.:.Kuromametchifan123's Tama Log.:.


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Yesterday, I saw the low battery sign on my Nano after Lovelitchi called for me. How many days has it been? I think it's only been two weeks...


(Sorry about the darkness and blue hue, I was in front of my aqua lamp, It was storming outside so it was dark. :) ) Sadly, the Nano doesn't have a reset button, meaning you can't download it. :( That's okay, I was thinking about reseting it so I could get a new character anyway. :)


It has a "push to open" cover like the iD-L. :)


After putting in fresh batteries, an egg appeared on the screen. I set the time and waited for it to hatch...


It's a boy! :)



And, a few minutes ago, my little nano (My little nano, ahhh ahh ahh ahh... XD) evolved into the perfect care boy adult, Mametchi! :) The Nano has the cutest character sprites, he looks even more adorable! :3





-Nikki, Hideyuki, and Mametchi

Page 19 and Hideyki just evolved right after I posted. :p


Hideyki just evolved into Hanikamitchi! :)




Cute! :)

-Nikki and Hideyuki

Hello Tama Talkers for the first time in a whole entire week! I'm soooo sorry about that, I had a really stressful week at school, we were taking the standardized tests in every. Single. Subject. @.@ I would have updated on Friday but my friend invited me to a sleepover at her house. :) We had a a lot of fun, we watched the Tamagotchi Movie, (For the 4th time. XD) played on the computer and with our Tamas. :) And, I have awesome news, I got a package in the mail today from Japan... (LOL, That's my friend's green rug in the background, I took these pictures at her house, my Dad was nice enough to drive to it me because he knew how excited I was to get my package. :) )


Whatever could be inside?


My new Purple Tama Profy!! :D It's not actually a Tamagotchi Tamagotchi, (As in you don't have to take care of it.) It's actually a link to the Tamagotchi! anime. The coal is to collect all 120 (It might be 150...) Tama Hearts by playing games and tapping the Melody Charm to finish the quests you get in the mail. :) It has nothing to do with the color Tamas either, the IR is to connect to other Tama Profys. :) I took about a million pictures of the box. XD







Left Side




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LOL, it made me so happy to see Mametchi's head on the little Tamagotchi logo on the back. :)

Size Comparisons


The Tama Profy is a little bit bigger than the iD-L.




And the Nano...

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And my iPod, they're almost the same size.


For some reason, I love looking at the instructions of Japanese Tamagotchis even though I have no idea what they say half the time. :p I think it's because of how entertaining and colorful they are, compared to the American Tama instructions. They were hidden where the back meets the inside front of the box, you have to look for them. :p



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I love that, Tama Profy, Tama Heart's are collected. :3 The inside of the instruction booklet is pink too, so cute!


After almost 40 minutes of oohing and ahhing over the package and pink instructions, I finally put some batteries in it. XD When you first turn it on, It asked you to put in the time, (24 hour time) date, and your birthday, then your name. The only problem was, the black and white pixels on it make it hard to read the Japanese. :p I haven't quite gotten how to take pictures of it not in front of a lamp. XD I printed out translations of the questions it asks you for your profile, stuff like What's your favorite subject? After those questions, there are three or four rapid fire questions that I clicked random answers to. XD I ended up getting Furwatchi, I named her Aki, meaning Autumn, It's only two characters and I couldn't tell if I was spelling my name (Nikki) right in Japanese or not. LOL!

I've collected a few Tama Hearts so far, a bunch of cake hearts from Lovelitchi and only one Music Heart from Meloditchi. I got some mail too, something about TAMAX-TV (The TV station Lovelin works at in the Tamagotchi! anime) I haven't gotten the right heart for it yet.


A few days ago, Hideyki evolved into Kuromametchi. SInce I've already gotten him, I skipped getting his happy symbols. He also got a cute new pet, I forget its name. Earlier, Hideyuki asked me to take him to the Matchmaker, I agreed as our visit was overdue. He ended up falling in love with Moriritchi. :)






Adorable! I named him Izumi, meaning Spring as it's coming soon. :) He evolved into Furutsupantchi around 7 pm and fell asleep right after. :)

-Nikki and Izumi

(Edit: Typo)

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Hello after a few more days of not updating! >_< So sorry about that, I've had a really busy week. Now, I'm on Spring Break! :D


I have a lot to catchup on! Izumi evolved into Sunopotchi as an adult and he got married and had a girl Momoritchi who I named Haruka, meaning spring flower.




