Let's Make Music!


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Hey, I already calculated that this is my second page! Congrats to me and thanks to all my viewers. Anyway, back of topic. Jayjay and Lydia got married last night. Here's a re-enactment:


Saturday 20th September, 9:15pm:

I set the time to 7:59. I wait one minute. Then Lydia knocks at the door. Jayjay comes to the door and says "It's 8:00pm, who could that be? The bandmanager is my latest visitor and he doesn't come after 4:30pm" He opens the door and sees Lydia. Lydia asks "Jayjay, will you marry me?" Jayjay says yes. They kiss. Then they show fireworks to celebrate. An egg comes on the screen. A few seconds later it hatches into a boy. Little Diajay is born.


Yes, I'm calling their boy Diajay (pronounced Dee-a-jay) as a combo of Lydia and Jayjay.


Mail for... uh... Jayjay?

No, I'm Lydia, I'll get Jayjay for you. JAYJAY HUN YOU'VE GOT MAIL!!!!!

Coming! *comes to door* You have mail for me?

Yeah, here ya go.

Bye! *opens mail* Oh man, it's poo from Dino. He's still jealous that I got you.

Don't worry about him.

Diajay: Me tum bah pah tis?

We're not practicing.

But you can come to our concert tonight.


Here are Jayjay's last stats ever:


Name: Jayjay

Age: 7

Gender: Boy

Tama: Kuromametchi

Tone: 999

Rhythm: 999

Original: 999

Genre: Asian Music

Stress: 00

Hungry: ♥♥♥♥

Happy: ♥♥♥♥

GP: 29107300

Band: Music3!

Members: Boy - Jayjay - Bass Drum, Girl - Lydia - Memetchi - Guitar, Boy - Dino - Androtchi - Trumpet

Band ranking: 4th (they change their minds in music style)

Tama fans: 14361100


More mail for Jayjay!

Thanks. *opens it* It's a heart. I'mma let her know I'm married.








Baby Diajay

Sorry for not posting yesterday, I had school, then after school, I felt sick, then when I felt a bit better I wasn't allowed on here. Anyway, two nights ago, Jayjay and Lydia left their little boy. I decided I'd leave out the first 'a' and call him Dijay because it sounds better than Diajay. He is now a KIKITCHI. I'm sick of getting kikitchis, Dijay is my third one!




It's okay. Anyway, he went to school and made a band.


flashback to school and meeting bandmates:



What's up?

I'm Dijay, and you are?


Name's John.

Hey, here's a funny thought. Why don't the three of us make a band?

Hey, that's a good idea!

What shall we call ourselves?

How about Janola?

That's a human brand of bleech!

Yeah, but it sounds epically wierdly awesome!

Janola... Ja-no-la... I like it!

Now that's sorted, let's sort out who plays what instrument.

I'll play the trumpet. I don't mean to brag, but I'm pretty good at it!

And I'll try out that new harp Ms Belle gave me.

Hm... Guitar or bass drum... I'll try the bas drum!

So, Dijay, I hear your parents are Jayjay and Lydia of the great band Music3!

Yeah, that's where my name comes from. Di as in Lydia and Jay as in Jayjay.

Must be great to be the child of not one but TWO great musicians. You certainly must have inherited some music skill from them.



Okay, stop living in the past now, time to get back to the present. Tell them about the band's progress and more importantly what Elaine and John's characters are.


I'm a Ringotchi! A cute little apple. I just hope a human doesn't come and take a bite out of me! xD

And I'm a Hinotamatchi. A burnin' fireball!


Yes, John is my third bandmate Hinotamatchi.


The band Janola is progressing really well, we get better and better each practice.

We do pop music!


I like to pretend John is like the tama version of the NZ Prime Minister because the NZ Prime Minister is John Key xD


Teri, we've said enough can we say bye now?









John (Key)

Hey, so Dijay and his band evolved today, Dijay is a...










Go on, guess...





MAMETCHI!!!!!!! I'm so happy, he's my first Mametchi on a tama that's not V5. What makes it better is that Elaine is a -


I wanna tell them!


Okay, Elaine you tell them.


I'm a MIMITCHI!!!! I'm so awesome!

Yeah yeah, whatever, they get it, you're a Mimitchi. What's awesomer is I'm a Togetchi.

