Legalization of Marijuana


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I, personally, feel that it should be legalized. Both for Medical and Recreational purposes. I mean, if people want to smoke it, let them.

there have never been any reports indicating that someone has gotten lung cancer from smoking weed. just sayin'
Why should it be legalised because there's no "official" reports? Everyone knows smoking can cause lung cancer (in some people). If you smoke marijuana in a joint mixed with cigarette tobacco - or through a hookah pipe - then you are running the risk of getting lung cancer from smoking - (and affecting ppl around you who will be smoking passively if it's a joint). You don't need an official report to be aware that there are real heath risks - just common (unimpaired) sense :p

I think it's probably right to legalize marijuana - in a form that can be used medicinally to relieve pain without the "high". But not to legalise another substance to sit alongside alcohol and tobacco because they already cause enough problems (socially and financially),

Trouble is, for some who smoke medicinally, it's the high that they say dulls the pain (or brain)... I think there are a lot of people dealing with addiction problems out there - I don't see the sense in adding to the problem and giving everyone another option.

If it was legalised, I think it would still probably have similar restrictions to alcohol and tobacco - in terms of legal age for consumption - so kids would still be hiding the fact that they were smoking it and it would still be "cool" because it would still be illicit.

But hey, it's a life choice.

Shame that so many people aren't able to make sensible judgements for themselves and need laws to keep them safe.

Why should it be legalised because there's no "official" reports? Everyone knows smoking can cause lung cancer (in some people). If you smoke marijuana in a joint mixed with cigarette tobacco - or through a hookah pipe - then you are running the risk of getting lung cancer from smoking - (and affecting ppl around you who will be smoking passively if it's a joint). You don't need an official report to be aware that there are real heath risks - just common (unimpaired) sense :p
but then that would be the tobacco causing it, you said that smoking marijuana through a joint can cause lung cancer :p

It can, actually. It's still smoke, and it damages lung tissue.

The smoke of it bothers me just as much as cigs--smoke is smoke and it's bad for the lungs regardless. People say it doesn't cause lung cancer, but unfortunately real research cannot be conducted because it's illegal. But due to the fact it does have some of the same stuff cigs do that cause lung tissue damage, i would say that yes, it has the ability to do so.

you can't just say, actually it can. that can be your opinion but that doesn't mean it's fact. what makes you more knowledgeable on the subject compared to scientists that have been studying it for years? if there was a definite answer and you knew about it, we would too.

you can't just say, actually it can. that can be your opinion but that doesn't mean it's fact. what makes you more knowledgeable on the subject compared to scientists that have been studying it for years? if there was a definite answer and you knew about it, we would too.
Actually they cannot for various reasons, such as:

  • illegal
  • subjects who lie about total consumption
  • those who smoke it usually also smoke cigarettes or cigars which can botch the results
It's hard to fully research, like trying to research people on meth or cocaine because they're illegal (and very harmful), but smoke is smoke, and all smoke damages the alveolar cells of the lungs, there's no buts about it. It's a very delicate tissue, simple squamous, so gases pass through the air sacs easily. You add smoke to it, be it cigarettes or marijuana, you're going to cause damage, period.

However, in my own opinion I still think it's not something to be toying around with, like alcohol, and I still prefer to avoid those who use it and will never allow someone in my life to get hooked on it. If they do, it's later days, dude. (But I'm the same with people who drink all the time, just don't want to be around them, they are wasting time and money on something to numb themselves that over time can harm their body.)

can i just ask how someone smoking marijuana effects you? unless they're smoking it around you. it seems immoral to me that you would be prejudice towards someone for smoking cannabis, whether it be for personal or medical use. however, each to their own. that's just my opinion

My uncle smoked weed, got a brain tumor, $10,000 surgery, then he quit. Thats all I want to say

can i just ask how someone smoking marijuana effects you? unless they're smoking it around you. it seems immoral to me that you would be prejudice towards someone for smoking cannabis, whether it be for personal or medical use. however, each to their own. that's just my opinion
The smell and smoke makes me dry heave badly, or actually vomit. Even if just the smell clings to the person, same with cigarette smoke. (I am very sensitive to smells, even too strong of perfume is bad and causes the same reactions, same with incense smoke, too.)