After an hour, she evolved into a Rolutchi. I gave her two care misses and she evolved into a teen I've never gotten before, Hineonetchi!


And yesterday afternoon, after giving her quite a few care misses, she evolved into a new adult, Watawatatchi. She. Is. Adorable. :3



We couldn't resist playing dress up. :) Haruka ran straight into the closet and found Lovelin's dress, she begged me to try it on...


She also found Lovelin's microphone...


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"Ahh! Mom I look like Lovelin! I bet I could sing too!" Oh gosh. She ran to her toy chest, grabbed a mic and started "singing" Every Lovely, Lovelin's first song...




"Yay, I can write music and have billions of fans..." Yup. Next, I suggested something less...um... tone-deaf loud, jumping rope. :)


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Haruka was really excited, she decided to invite her friend Mimitchi over to spin the rope. Then, Pipospetchi and Akaspetchi came over to jump with them. :)



After a few minutes, they let Haruka and Mimitchi take their turn jumping, they had a lot of fun!

Tamagotchi Nano

I reset Mametchi a few days ago and got a girl. She evolved into the always adorable Memetchi! :)



And before I go, a big, huge thank you to everyone following this log and 17 five star ratings! You guys are awesome! :)

-Nikki, Haruka and Memetchi

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Sorry about not posting yesterday, I was about to, but fell asleep watching a movie. :p I was up really late two days ago, drawing on the computer, (I still don't know why it takes me less time to draw on paper. XD) I thought I got enough sleep as I ended up sleeping to 10:30 am, (Which I never do, I usually wake up around 9.) but, I guess not. :p I have pictures but I'm at Barnes and Noble at the moment so I can't upload them. I will when I get home though!


This morning, I had french toast, my favorite, :) for breakfast. I had downloaded the meal French toast to my iD-L a few weeks ago, Haruka wanted some for breakfast too. I didn't think it would be her first happy symbol, but usually when I don't think my Tama will get a happy symbol from it, it does anyway. :p I wasn't thinking and fed her the toast, she got her first happy symbol! I jumped up and ran for my camera, I got to it just in time to take a picture! :) I'll upload it when I get home. :)


Yep, I've started up my v4.5 again! I don't know how long I'll keep it running though. :p I've been wanting to start up a Connection for a while, I just wasn't sure which one. I put batteries in and got a girl, I named her Prim after Katniss's sister in the Hunger Games. :) (I started reading it on Saturday, I can't put it down! XD) She hasn't evolved yet, she will in a few minutes though.

-Nikki, Haruka and Prim

Hello Tama Talkers! So sorry for not updating lately, I'm actually out of town at the moment. I'm in D.C., visiting to see the cherry blossoms and monuments. :) I took tons of pictures too, I don't have a computer with me so I can't upload them until I get home. So I'm stuck updating on my Mom's iPad, I had pictures from my iPod (The Photobucket has an app called Snapbucket that I can use to upload pictures from my iPod) but I don't like how some of the pictures that I uploaded came out, I'll post them anyway.

I finished reading the Hunger Games yesterday, I'm going to bug my parents about taking me to see the movie next week. :p Okay, I'm done rambling, let's log!


I have no idea when it happened but I wish I had known because I had a paper clip attached to my v4.5's keychain. Haruka ran away yesterday, I dont know when or why because I checked on her a few times while I was out. :(



After staring at the screen for a minute to see I could read the letter she left, I gave up and pressed A and C to start from the 1st generation. An egg came up on the screen, after about a minute, it hatched into a baby boy, Yurapatchi. :3



After I fed and played a few games with him, we vacuumed the living room and his bedroom which were the only rooms that needed to be cleaned. I cleaned the yesterday but, oh well. :)



I decided to (Kind of) name him after Haruka by naming him Haru which means Spring. After an hour, he evolved into a toddler that I don't get very often that reminds me of a tree, :p Nannokitchi!


I'm waiting for him to evolve again right now.