Mametchi's better!

Yeah because Mametchi is a perfect care character!


Dear Diary,

I'm a Mimitchi! And Dijay's a Mametchi and John is a Togetchi. Don't tell Dijay, but I think I'm starting to fall for him. I know we'd make a cute couple. Think about it. Mimitchi and Mametchi... :huh: :(

With Mimitchi greatness and love,

;) ♥♥ Elaine


Yeah, just like my other girl bandmates have liked my tamas... Will it work out like Jayjay/Lydia or will it crumble like Steve/Thu??? PM me to have your say in what will happen.





Dijay :D

Elaine :(


This has to be quick so anyway, Janola got their pro debut then got 4th place and the band manager gave them 10000 GP each they were supposed to do a concert but I didn't hear the music. Apparently they did because they are now 2nd in the ranking.





Dijay :blink:

Elaine :eek:


Hey, so I haven't received any fanmail yet. Does this mean no-one's reading my log???????? Or is it boring????? Please send me some fanmail!!!!!! :p So anyway, Dijay's practicing his harp at the moment and he likes Asian music now. Here he is:


Hey, it's me Dijay. Elaine stayed over last night. We talked about band progress and we talked about which two kinds of tamas anywhere would make cute couples. I was surprised when Elaine said Mametchi and Mimitchi. That's us!!! But now I think about it we would make a cute couple...

See Dijay, what did I tell you? We would be cute together.

Okay, so that means we're a couple?

Yeah, sure. *thinking: OH YEAH!!!!!*

*comes in* What did I miss?








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So hey peeps! I will give you Dijay's stats:


Name: Dijay

Age: 4

Gender: Boy

Tama: Mametchi

Tone: 999

Rhythm: 999

Original: 999

Genre: Asian Music

Stress: 04

Hungry: ♥♥♥♥

Happy: ♥♥♥

GP: 1017840

Band: Janola

Members: Boy - Dijay - Harp, Girl - Elaine - Mimitchi - Trumpet, Boy - John - Togetchi - Bass Drum

Band ranking: 1st

Tama fans: 522957453


That's his stats, now at the moment Janola are being interviewed. Here it is:


So, when did you guys form?

We formed in Music School.

That is true.

So I hear you were first ranked in Pop. Tell me about that.

Well it really surprised us when Dijay told us he liked Pop music.

But what surprised us more was that we ranked first.

So Elaine, I hear you and Dijay are going out. When did this happen?

I don't like to talk about my love life.

Okay. Well that's all for So Hot Tama Bands! I'm Fay Violet saying goodnight to you all!

Director: And we're clear!








Dear Diary

MAJOR CRISIS!!!! I've started to fall for John as well as Dijay. They're both cute but Dijay's smart while John's funny. Which one do I date? I know, I won't date either. If I date one it breaks the other's heart and if I date both I'm two-timing. I'm going to break up with Dijay now.

With Mimitchi love and sadness,

;) ): Elaine


Dijay, I don't know how to tell you this, but, I'm breaking up with you.

Wha... huh... Why????

Well I uh... thought about it and uh... I decided um... you'd be better off with uh... Violetchi or um... Chantotchi.

Tell me the real reason

Okay I like you and John so I thought it's better if I don't date either of you because I'd break someone's heart.

Okay, I'll accept that. I'll call the band manager and let him know to bring me a partner. *calls band manager*

Hey, Dijay. I have just the partner for you, a gorgeous Chantotchi named Elina.

She's beautiful. I'll marry her.


Dijay and Elina got married and they had a beautiful baby girl. Congratulations!


Yay, my first Music Star girl!!!!!! I will call her... Hm... Georgia. Yeah, Georgia sounds good.


Elina: Look at our lovely Georgia!

I know she's adorable!

I'm glad you found another partner so quickly!

I found a great partner. An Onputchi named Malina.

Elina: Malina is my sister!


Elina: Yeah, couldn't you tell? Elina, Malina? They rhyme!

With how similar elina is to Elaine I could have thought you two were sisters! Anyway, we had a little boy. Our children should marry.

Ew, no! That would be inbreeding! They're cousins for crying out loud!

Oh well.

Georgia: WAAAAAH!!!!!!!

