Life as a tamagotchi:


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Well-known member
Dec 8, 2007
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Ok, hi! I'm Tosakatchigal and right now my tamagotchis are in the 14, 13, and 3 genoration!I'm making my first log. Vicor is an :) , Andy is a mamechi, and the twins Benny and kenny are...idk, but i love them, and their leaving their four little gals to me! There's angel, sweet, cutie, and cooky! That's all 4 now! ;) :angry: ;) :D :D

OMG, i haven't been on here for like.... DAYS!!!! I need to cheach-up now! Angel and sweet are twins! And so are Cutie and Cooky! I just wish for a fith tamagotchi... Now Angel and Sweet are Maidichis! The other two are still teens, so i put Angel and Sweet on pause so the other two can cheach-up!

Tamatip: to get twins for sure when they grow up, they must be learnning the same topic at tamaskool. (when they're teens). :)

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Oops, im sorry, i'm so busy, but now i hav more time to write or should i say type in this tamalog! All four tamagotchis have had babies, and three of them are girls, the other is a boy...

No worries though!

Tamatip: To get a boy tamagotchi, the match maker's mouth should be opend if you click on her! It's the other way around to get a girl!

Well, im replying agin! Lol, anyways, I need to think of names for the little one before their parents leave, Itchy will be one of them, (for the boy), and For sweet's baby girl, her's will be named sour! That's all!

Tamatip: Always name your tamagotchis before the parent leaves!!

Well, I've made names for the other two; Allen and Abby! Then, before my eyes, they all grew into different things!!! OMG, NO TWINS!!!! That's all for today!

Tamatip: This is a random one but, if your tamagotchis dies. Then no worries, just push the reset button with your pen or pencil and you'll see and egg! Now push the middle button as you push down load, you tamagotchi's back from the dead and is fresh and ready to contiue a new happy life! ^_^

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Hi! Just got an idea, this is a related idea to some one eleses, but now that the little ones can talk, (sorda), that means they'll talk here on my log! :)

Allen will be in this color: Hi

Thsi will be Abby's color: Hi

Itchy, the only boy has this color: Hi

And last but not least, Sour: Hi, it's suppose to be pink!

These colors represent the tamagotchi toy they live in! However, they won't talk very much... ^_^ . (that's Itchy), Hi!!! Uh oh, gtg bye!Ok...

BTW: There are no tamatips on this part of the log!

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Hello agin! I can't wait for my tamagotchis to evolve in to teens today! It's either this afternoon, or this evening! Oh, and here's Allen!

Hi! I'm Allen, and I hav a good friend named Itchy!! He soooo cool! and I have a crush on him!

Anyways, I think we're meant to be togather! Mommy, can i stay up and talk all about ME!?!?!

Nope, it's the other's turn, bye!

And here's Itchy; Uhhh hi! I'm struggleing in class, but i am happy to be here, this may be too soon, but i am going to ask Sour if she wants to go sneak out with me, uh oh, b----

:D , anyways, here's Sour: OMG!!!! HI! I'm happy to be here, i like sooo populer at preskool! And i can'twait top evolve! And Itchy, i will refuse to sneak out with u!!! BYE!

Last but not least, Ab---, We know ma! Anyways, i don't know wat to say, but i am the top student at preskool, soo uhh bye!

Tamatip: Babies evolve in an hour and 1/4, children evolve in 24 hours, teens evolve in 48 hours, and Adults meet the match maker in three days!

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He he, ma's not looking! Sooo anyways, about me! Itchy has a crush on me, and im soo cool at preskool, and...



Uhh guys...

Will you guys folrgive me? I just wanna make friends...


sure, but never lie about me ever agin, aspeacally behind my back!



I'm back from the bathroom...HEY!!


Tamatip: Make sure that your tamagotchi's not doing somthing sneaky...

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I just missed it! They have evolved into ringotchi, igotchi, the dimond thing, and ura marochi!

Itchy: dimond thing

Abby: ura marochi

Sour: Ringotchi

Allen: Igotchi

Tamatip: Almost always keep an eye on them, they might evolve! And also, Sour and Abby are on pause, it's so it's easyier to take care of my tamagotchis!

