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This Morning,a play by Kuromametchhifan123 based off of a true story.
*Wakes up at 8 am feeling sleepy still,I was woken up at 5 am this morning from this huge crack of lightning from a thunderstorm.*
Me:Oh its a Meloditchi like I wanted...yay *feeds iD-L and goes back to sleep*
Music star: (its for a hatch)*practices VERY LOUDLY* and evolves
Me:Fine i'm up.*looks at iD-L's screen* Wait how could I mistake Ichigo for a Meloditchi?(One of the 7 wonders of my randomness)This is an ADORABLE...
*Takes a bow and curtains close*
Now back to the log
I actually wasn't going for a Moritchi,I was going for a Meloditchi.But apparently I got 1 or 2 more care misses I didn't know about!
Oh well,Moritchi is so cute :3 And another ting I unlocked was...THE HENSHIN JO!!! (uh...spell check?)Now Ichigo can be a Tamamoritchi,theres a difference
I'll go later.
^I just love how Moritchi always seems excited XD
^It's raining on my iD-L too :3
Milo got married at 7 pm yesterday!He married a Primatchi and they had a cute baby boy who will be named...um...I don't know I'll think of something!
*Wakes up at 8 am feeling sleepy still,I was woken up at 5 am this morning from this huge crack of lightning from a thunderstorm.*
Me:Oh its a Meloditchi like I wanted...yay *feeds iD-L and goes back to sleep*
Music star: (its for a hatch)*practices VERY LOUDLY* and evolves
Me:Fine i'm up.*looks at iD-L's screen* Wait how could I mistake Ichigo for a Meloditchi?(One of the 7 wonders of my randomness)This is an ADORABLE...

*Takes a bow and curtains close*
Now back to the log
I actually wasn't going for a Moritchi,I was going for a Meloditchi.But apparently I got 1 or 2 more care misses I didn't know about!

^I just love how Moritchi always seems excited XD

^It's raining on my iD-L too :3

Milo got married at 7 pm yesterday!He married a Primatchi and they had a cute baby boy who will be named...um...I don't know I'll think of something!