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(So, err... What's gonna happen about prom? I dunno whether Len is gonna go with Lovelin or Shiguren at this point in time. Same with Miles. Although don't forget the fact Miles has a crush on Hime lol xD)

(Well, I suppose figuring that out now would ruin all the fun ;) Let's let things play out. Just don't be afraid to make your characters take risks; this applies to everyone!)

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Lovelin giggled with her,”Me too!I’m still surprised that ‘Tamawood's sweetest stars’ would have a roles like this!”.She sat in the chair next to Shiguren and her makeup artist Hannah started applying foundation to Lovelin's face."Can you work around this please?"Lovelin asked Hannah as she pointed to the signature face painted blue heart on her right cheek."Sure honey."Hannah skipped the heart on Lovelin's face when she finished applying foundation."Have you gotten the new script changes?I keep on hearing about them but I haven't gotten any yet."She frowned.One of her costars,Skye a Makikko wasn't her favorite person in the world.She was usually trying to get more lines and make life miserable for Lovelin on set.It was because "Every Lovely" was first on the charts and her song was third.Skye had thrown a fit when she saw the 'comming soon' poster for the movie,Lovelin and Shiguren's names were the largest on the poster.

"Well, nothing much really, I can't really go skiing since of the hot weather. I was wondering if you wanted to do something, unless you're busy of course." Sun always ended up saying to much due to his shyness. Whenever he did this it usually ended in a facepalm.

"Whatcha talkin' bout?! Miles is never busy! Well, at some moments, I am. But I'm the ultimate multitasker, and so, anyway, me and Len are meeting up at the new Cafe by the train station. I just got there-" Miles opened the door to the cafe, and he sat down in a booth, slightly sweating. "And now I'm sitting in a table in the back. Oh, Len is here! Talk to you later, Sun." Clicking his phone off, Miles looked up at Len. "Hey Bro."

Shiguren closed her eyes as her makeup artist applied eye shadow. "Actually, I have. I was hoping we could rehearse the changes a few times before today's take."

Alejandro was glistening from sweat as he ran the last stretch. He noticed that he was passing houses that belonged to a few of his classmates. His mind wandered.

Hannah applied Lovelin's mascara."You have?I'll have to stop by the writer's trailer so I can get a copy after wardrobe.I can't wait to see our outfits!"Lovelin said excitedly.

Shiguren gasped excitedly. "Oh my gotchi! I forgot about our outfits!" She imagined a black, tight-fitting body suit with matching heels. And of course assassin equipment.

Sun hung up the phone. He made a squeaky sound he made when he was nervous - He forgot about prom! He started sweatin uncontrollably, who was he supposed to ask? He thought about it a bit more... Maybe he could go with his cousin from out of town... Or maybe he could finally gather up enough courage to ask the beautiful Tennyo or one of the other pretty girls out... He quickly pushed out the thought, how was he supposed ask somebody with his nervousness.

Kuro got up and paced around in boredness. About five minutes went by until he finally decided to go outside and enjoy the hot, summer air. He poured himself a glass of his Mom's delicious limeade and sat down on his porch while the sun beamed down on him.

Len looked up at Miles. "Hey. What's up?" Miles sat down in the stool next to Len, who was sitting at a table attached to the back wall. "Not much, I just got here and now we must discuss prom.. Over coffee. Hey, I'd like to order a Caramel Cappuccino.. Yeah." Miles awaited his coffee as he began to talk with Len.

As soon as Hannah finished Lovelin's make up,she said thank you,got up and looked at the day's schedule taped to Hannah's mirror.Shiguren's was finished seconds after."Next we have to go to wardrobe.Now I really can't wait to see our outfits!"

(I'm going on vacation with my family until Sunday.My iPod is coming with me and I'm 99% sure our hotel has WiFi.I can use my phone to post if it doesn't.)

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"Okay, let's go!" Shiguren said excitedly. She caught up to Lovelin and walked beside her to the wardrobe trailer. When they entered, Shiguren squealed as she was handed her outfit. It was nearly just as she had imagined, only dark purple like a poisonous flower. It looked exactly like something a villain would wear. "Wow, Lovelin, look at this!" She exclaimed, holding her costume out for Lovelin to see. "Super sexy, huh?"

(just checked the hotel's website they have wifi yay!)

"Uh huh!The strappy sandals are perfect with it!Let's try them on!"Lovelin walked back to the changing room and put on this scene's outfit."Oh my gotchi I love this!"She said as she opened the certain.The suit was complete with a matching utility belt that reminded Lovelin of GotchiMan's.

Shiguren clapped her hands together. "Lovelin, that looks perfect on you! Boys better look out!" She went into her dressing room to change into her outfit.

"Haha thanks!I think these outfits are eyecandy for the boys."She struck a pose in the full length mirror."I just think the belt is a little bit to big on me though."

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Kuro opened his eyes and looked down the street. He saw a familiar sillouette but couldn't make out who it was. He ignored it and went back to absorbing the sun's rays.

Miles and Len stayed in the cafe, chatting leisurely for awhile before they came up with a plan: Miles would ask Hime, while Len would ask Lovelin. It was a done deal for the moment. Len left, feeling a bit winded. He originally planned to ask Hime, seeing as she was his closest friend who was a female, but if Miles was infatuated with Hime, he didn't really want to ask Hime, since that would ruin their friendship.

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Shiguren stepped out from behind the curtain, fully costumed. She looked very sinister, somewhat resembling a purple rose...with thorns, of course. Shiguren saw Lovelin posing in front of the mirror, giggled, then ran over to strike a pose beside her. "Haha! This would make a great advertisement photo."

Alejandro was jogging slower than usual. His mind wasn't focused on exercising now; he was daydreaming instead. However, he quickly returned to reality as he moved farther down the street. Could it be?...YES! It was Kuro! Alejandro briefly panicked, brushed stray strands of blue hair out of his face, and slowly came to a stop in front of Kuro, who was sunbathing. Alejandro struggled to catch his breath, the sweat causing his skin to practically glow. "Kuro, mi amigo...**cough**...cómo estás?" Alejandro put his hands on his hips, leaning backwards to catch his breath. Once he had, he looked down at Kuro and blushed. Kuro had a very attractive body. Alejandro rubbed his cheeks to rid them of his blush; he hoped Kuro hadn't noticed.

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(just made it to the hotel)

Lovelin giggled "Hee Hee your right!Oh I forgot about the heels!"Lovelin walked over to her costume rack and saw black Jimmy Choos to go with the outfit."These are comfortable."She said as she walked back over to where they were standing and struck another pose."Shiguren and Lovelin in an epic car chase down main street,driving in style."She joked in her movie VoiceOver tone.

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