! My v5s are babies right now. Now i will refocus on getting the memetchi family, and NO MORE secret familys because i don't know how to get one! On the other tamagotchi, i am getting the Violetchi family! Unless if one of them gets planetitchi!! Bye bye!


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