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Well-known member
Jun 14, 2009
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In your toilet. ;]

I'm SOO happy. I just got a letter from my best friend who moved away.

This is my second one from her, she is amazing & I love her soooo much.

It's a great way to keep in touch, but when were older & have a bit more

freedom I plan to meet up with her again. I know, I know, but it's only

3 or 4 years untill I am old enough to drive.. soo! & I know during them

years we will definately keep in touch!! We both have a best friend necklace

[them what once you put together are a heart] which we wear all the time &

we made eachother a poster to put on our walls! I'm so happy to still be in touch

with her, she is an amazing girl who I never want to let go of!

I also have a friend who lives in America! Christine. You might know

her, she registers as Christinbe on alot of sites. Well, we write to eachother

alot. We randomly met on the internet! =] Shes a m a z i n g!

So, my point is, do you write to any of your friends which have moved or have penpals from

differnt countries?

[//Edit\\] Typo! :]

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I used to write to my cousin all the time, who lives probably about 2,000 miles away. (I live in Pennsylvania, and she lives in Colorado.) She's only a few months younger than me and she is practically my sister. It was so much fun to send and receive snail mail - much more exciting than an email! We did that for about a year, but then we got lazy, so now we text and Myspace each other. XD

When I was 9 I had an email pal named Mae. She was from New York. I didn't know her, I just found her on a website xD She seemed cool :3

My mom said she would write letters to people, but wouldn't let me o<

I wanna be penpals with Ksenia, but my parents would freak out, and call Senny a perv. :huh:

My parents are overly protective (although I get REALLY P!ssed at them. Like yesterday when my dad called me crap. He was in a P!ssy mood.)


My dad showed me this penpal website when I was little, I wrote to a girl in Germany! D8

I also met someone who lives in Mississauga while camping, and we wrote for about a year, then I just stopped, lol.

It would be really nice to write to a lot of my TT friends but my mom would never let me. ):

^ I sent a letter to Ksenia like Almost Two Weeks ago [i mailed it on a wednesday Two weeks ago]. How long did the letter you sent her take to get to her? [NZ is like, Really close to Australia right? So It'd Take a while from Canada]

I don't send letters often, But When I do its really fun 8D.

OOH! I found a sneeky way to send letters to Senny!

When I go back to school, get the teacher to send the letter to her post office!

waaaiiiiiittttt. The teacher might ask my parents about that at parent teacher.


I write to my friend Bella, but those letters don't go very far haha she only lives in Ipswich.

I have a friend in New York. He's cool :) His name's Michael. He comes and visits every so often, and it's awesome : D

I looove writing letters. I've written one to Michelle, and am planning on writing some to Chelle and Maria, maybe. I'd love to write to more of my TT friends, cause mum lets me and encourages me to do it, but a lotta people's parents would totally flip. ):

I write letters to my cousin pretty often, and am in the middle of writing one now, since it's her birthday soon. I might write one to my grandparents too, since they live all the way in Russia.

I have those stupid penpals from school that I ditched xD

Our school does this program where we get penpals. A got a girl in America named sarah. =]

I got one from Michelle. Can't be bothered to send any myself.

We were promised penpals in year three. Never happened.

I personally don't like letters. I prefer phone calls! 8D

SENNY!!! I (finally) told my mum about you, and my mum's like "wouldn't it be cool to be her someday?" and I'm like "heck ya!" and mum's like "where does she live anyway?" So I'm like "Aussie." and mum sounded disapointed, and she's like "oh." and walked away. XDD

Maybe you could send me a letter! That would be totally ultra super epic win!

But I'll have to ask my mum. (And If you do send me a letter, my dad won't come with me to the post office. I'm literally dead if he found out. But if he does find out "You're my best friend from camp that moved here 2 years ago from Aussieland, and moved back"

My mum's cool with me sending letters to my TT buds. Maybe. Well, if she's cool with me meeting Senny some day, she's cool with letters.

My LL (letter list):







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Letter writings cool.


It's just you goota make sure

you don't give your address to the

wrong people!

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