NO HE'S MINE. ALL MINE. **gets out hypnosis gear** Now you shall have no memory of Alexander Ludwig. He is naught but a simple person in the world. And also he is my husband forever. **stops hypnotizing**At least my husband is a human being. C;
Wut? Wut? Oh you just got burneddd like toast.
BOLDED PART IS A LIE! HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO SAY I HAVE BEEN HERE SINCE 2006 ON VARIOUS ACCOUNTS!I win because it's getting kind of boring constantly having donated the most money to TamaTalk, having the most posts and having been here for longest on this page.
That's a human being?At least my husband is a human being. C;
Wut? Wut? Oh you just got burneddd like toast.