Elina: I think she's hungry. *feeds Georgia* There there honey, all better!

Georgia: *stops crying*








Elina and baby Georgia

Now for the first time ever....... ELINA'S DIARY!!!!!!!


Dear Diary,

Yesterday I met an awesome Mametchi named Dijay. I met him through the band manager. We got married and we had a baby girl called Georgia. We are going to Tama Planet tonight. When I leave, I will leave you with Georgia so she can get to know her mother a bit. Here goes:


Dear Georgia,

When you read this you will hopefully know a bit about me as your mother. I am sorry but I have to leave you tonight.

Love and kisses,

Your mother,

Elina. ♥♥xx


Aw, she's leaving Georgia her diary. So anyway Elina and Dijay leave little Georgia tonight and I will name her tomorrow morning. I can't believe how adorable Georgia looks in happiness!








Elina and baby Georgia

WAAAAAH!!!!!! Where mama and dada???


It's okay, Georgia, I'm here.


Hooo aaaa you????


I'm Teri. I took very good care of your dad, his dad and HIS dad too. And I'll take very special care of you.




because you're my very first female Music Star!


Oh. You... Teaaaweee?


Close enough. You're only a baby after all. You'll be able to say it better when you're a toddler. Say hi to TT, Georgia.


Hewo TT. Me Dorda! Teaaaweee goin to take keaa ov me!


Aw, she's learning to say her name! So cute. Oops someone made a poo. Better clean it up! *cleans poo* There all better! Oh, now you're sick! *one dose on medicine* All better! Stats!


Name: Georgia

Age: 0

Gender: Girl

Tama: Petitchi

Tone: 249

Rhythm: 250

Original: 249

Genre: Rock 'n' Roll

Stress: 00

Hungry: ♥♥♥♥

Happy: ♥♥♥♥

GP: 0

Band: N/A


That's all for now!






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Sorry for not replying to this log,I can't believe it over 300 views now, thanks guys! Anyway, as a child Georgia was Hitodetchi, as a teen, she was a Chamametchi and started a band with Paul the Kikitchi and Dino the Hinotamatchi, now she's an adult and she's a Chantotchi, Paul's a Togetchi and Dino's a Dorotchi. The band is called Angus. I will show you Georgia's diary now.


Child entry:

Dear Diary,

I read my mum's sidenote to this diary and I now know her a bit. I am a Hitodetchi and I am loving preschool.

<_< Georgia


Teen entry:

Dear Diary,

I am now a Chamametchi and I started a band called Angus with my friends, a Kikitchi named Paul and a Hinotamatchi named Dino. We are great!



First ever Adult entry:

Dear Diary,

We evolved today. I am a Chantotchi like my mother, Paul is a Togetchi and Dino is a Dorotchi. We failed every single audition!



Now for more recent entries:


Dear Diary,

It took a while but we passed our auditions!!! We then played our concerts and ranked first in Classical!! ☺ Yay!



Oh, hi TT! I haven't spoken to you guys in ages!

Me and Dino haven't spoken to you guys at all!


Teri, we got mail! From GirlzRule!


Hazel can be quite evil O.O And yes, I am one of your daily readers ^_~ I <3 your log.

Thanks GirlzRule! I know it's a reply to some fanmail I sent her but it says she likes this log so that's better than nbo fanmail! I hope this is hinting at all my log-readers out there to send me some fanmail!




Wait! I want to say that I am just so proud to be here today,

and I am also going to say something. I am glad I finally get to talk here in this log Georgia mentioned millions of times.


Is that all now?


G&P: Yes!



What do you want to say then Dino?



Okay then,








Hey, two days ago, Georgia had a baby boy and yesterday I made her leave the baby then named him Robbie. He became a Kuchitamatchi as a child, then today he evolved into a teen. He is a Nonopotchi. He started a band with a Ringotchi named Lydia and a Kikitchi named John.


Hello TamaTalk! My name is Robbie and I'm a Nonopotchi. I am the headphone person thingy of the pop band Mountain.

I'm Lydia. I am the singer of Mountain, singing off Karaoke.

I'm John, the guitarist of Mountain. Send Teri fanmail!

I'm Teri's actual Tamagotchi, I tell the fans to send her fanmail!