I don't view it as immoral, to me it's a choice to not get mixed up in it. I wouldn't hang around other people who were meth addicts, cocaine users, alcoholics, etc, either. That is my choice. To me they are people I cannot trust who drown away their lives in whatever addiction they're in. And as I stated in a post before, I had a friend who smoked--she decided she'd rather do that than do anything with her life. She doesn't work, doesn't go to school, just literally sits around all day. She came up with BS to the state saying she's disabled and now is on SSI, when i knew her for years and know she's just lying so she can get through life with everything handed to her, and another mutual friend agreed. (Meanwhile I literally am disabled/have disorders, and I don't get squat and each day is a struggle to even function to work towards a future for myself--the American medical system here sucks, but that's going off on a tangent now.) And since getting involved with it, she picked it over her friends and has ended up being real rude, calling things off, having others pay for her, etc. One thing that was a big no-no was she could never be in my car in case she had weed on her and if we got pulled over for any reason. No friggen way is that going on my record if she was to try to stash it and blame me.

Bottom line is, every single friend I had who got involved with marijuana turned into shady people who ended up being liars and users. I'm sure this makes me biased due to these experiences, but they were fine before they started the junk, so I'm sticking to the safe side and avoiding all contact with said people. It's my own personal choice.

but then that would be the tobacco causing it, you said that smoking marijuana through a joint can cause lung cancer :p
Inhaling smoke is bad for your lungs, be it tobacco, marijuana, or fire. (I know the fire part well, during fire season here my lungs get so full of smoke that it's hard to breathe.) Maybe marijuana does have some good health effects, and maybe not, but it is still not good for your lungs. Everything comes with a price.

It's legal to smoke it in your home here in Colorado, you can legally possess up to an ounce of it, and you can legally grow 6 Canibis plants as long as your 21+ and while technically it's still federally illegal Obama even stated they weren't really going to try enforcing it here in Colorado

Well, I think I posted before that I feel it can be legalized for medicinal purposes but now I am against even that.

As TamaMum stated, saying the smoking and alcohol are illegal is a weak statement for supporting the legalization of something else that is potentially dangerous.

The idea of using drugs for "recreational purposes" is in my opinion, a ridiculous concept. There are many other ways to enjoy yourself than being "high" on drugs, and if you need to escape from stress and such, drugs is not the way to do it. Listen to relaxing music, watch cartoons, but altering your mind with drugs is not a proper way to have "fun".

As for medicinal purposes, I am sure people can live without marijuana, hmm? ;) It may relieve some of the effects of pain and / or certain diseases but they do not prevent the disease from getting worse and definitely do not prevent death; instead, it may possibly cause problems later on. When I am in a lot of pain, I just take headache tablets (even if I do not have a headache :p ) which are of course, available in grocery stores and I don't overdose. Marijuana on the other hand has this big debate about legalizing it, and while I understand overdosing painkillers is harmful too, marijuana is potentially harmful even when using "normal" amounts.

As for medicinal purposes, I am sure people can live without marijuana, hmm? ;) It may relieve some of the effects of pain and / or certain diseases but they do not prevent the disease from getting worse and definitely do not prevent death; instead, it may possibly cause problems later on. When I am in a lot of pain, I just take headache tablets (even if I do not have a headache :p ) which are of course, available in grocery stores and I don't overdose. Marijuana on the other hand has this big debate about legalizing it, and while I understand overdosing painkillers is harmful too, marijuana is potentially harmful even when using "normal" amounts.
Do you mean in the form it's in now, or as a pill or something else? I think recreational is not such a good idea, but medicinal maybe, only if they removed the THC, (the part that gets you "high") and utilize the CBC, which has been shown to help relieve those who suffer from epilepsy. Either pill, gel, injection, etc, but strictly as a medicinal drug, like painkillers and such. And if you take out the part that makes a person high, it loses people's interest to abuse it anyway.

(If I got any of the abbreviations wrong, sorry, it's rather late for me.)

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Do you mean in the form it's in now, or as a pill or something else? I think recreational is not such a good idea, but medicinal maybe, only if they removed the THC, (the part that gets you "high") and utilize the CBC, which has been shown to help relieve those who suffer from epilepsy. Either pill, gel, injection, etc, but strictly as a medicinal drug, like painkillers and such. And if you take out the part that makes a person high, it loses people's interest to abuse it anyway.

(If I got any of the abbreviations wrong, sorry, it's rather late for me.)
Um... I didn't really know about the different forms. I was just talking about marijuana in general, I guess.

Um... I didn't really know about the different forms. I was just talking about marijuana in general, I guess.
Yeah there's two key components, one that actually helps the body, and one that gives one the "high" feeling. I'm against the "high" feeling which is the main reason why people do it for recreational purposes.

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