Leap Year 2012 Feb 29 Hatch!


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Wow! Sorry for not logging everyone, but I'm using my Blackberry® now so anyway, good to see you got a Kuhcipatchi!!! <3 my v4 is a mohitamatchi and will evolve in around 11 mins, and my v4.5 is a Shitekitchi with a tsubutchi baby, and she'll leave tonight!

Yay! The Fluffs finally evolved into Shelltchi, Ichigotchi, and Bakutchi! ...Bakugan? Whatevs. I think Baku is Japanese for bubble or bomb. Big difference. ;)

Here's a little update; This morning I found that Ringo had evolved into...Obotchi! :)

He's so sweet, we've played lots of games together, his favourite is Heading! (He's not that great at Bump since he's so light!)


He even said Happy Birthday to me! But my birthday happened to be yesterday...I must have done an error at the beginning. Haha.

Other than that, it has all been pretty uneventful. I will be going to a Taiko drummer performance tonight, definitely bringing this sweetheart along. :)

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Cali has turned into a Young Mametchi! I will upload a picture later :)

Ah, I haven't been updating... And He was paused most of yesterday. :C

Anyway, on the 1st, nothing really happened, at 4:00 I had to give him a Time Out. (Naughty.) And then at 7:00 I gave him a Praise. (He must of realized what he did was bad. :3 Whatever it was that he even did...) The next day I only had him un-paused in the morning before school, but at 8:00am, he evolved into a Patapatatchi. Nothing has happened today yet, I just played a game of Heading with him (8p! Woo!) and now his Hearts are full, and his training bar has 3 filled in.


I need to get better at taking photos of screens

I might not be able to post photos...

Oh well. Anyway, Delilah evolved into a chamametchi this afternoon, and I got three of her happy symbols. I also turned her into Hapi chamametchi at the Henshin Jo.

That's all for today!

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Hapihapi chamametchi is evillllllllll! And she's actually called HapiChamatchi!

But that's not why I am here today. I am here to say that the Fluff family has a 50% bond. They like to play with my two Tama-Gos and Music Star. They might evolve tomorrow.

carli turned into a young memetchi


then a couple days later she is a full grown memetchi!


hopefully she will have a visit from the matchmaker soon :)

hi everyone!


delilah evolved into a chamametchi, as i said before.


one of her happy symbols (i forget which one)


one of her happy symbols


dressed up at the henshin jo as Hapi Chamatchi! (Thank you to EternalMametchiFan for pointing that out!)

that's all for us, see you tomorrow!

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Ive really been having fun with my v4.5 and v3. I dont know what it is. I was scared id be bored with the black pixels cause i have my ID L now. But its actually the opposite. I appreciate them more now. The V3s animations are so cute! samuroitchi i got on my v4.5 named BEN in actually really cute. Ive never gotten him before. He hardly asks for n e thing, and he does these cute rolls on the screen from time to time. Heres BEN and CURLY https://i1173.photobucket.com/albums/r592/aliciavz88/20120303_192204.jpg https://i1173.photobucket.com/albums/r592/aliciavz88/20120303_192010.jpg https://i1173.photobucket.com/albums/r592/aliciavz88/20120303_191154.jpg https://i1173.photobucket.com/albums/r592/aliciavz88/20120303_191057.jpg

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Wow everyone! Thanks for your logging in the hatch, well my v4 had a bug (it's getting old now :( ) and started again, so I thought I might as well log my v4.5 with it!!! They're a mohitamatchi named Star, and a kuchitamatchi named Moon, pics coming after they evolve to teens!!!

Wow everyone! Thanks for your logging in the hatch, well my v4 had a bug (it's getting old now :( ) and started again, so I thought I might as well log my v4.5 with it!!! They're a mohitamatchi named Star, and a kuchitamatchi named Moon, pics coming after they evolve to teens!!!

My v5 family evolved into adults: Onputchi, Mumutchi, and Violetchi :furawatchi: ! The bond percentage is 60%. I was gonna make my boy marry my Music Star, Mimitchi, but since he's a lame Mumutchi I decided I would rather make Violetchi marry at the Dating Show. I don't know when Otokitchi will let me, though.

ok I've had problems with my pC but there fixed now lets begin heres the egg
sorry no baby girl pic i forgot :p so heres a toddler pic
and a teen pic

Well My Toro eveled into a Ura Mametchi and has the job where jump on the trampoline and pop the ballons!

My other Tama Blade on the other hand has also evolved but into a Ura Togetchi! I'll get Pictures and post 'em tomorrow!

Also my iD L's Connected so many times causing them to turn into Meistertchi and Giragiratchi so maybe soon they'll get married and have Babies!!!

Alex has become Patapatatchi!


She's almost four now, so I'm thinking she'll morph in the morning. I'm so excited!

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Fida! Is that a pink Hawaiian flower V2 that's slightly visible in your photo? I HAVE THE EXACT SAME TAMAGOTCHI! :eek:

Anyway, Violetchi, Mumutchi, and Onputchi have reached 80% bond! I hope to get 100% and then make Violetchi get married so I can get the Furawatch Family! I am so pleased. :)

:( My V3 somehow broke. Argh, I'm really saddened by this. I was thinking of using my other V3, but realized it was in my chalet.

Ringo was supposed to turn into an adult this afternoon, so...

Guess I won't be logging here anymore. :(

I wish the best of luck for the others, and I hope nothing this bad will happen.

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