LaLaGotchi's Log!


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Active member
Aug 28, 2010
Reaction score
Massachusetts, USA
OK, I know that most of you do not know me, but I was user "mimitchi_rocks13579" on here back in 2006 or somewhere around there. I grew out of Tamagotchis when my hormones kicked in, and that was when I was thirteen. I hadn't touched a Tamagotchi in three years, and I had asked my dad to sell all six of mine (one v1, one v2, two v3's, and two v4's, to be exact) on eBay. And the lanyard.

A couple of days ago, I found them. He didn't sell them at all.

While I knew the thirteen-year-old me would have been quite disgruntled, I was happy. I went right to CVS to get some batteries. I remembered exactly what kind - CR2032s. Little did I know the price of them went up since '06. Heh, you can kinda expect it, during an economic crisis. I could only afford one. And then considering it was eleven at night once I got home, I went to sleep and saved everything for the next morning - today :(

So, this morning, after working on my essay (yes, I have summer reading assignments. Kids, learn from my mistake and back up documents in case your laptop dies!) I grabbed the tiniest screwdriver I could find downstairs in my dad's toolbox, and picked one to debug. My line of thinking was: The more advanced versions have more characters, and the shop and TamaTown and stuff, but I had heard rumours that BanDai catched on to people debugging them when it came to the v4, and that it would cause lotsa glitches and stuff.

I chose to debug one of the v3's. I remembered exactly how, and debugged her within two minutes. Set the time and everything, but strange thing is, I noticed I couldn't put in a username unless it was five spaces. I thought that was kinda weird. I went along with it, and I also forgot that when you debug it, it hatches immediately. But I did remember that you could choose a character. I chose Mimitchi, cuz I've always thought the Mimitchi was awesomest. And I named my lovely Mimitchi after myself... ALY. :p

For the first day, it was very low-key, but very fun. I liked pressing "c" so little Aly goes into hyper mode and time moves faster, just so the things in the store would change too. I understand that that makes me somewhat greedy xD At 3 PM, when it fast-forwarded to that, there was a shovel in the shop so I bought it. I FOUND CAKE IN THE GROUND!!!!!! :) And then, when I finished working on my essay even more, I went onto TamaTown. However, I learned the hard way that I couldn't use TamaTown... it was slightly disappointing. So Mimitchi Aly and human Aly both ate their feelings out, then played HEADING. We won! :)

So here begins the revival of my love for Tamagotchis. It will be an interesting journey once school starts up again on Wednesday, to say the least. Most of the kids in my grade remember me as the Tamagotchi freak, when I was in 7th grade (twelve years old) I had six going at any given time, and I was saving up for some Japanese tamagotchis xD they thought I was a psycho.

I have some pretty bad ADD and this morning I was bored very easily with Aly. So, I fast-forwarded through her life all this mornkng, taking care of her when necessary. However, I didn't fast-forward through when she was singing. She has a beautiful voice hahah.

And then at one point, the Matchmaker showed up! First the character Bill was suggested, but Aly turned him down. Then a little later, Matchmaker came back with a Kuchipatchi. Awhhhh :( :)

They had a baby girl, but again with my psycho impatience I reset after the baby was all mine and little Aly left. bye Aly... we'll miss you. :)

And then when I reset, I got a baby boy and I named him after my godfather. Unfortunately, Daniel wouldn't fit so I put Danny. Right now he's about 3/4 of the way through his babyhood, and HE'S SO CUTE!!!!! :(


Hungry: ♥♥♥♥

Happy: ♥♥♥♥

Training: |

Age: 0

Weight: 8 lbs

Name: Danny

Gender: Boy

Generation: 1st.

Points: 580

So because he's 8 lbs I'm playing Get ♪ again. Be back in a sec.


62. Stupid poo. :)

Anyways, all is... *cleans random poo* *notices he only has 3 hungry hearts now* *feeds him cereal. Nom nom nom.* All is well.

Whoa, he just evolved into a Mizutamatchi. I'm assuming that's a good thing? Hahah, I have yet to figure that out.

Until then, thanks for reading, love ya, bye! :)