I reset my Nano yesterday, I got a boy. Since Memetchi sounds like the worst care Nano iD female character, I decided to take bad care of my Nano boy and see what character I got from it. I filled only two of his rice bowls and kept his happy bar full and today, he evolved into Kikitchi! :) I couldn't get a good picture of him with my iPod, so I'll take and upload a picture of him with my camera when I get home. :)


Prim was a Kutchitamatchi as a toddler, an UraMemetchi as a teen and yesterday, she evolved into an UraVioletchi! t's my first time getting this character, she's pretty cute. :) I'll upload a camera picture of her when I get home, the pictures of her with my iPod didn't turn out. I haven't paid as much attention as I should to Prim, her skill points are really low, I haven't taken her to school much either. She hasn't graduated or gotten a job offer yet, I'll use this as an opportunity for skill points. :)

-Nikki, Haru, Kikitchi and Prim

Happy April Fools Day Everyone! So sorry for not updating for a week, I've been really busy lately. Hopefully, I'll have a less busy week and can update more to make up for me being MIA from TamaTalk. :)

I drew this yesterday and put it on my Deviant Art gallery this morning. :) :


Do you like it? :)

And, cute news, on Friday, my Mom took me to Michael's to buy craft stuff for my Sience project. While I was there, I bought something from their Easter display...


A plastic, cracked egg bowl for my Tamas! XD "Tamago" means egg in Japanese, I thought of my Tamas when I saw it, it was only 99 cents too. :)


Haru evolved into a Mametchi after perfect care. :) I was afraid of giving him care misses as a Hanikamitchi because of poor Haruka. -_- Anyway, I'm happy to see Mametchi again. :)


I took him to the matchmaker this morning, he married an adorable Maddonatchi, (Did I spell that right?) They had a baby girl, a Momoirotchi. :)



She evolved into Paletchi a few minutes ago, I think I want her to be a Lovelitchi, even though there are quite a few characters I haven't gotten yet. ;) Her name is Haruki, meaning "Springtime tree".


My Nano is doing great, I still have Kikitchi.



I took the batteries out of Prim a few days ago, I knew I wouldn't be able to take care of three Tamagotchis at once with school back on. :(

-Nikki, Haruki and Kikitchi

Oh my gosh, I just realized my log has 6,000+ views, seventeen five star ratings and five followers! Thank you so much to everyone who reads this log! :)


I don't know if anyone was wondering about how I feel about my first couple of log pages. Well, I hate my first pages. XD Just don't read pages 1-8, there are tons of spelling and grammatical errors that I'd edit if I could. I don't want to make a new log though, tons of my Tamagotchi memories are in every page. Like when I got my iD, my first color and Japanese Tama ever. :) And, as much as I hate those pages, I like to go back through them for some strange reason. :p


Eep, its been two weeks! >.< I'm so sorry about this, I had two essays and two projects due, on top of a ton of homework and tests to study for. I really, really missed logging, I'm super glad to be back on Tama Talk, logging and posting again after two, long weeks. :) Photobucket's being a butt right now and isn't letting me upload my pictures because of some error I keep getting, so, I don't have pictures. :( I'll try to upload them tomorrow when hopefully, it'll work.


Haruki got all of her happy symbols a few days ago! Even though I've already had a Lovelitchi, I wanted to see if I could find her download item happy symbols. :) Two of them she got from the Kizunatchi hat, (Which is really cute, I wish Photobucket was working!) the other, she got from the Lovelin dress, and her third from a different dress that I forget the name of that's also really cute.

When you have one character and get it's happy symbols, a new entry for that character appears in the Tamatomo Book, (I think it's called this, I forget.) when you get the same character and happy symbols, the first one disappears from the book and only the second appears. I thought that was weird, that happened to my previous Lovelitchi's entry in the book.

And, the batteries in my Tama ran out too, funny, I had a Lovelitchi when they ran out a few months ago too. :)

Hopefully Photobucket will work for me tomorrow so I can upload my pictures!

-Nikki and Haruki

Hello for the first time in another week! So sorry again for not updating, I've been super busy lately, with homework and stuff. To make up for it, I have pictures! Before I log, I want to post this, I drew Chamametchi today, I wanted to share it. :)



I have bad news.

