Last Post Wins 2: electric boogaloo


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I didn't get back that far XD Though not only is Dr. Mario a fraud, I bet he's poor too since vets have allot of technical skills but they're ranked lower than real doctors, so they don't get paid as much. No wonder he wanted to hide his veterinary status. I did also find it funny when you thought the young'uns wouldn't know what a paper boy was... as if you've been collecting penguins for decades and keep poking people with your cane.
WAHAHAHAHAHA! :lol: Yes, that's certainly how it feels. :p

My Dad (who has reached the minimum years of "senior-hood") used to be a paper boy and there was one time where all the paper boys were gather together for a meeting. They were lectured on how the paper was going out of business and it was on their shoulders to maintain a paper in everybody's life, as if a species was going extinct (something like that). What a weight to put on tweens. Granny didn't believe the urgency when Dad told her (y'know, back in the early 70's).
Wow... Still, they weren't wrong - the projection was just many, many decades ahead of its time. As unfortunate as it was to put that on the shoulders of a bunch of kids who were in their employ, I've got to hand it to the business-folks in question for their foresight! :eek:

please let me win at least today it's my birthday
Ok! :D ... Oh, that didn't work very well, either. :p

Yes, that's certainly how it feels. :p
Hmm. Likes penguins and pokes young'uns with canes...


Has Penguin-Keeper's identity finally been revealed!? Has she been tormenting Batman all this time!? Tune in next week at the same Bat-time on the same Bat-channel! Nananananana...

(Reminds me how I should get around to watching more of Batman: The Animated Series since it was quite good despite the audience it was aiming at. Of course, I'm referencing above the cheesy 60s version that my parents would compulsively feel like watching ever so often. My mom can binge watch Sesame Street, which is fine, but that Batman series was kinda intolerable.)

Hmm. Likes penguins and pokes young'uns with canes...


Has Penguin-Keeper's identity finally been revealed!? Has she been tormenting Batman all this time!? Tune in next week at the same Bat-time on the same Bat-channel! Nananananana...
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Oh goodness me, that's made my day - thankyou. :lol:

Reminds me how I should get around to watching more of Batman: The Animated Series since it was quite good despite the audience it was aiming at.
I grew up watching that show - I can remember when it was new! Shows like that, which respect the audience, are so rare, and it's absolutely worth your time to watch more of it! :D

The production history is quite interesting, too, both for the show itself, and for the other pitches that were made alongside it which didn't make it, one of them being "Gizmo and the Gremlins", an animated show based on, of course, Gremlins, and another being an Aliens-based cartoon series which actually had a toy-line released by Kenner in spite of the show not actually being produced (said line was rebranded as being a movie-based line, but it used the cartoon's designs). Of course, one other pitch that did make it was Taz-Mania, which was the only one not based on a Warner Bros. movie franchise. :p


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