.:.Kuromametchifan123's Tama Log.:.


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Sorry for not posting much I just got back from camp!

My tamagotchis have been on pause since I left (i hate pause) my camera is turning on again!*yay!*SO GOOD PICTURES INSTEAD OF STUPID BAD QUALITY iPOD PICTURES!!! *YEAH!!!!!*I just need to update Java on my computer first so I can upload my pictures.I'll edit this post and add pictures later.

For anyone who's been having problems uploading from photobucket on Safari or IE use Firefox I just figured that out ^_^ ;;

So NOW my pictures are working (after downloading snapbucket and PS express on my ipod lol)Okay lets log!




Yay!Here's my new kuromametchi...





I think this is the 3rd time i've said this haha lol. Well, this summer will be a summer of GOTCHI!My summer starts next tuesday so i'll (hopefully) update more often after about 2 weeks (i'll be on vacation). :)


Well today on my tama-go,we played a few games of manhole on ponytchi's figure (my favorite game :D ) I also connected my music star (not logging but i'm thinking about it) Which is ALSO a Kuromametchi! XD And off topic do you like this color?I got it from this website colorcombos.comthis is the hex code for it if you like it: #74C2E1 :)


I have one more happy charm to get for lovelitchi!Only one more!And I really want that pink dress from the download files for the Tama Mori... I told you I need more money first ^^;; I only have 150 or something like that gotchi points!I just need to play 20 games...*groan* Because i'm really lazy heres a few pictures of Lovelin that I drew and scanned onto the computer...





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I feel kinda lazy so no NEW pictures today.Just this currentlly running photo I took a few weeks ago...


Summer starts for me on Tuesday and nothing interesting happened to my tamas today except the usual,I dressed up Lovelitchi on my iD-L and I played Manhole on ponytchi's figure on my tama-go.XD But I guess I'll make this a random update...*hands bowl of buttery popcorn to reader XD*
YUM!!!And I just realized I'm on page 7 YAYZ!



He calls for close ups!My tama-go calls me and does that close up animation...why?I have no idea. Kuromametchi also got sick for no reason (full hearts and he was only 62 pounds XD*plays more games*)Why is my tama-go needy all of a sudden?!Maybe he's nervous for his wedding tomorrow?He'll turn 6 tomorrow!That calls for a wedding cake picture tomorrow :D lol



Still have one more happy charm to get!I have a feeling it's something from the Tama Mori (The culottes and accessories shop on the iD-L) but I don't know what!I'll need more money before I can do anything though as poor Lovelitchi has to eat Fridge meals so she won't starve :( .All of the adult tamas on the iD-L hate the pickled plum rice in the fridge (hey I don't blame em!I like plums but why do they have to be pickled?)so she makes faces at me whenever I feed it to her.EWWWW!!!WHY ARE YOU FEEDING ME THIS?!I hate this rice!!! Tough cookies! I need to save up to get you a dress that I think is your last happy charm from the Tama Mori!NOOOO...feed me REAL FOOD not this stuff in the fridge!*whines*I'm working on that ^^;;


let's end this update with...strawberries!!!XD


and if you don't like strawberries,fruit salad (or random fruit in a bowl :p )!!! :D



Sorry for not updating yesterday!I was busy!BUT IT'S SUMMER YAY!!!!!Heres a pic to get you in the summery mood...




When I pushed a button on my iD-L today,I saw this!


out of batteries!I popped some new ones in and downloaded.Here are some pics of Lovelitchi looking like a princess in her Kimono and crown :3


I took this in front of my tamagotchi notebook and my iD-L's dead batteries.





Not mush happened except the date place opened up yesterday.I'm planning on getting him married tomorrow :blink:


I just felt like doing that lol.It's 95 degrees here and i'm burning up!!I just made an Ice Pop in the freezer out of vanilla ice cream and orange juice to help cool off.Recipe...

KMF123's OJ ice pops!

  • You will need...
    Vanilla ice cream
    an ice tray,a dixie cup, or one of the smallish (my new word :3) Tupperware or Ziploc containers (ice trays are recommended :) )
    Some orange Juice
    A dessert spoon (the small spoons)
    A freezer
    A toothpick or a plastic spoon

First,take a dessert spoon (the small spoons) and scoop out some vanilla ice cream and put it on the bottom of your container.You can put as much ice cream in as you want or even none at all.There should be at least 1/3 of the container filled with ice cream.Next,put either a plastic spoon (spoon side up) or toothpick securely into the ice cream.Now pour orange juice on top of the ice cream (leave some room on top) and cover the top of container with foil.Now set your ice pop in a SAFE SPILL FREE SPOT in your freezer overnight.The next day,take your pop out of the container by running it under hot water and pulling on the spoon or toothpick.Finally enjoy your OJ ice pop!Yay!!:3


The usual :) She's been sleeping all day.



The wedding :) The two got a small cake from me...

