Well I can speak/write/read/anything else fluently in 3 languages. Im wondering what others can. I know pleanty of Russian people including me and my bff and I know a couple japanese people too. So please vote^^
I'm bilingual. I speak spanish, but mostly english. I was born to speak spanish, but I can't believe that I taught myself how to speak english, I speak english very well, which means, I don't have an accent. I can't read that good in spanish though...
^_^ I was born in Ukrain [which is NOT part of russia! It makes me want to kill so much when people say it is XP Its USED TO BE now its not] then I moved to Russian so by then I knew Russian and Ukranian. And when I was 6 my family moved to America withount me knowing ANY english except for Hi and stuff. I did manage to learn it and I dont even have accent like Tamasweet2^^ My dad has an accent, my mom CANT even speak fluent english and my sis is 2 so she cant even speak in complete sentences X) Oh yeah, Im 12 now.
English and French! Well, in French I can tell the Three Little Pigs story but I can't remember it all. ---> Premier petit cochon: Regarde! Je fait une maison de paille est je suis content de ma maison! =D
Spanish and English. I started learning a little Portuguese and my friends from Philippines started teaching me some Tagolog. maligayung bati, tamatalk!