Hi me agin!! My tamagotchis are asleep, but they have evolved! Itchy now likes Allen, who evovled into a Violetchi! Itchy evovled into one of those super-stars, like elves! Exupted with red hair. I put them on pause so Abby and Sour can evovel!

Tamatip: you can sometimes tell what they will evovle into if you look at a tamachart that gives you allthe tamagotchis. There's one her and another one at tamagotchi! I sujest useing this one her at tamatalk!

Hey! I was going to say they are about to evovle sometime today last night for tomorrow, but it turns out that my tamagotchis woke me up as they started to grow! One did a glitch, and the other grew into a :) . The Glitch was that since my marochi was in the mametchi family, it grew into a UraMemechi, which is in the memechi family. The question is, how did i do it? :D

Tamatip: Sometimes you need to exucted the unexucted...

Tamatip: Chill, tamagotchis don't need that much attention! :eek:

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Hi, nothing yet, but my tamagotchis wanna talk!

Here's Itchy: Thank you very much! Hey! you know what i have noticed, is that since Sour is a :) , that I don't like her anymorer...

Wait! I'm desspret!!!

Sorry, i love Allen now! She's a Violetchi!


Ok! And here's Abby: Hey! What's up!

That's all for now...

Tamatip: Need money? Go to tamatown and play games, and buy stuff!

And Sour says: Bye!!!

Ok, I have lots to say! Itchy and Allen are in tamatown! And their babies are named Itch and Arone! They are, of corse, boys! I put My Ura memchi, Abby on pause so Itch can marry her! I wish those boys good luck!

Tamatip: The matchmaker come at 10:30!

Great news, Sour and Abby have babies, and the matchmaker came at the SaMe TiMe! So now i have two girls, and two boys... :huh: , I have a plan...

Anyways, i'm ganna think of good, wait no...GrEaT names for them! Ally is one of them, and the other is spicy!

Sour= Spicy!

Abby= Ally!

Tamatip: The match maker will come at 10:30, just set your tamagotchi's time and you might see the matchmaker. It won't always work though, and please push the middle button after it's done beeping or you will have to reset it, but use my other tips like bringing your tamagotchi back from the dead! :huh:

G~R~E~A~T N~E~W~S!

I went shopping because i had like over 50$, and after going to Gamestop for my gameboy, I went to target! Those those who live in Vancover Washington, LOOK AT TARGET!!!!! Because i found the new v5!!! They are a little more chalenging, but they're soooooo awesome!!! Even better news, they're on sale, however, the difference is just $1.60. I also found my favorite, cookie dough, and it was the last one! They are the Coco familitchi! Sadly, it doesn't show you how to pause it... :wacko:

Tamatip: If the v4 or v4.5s are a chalenge, don't get v5, but if they are easy, get them!

OMG!!!! Srry...I was bz on sims 2!

Anyways, My v5 is an adult! Theres: NeMutchi, YonePatchi, and Mumutchi! Nemutchi is the main one though! That's all

Tamatip: V5s take a little more time to gorw: Babies will grow in anhour, toodlers will grow in 2 days, teens will grow in 1-3 days, and yeah, that's all i know for now...

Ok! Greater news!

Right at night, I went to the matchmaker! I summoned my Nemutchi and Violetchi got married to him! Now he's a Papapatchi and that one violetchi is now a Mamametchi! Their child is a Mousetchi with a % of 20! I'm happy now so bye!

Tamatip: Mixed family members can grow into random things, so chill :mametchi:

Ok, I have just woke up at like 4:00 am! All because of my v5!!!!! It grew into a mamekatchi. Also, all v4s and v4.5s are all grown up! With their jobs, and three new characters! And both v4s are married to each other and have two little girls! :D . Also, how many tamagotchis can you take care of?

Tamatip: to bump up your %, use these times: 11:59, 1:59, and 5:59, once in awhile, they won't wanna bond, that's normal.

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Ok! New news!

I am now Proud to pronounce mametchi and uhhh, i 4got the name man and wife!?!?! Now I have two babies, Mamapatchi, and Papametchi! <_< , and the others are teens!! :unsure:

Tamatip: Need money? Play the tea pot game by going on you r computer and going to tamagotchi v5, now go to theamusment park and your there! Type in the log out password and and write it down, now type it in when ever you need money! This will work until the next genoration!

Gtg! They just grew into Tororotchi and mousetchi!


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