Too bad, I already said it!

*Robbie and John are arguing*

YOU TWO CUT IT OUT!!!!!!!! *pulls them apart*

Sorry, Lydia.

yeah, we're very sorry.

It's okay.


Dear Diary,

I'm in a band with Robbie a Nonopotchi and John a Kikitchi. We are called Mountain. I think the two of them are fighting over me, trying to impress me because when I broke them apart from a fight they both started to be very nice to me!

Lots of love,



I'm thinking of starting up my V3 and if/when I do the V3 will write in dark cyan.








Okay, so I put a battery in my V3 and I got a baby girl who I named Starr. But that was about an hour ago and now she's a Mizutamatchi.


Hello TamaTalk! I changed my colour to violet because it's pretty...


Okay, Starr you can write in violet if you want.


Yay! Hi, my name is Starr and I'm a Mizutamatchi and Bella is my buddy. We have two faces in our address book for each other. Teri said she's going to let me grow old and live as long as I can.


Yes, Starr, you're going to live as long as possible. By the way, Bella is my sister's V4 which used to be mine but I let her have it.


My new adoptive sister is wierd!

Don't say that, Robbie! I think Starr's neat!

Thank you Lydia! See, she likes me and she's not even my sister!

What's all the commotion about? I'm having my beauty -- *sees Starr* sleep..... And who's this young lady?

John, don't even think about it. You're a teen and she's only a child!

I'm Starr! I'm Robbie's adoptive sister!

Call me when you're a teen! I'll be waiting!


Starr's Diary:

Dear Diary,

Today I met my adoptive brother Robbie's band mates Lydia and John today. think John likes me. He told me to call him when I'm a teen! I have a future boyfriend!!!



Lydia's Diary:

Dear Diary,

I found out Robbie has an adoptive sister named Starr. She is pretty neat though Robbie says she's wierd. I've never seen a child like that. Apparently her character is a Mizutamatchi and she's on V3. John is in love with her. I wish he'd stop hitting on younger girls.



Robbie, you can have Lydia. I'm in love with Starr.

*scoffs* You? In love with my sister??? She won't be stupid enough to go for you.

She's not even a real sister!

*Robbie and John argue*


I'd better stay out so for now,









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Hey, TT!!! My tamas are doing well. I'll let them talk.


Hello TamaTalkers!

What's that smell?


Ew! Teri, Starr just pooed!


Okay, I'll clean it. *cleans Starr's poo* But aren't you being kind of a hypocrite? You do that too. Anyway she's only a child.


But she's going to be a teen today!

And we will be adults today so up your skill points so we can pass auditions!


Okay, stats time!


V3 Stats:

Name: Starr

Age: 0

Weight: 33lb

Hungry: ♥♥♥♥

Happy: ♥♥♥

Training: [||-----] | is training points got, - is blank parts.

Gender: Girl

Generation: 1G

Points: 675

Username: Teri

Tama: Mizutamatchi


Music Star Stats:

Name: Robbie

Gender: Boy

Age: 1

Weight: 46lb

Hungry: ♥♥♥♥

Happy: ♥♥♥♥

Stress: 00

Tone: 336


Original: 380

Genre: Pop

Fave. Instrument: Headphones

Tama: Nonopotchi

Generatiob: 5G

Poings: 5430

Username: Teri

Band: Mountain

Members: Boy - Robbie - Nonopotchi - Headphones, Girl - Lydia - Ringotchi - Karaoke, Boy - John - Kikitchi - Guitar


Teri, why am I called Starr?


I named you after Starr on the Amazing Race Season 13.











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[SIZE=14pt]TWO EVOLUTIONS YESTERDAY!!!!! (well, technically four but oh well)[/SIZE]


Evolution 1: Starr became a Obotchi.

Evolution 2: Robbie became a Kuchipatchi. His bandmates evolved too. Lydia is a Masktchi and John is a Mametchi.


Starr, as an Obotchi, looks like Elvis. Why did you have to look like Elvis, Starr. Why???


Hey! At least "Elvis" is a good care teen! Anyway, I found some old fanmail from Jadeie:


I Love Your Tamalog! I even wrote That Your Log was Awesome In My Log!