(pic from photobucket)

It was love at first sight for my Kuromametchi and Lovelitchi...




(sorry its kinda blurry)





Yay!Don't they look cute together? <3

Sorry for not updating yesterday!It was like 93 degrees outside so my best friend loveletchifan and I set up 2 Slip n Slides and raced eachother down!XD It was fun and refreshing at the same time! :D I also got contacts and I got them in on the first try :) the eye doctors were happy about that lol Enough about me,let's log!



This morning,I saw an egg between Kuromametchi and Lovelitchi!It hatched 10 minutes later into a cute baby girl aka Nokotchi!


Is the picture good?I took it with this new app I got for my iPod,SnapBucket.Snap a pic and upload it to PhotoBucket instantly!

The parents should leave tomorrow :( But that gives me another shot at Lovelitchi!



I NEED LOVELITCHI'S LAST HAPPY CHARM!!Her happy bar is running out and I don't want to play 10 billion games with her now :/ So I'm about to give in and look it up on the Internet lol I-it was the h-h-heart cake?!?!THAT WAS WHAT IT WAS ON THE iD!!EPIC FAIL!!XD


well now that I have all of her happy charms,I can get her married! :D yay!I'll have to do it later though. :)

EDIT:forgot to write in color!SCORE!All of my new color codes iare working today :D yay!A few posts ago none of the colors showed up,just alot of computer speak XD

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hi everyone!It's late but oh well it's summer!I was debating on what tama to start up next (maybe get a new one of *scrolls through listings on eBay app*


Start up v4 OR v5?OR BOTH?

I wanna know what you think so post a comment on my profile by clicking or tapping my screen name! :) or you can send me a PM or something. :D

Sorry for logging late!I just came back from seeing that new movie Super 8.It's the best movie i've seen all year! :D The special effects are really good and the jokes in it are funny.:)This is a little random but I just saw a sprint comercial with the Nyan cat in it... :huh: This will be a short update as i'm tired but anyways,let's log!



Now that I got all of Lovelitchi's happy charms I'll get her married...tomorrow.Lol I procrastinate :D



Kuromametchi and lovelitchi just left their baby girl :( Aww how sad :( I know but they had to go :/...I'm going to try to get their little nokotchi to be a Lovelitchi and I think I know how to do it :)

Not really updating today since I'm a little tired (so are my sleeping tamas) So currently running pic...


Yeah I started up my v5 with my friend Loveletchifan today when we were riding in her mom's car to eat lunch.We played with water balloons in her backyard by filling then and hitting them with a badminton racket XD it was funnnn and we're doing the same thing tomorrow :D We accidentally left our v5's on Loveletchifan's table outside IN DIRECT SUNLIGHT for 30 minutes :eek: so we ran inside soaking wet from the water balloons and put ice into a GIANT Ziploc bag and put our v5's in a smaller one and put that inside the bag of ice for 10 minutes lol it cooled down.When we came back from lunch,(Wendy's :) )I checked my tama-go.It used to be the star toddler Hositchi with full training and friendship and it evolved into a shelltchi!Yay Lovelitchi!So we went back outside this time leaving our newlly evolved v5's inside (Right now on my v5 I have a sakuramotchi,mattiratchi and a belltchi.So I have 2 daughters and one son on my v5 right now)to make a GIANT WATER BALOON OUT OF A REGULAR BALOON!!We filled it up until it became the size of a watermellon then we threw it into the air and it got water everywhere it was EPIC!! :D So I had a really fun day!Better update tomorrow :D

Hello everyone!Sorry for yesterday's ramblish (another one of my new words X3)post!And sorry the bad quality pics.I can't find my camera's memory card :U FAIL Anyways let's log!

Tamagotchi v5


The one on the top is my oldest daughter Sakuramotchi.The one on the right (this way>>>)Is the middle child mattiratchi (boy)and the one on the left (this way<<<<) Is the youngest daughter Belltchi.I missed their 10 am training call :/ I slept late today :D


I have a shelltchi that is 2 years old!In hopes of her evolving into a Lovelitchi while I was gone (Sports then Loveletchifan'shouse for more water balloons!! :D )I set her to sleep time.*crosses fingers*

I'll update again later!


>.< My tama-go evolved...into a violetchi/furwatchi/flowertchi D: I wanted a Lovelitchi!!! :( I hope I get a girl next generation so I can try again.:/ I'll post again with some pictures when I get off of my iPod

Tamagotchi v5

I keep missing the training calls!!!I think the next one is at 6:00 pm not 5 though.


Played with more water balloons in my backyard this time with LoveletchifanIt was funnnn!!! :D

This isn't an update it's more of a...News Flash!!

I'm about to order a tamagotchi v4.5!Since I dont have any of the .5 tamagotchis,I figured why not?My mom said I could order today and here I am!I won't show the design yet until I've ordered it :) But that will only take a few minutes after I eat breakfast.