Haruka ran away on Friday, I was so busy, I forgot to set her clock's time back before I left for school. :(

I didn't take a picture of the letter before I pressed A and C to get a new egg, I wasn't thinking about it. I have pictures of the new egg though, and a full recap of her evolutions.


A new egg appeared in Haruka's old living room. A minute later, it started to crack in the middle, a small Choribotchi hopped out of the egg shell, and looked around, getting used to her surroundings.


After feeding and playing games with her, I gave her a name, Hanako, meaning "Flower child", since it's spring.


After an hour, Hanako evolved into Paletchi. (No picture, my camera died right after taking those two pictures.) She was quiet for the rest of the day, not needing much attention. The next day, Saturday, she evolved into Sasabotchi. (Again, no picture, my camera was still dead.) I didn't know I gave her four care misses because she evolved into a Makiko a few hours ago! Finally, another unique character!



She's really cute in color, the last time I had Makiko was when I was running my iD. :) We planted a seed earlier, I bought a random bag at the Tama Depa this time, I'll have to look up what it's called.



My Nano is fine, I reset it on Friday. Right now, I have another Memetchi, she's doing fine.

-Nikki, Hanako, and Memetchi

Haruka <3

Hello Tama Talkers!


Hanako and I visited the park a few minutes ago, in search of a cute pet. She had built a little house for a pet in the courtyard earlier, after begging me to take her to the park. I finally gave in...



She met this adorable pet, I'm not sure what her name is. They played soccer...


And after three visits in a row, we finally got to take her home. :)



Hanako named her Vanilla, after her favorite flavor of cake. I'm so glad we found this pet, it's adorable!

-Nikki and Hanako

Hello! Sorry for not updating yesterday, my Dad was using the computer. (The iMac is the only computer in our house that uploads my pictures fast enough for my taste. :p ) Today was my last day of those end of the year tests, I'm not sure if I'll have a final exam in Pre-Algebra or not. :/


I woke up to Hanako's house looking like this!


We cleaned it right away, afterwards, we checked on our plant, It grew something! I think it's a breakfast of some kind, it looks like there are some eggs in it, if you look closely.


I thought it could be one of her happy symbols, sadly it wasn't.


Since we had bad luck with the mystery food, we walked down to the Tama Cafe for a quick snack instead.


She ordered this, the Guruguru Madeleine, again, it wasn't one of her happy symbols. :(


Since she was still hungry, she ordered the Guruguru Candy, a download item and one of her happy symbols!




Only two left, she got the happy symbol for staying for 48 hours yesterday. :)


-Nikki and Hanako

Oh goodness, this is becoming a habit! So sorry for not updating at all, I've had tons of homework, and projects lately, and I'm almost positive about a final exam in pre-algebra that'll come up soon. -_- I've really missied Tama Talk, and logging, my week doesn't feel the same without it! This will be a quick update, without pictures, as Photobucket's Bulk Uploader is still being a butt to me, and I don't have the paitence for the regular uploader. :p Sorry if there are any typos, I'm using IE on a Windows laptop right now.


Hanako is doing great, I got two of her Happy Symbols in the car over the weekend, the one day my iPod was out of battery and I forgot my camera! One was from the Princess Dress (I think, it's the pink dress.) She's sleeping right now, I set her time to stop her from being hungry while I'm working on an essay for school. It's raining out her window right now, I love how rain on the iD-L looks for some reason. :)

-Nikki and Hanako

I'm sorry, again! I've been really busy lately, I couldn't post Friday, or yesterday, because of a school band competition I was at literally all day. (From six in the morning to midnight, I had to get up at five on a Saturday. -_- .) And I had a ton of homework, again. I had a big post planned with tons of pictures that I don't have time for now, so I'm sorry again because of how short this will be, I'm really tired right now and I want to go to bed cause' I have to wake up early all school week. :p


Hanako got her last happy symbol, and got married to a Kuromametchi and had a baby girl earlier! I haven't named her yet, I have to Google a name for her as I can't think of one right now! :p She was the pink eraser like baby who's name I can't think of at the moment, and evolved into a Rolutchi (Yay!) after an hour. I have some new downloads to try out too, along with posting some pictures tomorrow, if I can get to it. >.<

-Nikki and No Name


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