Thanks Jadeie! And sorry I didn't read your fanmail sooner. Anyway people, read Jadeie's log it's a good log!


Why didn't we pass auditions?

Well, hello teen Starr.

She's only a teen, John. You're an adult and, even worse, you're a Mametchi but you're behaving like an Androtchi. Mametchis wouldn't hit on young teenage girls like that!

*mimics Lydia* Yeah, yeah, yeah whatever.

And one day, I'm going to turn old and live as long as possible.









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Hey people. I'm sorry, but Starr and Bella are no longer with us. Me and my sister traded tamas so we had to reset them. Now in Starr's place, on the V3 which now belongs to my sis, is a Teletchi named Jacob. In Bella's place, on the V4 which now belongs to me, is a Shirotsubutchi named Alice. She's asleep right now. By the way, my use of the name Alice has nothing to do with Twilight. I just like the name. My sister however is obsessed with Twilight.



I gave up Starr for this little twerp?

Don't be mean to Alice! She's a cute little baby!

*wakes up* Tang oo Wida (Thank you Lydia)


Fave foods for Music Star tamas:

Kikitchi: bananas

Shimashimatchi: omelet

Kuromametchi: choco bar, waffle

Chantotchi: Cereal

Kuchipatchi: Corn


Okay, Bye!







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So Alice evolved into a Harutchi and she just enrolled in preschool. Here she is.


Hi. I can talk now. According to a growth chart I'll most likely be either Young Mimitchi or Ringotchi. I love preschool. Teri, I'm going to go hang out with Nikki.


Is Nikki one of your preschool friends?


Yeah. Bye!


Bye Alice!


*talking to self in his room* It's not fair. Ever since that twerp came around Teri's been caring for her more than me. I hate that!









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W00T!!! Almost 400 views!!! Keep up the viewing fans and please send me fanmail.


Hi TT!!! I wanna be a Travel Agent when I grow up!


Well, you'd better go to Mr Canvas when you go to School.


Yay! Me and Nikki are gonna be Travel Agents together!

And I'm in a band!


Short entry but,









Hey everybody Alice evolved! She's a Young Mimitchi.


I'm awesome. I'm awesome. I'm awesome. And Nikki's a Young Dorotchi. We're going to Mr Canvas's class together!


That's great Alice!


You're a twerp Alice!

Don't be mean! It's okay Alice.

See what I mean? She gets all the attention because she's younger than me.

Oh Alice, you're a Young Mimitchi! Call me when you're a Mimitchi

I will. Only I will never be a Mimitchi. I'll be a Marotchi and then I'll turn old and live forever!

Then I shall grow old with you!

Get over it John, you'll never get Alice LaDot!

Okay, I'll just marry through the Band Manager. When we get one!





Robbie :lol:

Lydia ;)

John :)

Alice ;)

Sorry for not replying. On Monday Robbie married a Kunoitchi and had a baby girl. Yesterday, Alice evolved into Marotchi. Today, Robbie is no longer with us. In his place is his daughter Jessicca. Alice got her dream job today.


I'm a Travel Agent! Bur Nikki's not! She became a Yattatchi but she didn't have enough kindness points for Travel Agent. She became a hairdresser!


Oh well.


Hey everybody, I'm Jessicca, Robbie's daughter. I'm a Hitodetchi. I like Hip Hop music.


Alice's Diary:

Dear Diary,

Today, I got my dream job as a Travel Agent. I am sad though, that my best friend Nikki didn't get the Travel Agent job. I am a Marotchi and lovin' it.

Marotchi love,



Jessicca's Diary:

Dear Diary,

I am a Hitodetchi! Oh, this is my first entry. I haven't introduced myself. I am Jessicca, the daughter of Robbie the Kuchipatchi of the band Mountain. Anyway, I like my preschool!

<_< Jessicca







Okay, so yesterday, Jessicca became a Ringotchi and got into Music School and made a band called So What? with a Chamametchi named Jenny and a Hinotamatchi named Louis. Today Jess became an Onputchi and Jenny is a Chantotchi and Louis is a Tarakotchi.


Hi, I'm Jessicca the karaoke singer of the Pop band So What?. My friend Jenny is the guitarist and my other mate Louis is the headphone dancer for the band.


This had to be quick my sister rushed me so bye!







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