Sorry for the short updates!My v4.5 has shipped (yay!)and I STILL cant find my camera's memory card T_T.So only bad quality snapbucket pics til I find/get a new memory card!I also won a contest to guess which tama Planetchi248's Lovelitchi would marry!You can view their log here!It's really good! :D


Okay Violetchi/furwatchi/flowertchi is starting to weird me out.You know why?SHE LOOKS REALLY TALL ON THE TAMA-GO!! :eek: I'm serious she's like 7 pixels tall!!This is what it looks like if you were wondering:https://www.walmart.com/ip/Sony/13432973YES I JUST FOUND MY MEMORY CARD!!!!!!!YES!!!!!!!!!!So heres a pic of furwatchi...looking very tall XD


And close up!


The date place opened up for her today (she's 6) and i'm about to get her married!I'll post again after I do!



I got Furwatchi married!I also drew her:


Do you like it?The background is this folder that I have.She got married to a nonopatchi (that looks pretty cute in my opinion!)

For some reason,the picture of their kiss came out red :huh: sooo I turned it black and white on iPhoto.Here it is:


And heres the lovely couple at home:


I might draw them :3

And its thunder storming outside :C

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Yay!My v4.5 is out for delivery!And I'm going on vacation wednesday-sunday (I think sunday) next week!I'll bring my camera (For pictures and there might be a computer in our Hotel room) and my iPod because this hotel has WiFi (as far as I know) So I MIGHT not be able to update next week on some days or not at all!D: I have to choose which tamas to bring...I'lll have to make a carrying case or something cause no tama will be left behind! :D

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Yay!It came!Pics!!


this is the front of the package^^


this is the back^^


close up on front ^^


close up on back^^

I'm about to start it up but first I have to open this package!Post again about it in a few minutes!

Sorry for not updating yesterday,my mom and I spent all day with my Dad and Brother.Yesterday was Fathers Day and my brother's birthday!Today is my Dad's birthday too!And i'm watching this show called Master Chef on Fox right now it's a good show!I'll be packing for my vacation and shopping for the drive all day tomorrow since we're leaving around 3 AM.This vacation is part vacation part competition.It's for sports but we're going a day early so we can see all of the tourist attractions the city has to offer :3 My iPod will be with me and I'm pretty sure the hotel I'll be at has WiFi.I hope so cause I'll be face timing all of my friends and posting here!I'll be there for 5 days.No pictures today,I'm actually packing now too XD


Furwatchi and Nonopatchi had a baby yesterday!It's a girl Nokotchi!I also realized something!Whenever my tamas are going to have a baby if I don't press a button on the night the're about to at all,I get a girl.If I do,I get a boy!Intresting ;) I think they leave today I'm not sure.If they don't I MIGHT be able to post pictures only if I have time.


I have a girl tama named Chloe right now!As a toddler,she was a kutchitamatchi.Yesterday,she evolved into an UraYoungMemetchi!I got her spiritual(the fist) points up by playing my favorite game of all time...MANHOLE!!!I'm really glad the tama go put it in ponytchi's figure,it's a really fun game!I have no idea what kind of character I'll get cause I refuse to look at any character charts,I want it all to be a surprise :D B)

Sorry for not updating!Right now im on the road to our vacation spot and our hotel!Im on my dads phone right now driving through the mountians and im not used to this keyboard and no spell check so please excuse the many typos and grammar mistakes ill make in this post.^^;;


Lovelitchi finally got married!She married a (SHOKER) kuromametchi and they had a cute baby girl!It was the one with the red bow on its head :3 After about an hour,it changed into a blue fishbowl looking toddler.Whatever its called,its really cute :3


Furwatchi left the baby 2 days ago :( Sadlly,she pooped on,the floor every time except 2 times as a baby D: I missed the first poop making a poptart in the toaster XD The second time I missed it eating my poptart (that was brown sugar cinimon btw :) )lol that made me think of the nyan cat anyways,she evolved into a belltchi.Then I missed every poop after that except for 2 :U But smehow she has 12 training bars :huh: Today she evolved into a shelltchi.Its a really cute character but I get her everytime ;_;


Chloe evolved yesterday into a scary potato chip looking thing with glasses 0.o She hasent gotten a job yet but she should tonight.

I'll use snap bucket to post pictures of the tamas when I get to our hotel room! (around 8:00 ish eastern time zone)

I'm really tired so I'm only posting stats today...





Weight:67 pounds :U

Training bars:full aka 15/15

Friendship:full aka 15/15




Hungry or rice bowls:3/4

Happy bar color:Green

Happy bar length:half full

Weight:99 grams aka .4644774588 pounds (or some decimal like that)so she's not fat!lol :D


Character:scary doughnut with glasses D:



Job:weight lifter person er...thing


(I'm falling asleep here so I won't post skill points.But she does have 160 of the fist points or the last category.)

remember people,it takes skill to trip UP the stairs which I have done twice today lol
