Kody's Tama Log


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Haii : )

Sorry I haven't updated in 3 weeks guys

I f anyone reads my log >.> you can slap me :L


So yea I will post stats and stuff up right now and news for my Tamagotchis



Well last night my ID L's battery ran out a d I put in a new one and accidently rested it on generation 7 : (

Its OK because I just love the ID L so much that I wont yell at it : )

Right now I am planning on buying a Tamagotchi v3 and music star so yea they will be in my log

My tamago is on generation 8 farthest ive ever gotten : )

So yea I have a whole bunch of pictures of my id L These pictures were taken last night when "Tammy"

My id Ls name was a baby and toddler so yes here they are.: ).


Haha my id ls username is susposed to mean love and sunshine : )




Rain rain go away come again another day !



Cutie pie : )


I feel sick : (


Yumm supper : )


Time for bed all grown up ; )

So yea thats my update for today

Oh yea stats I FORGOT haha I just got disracted

BUBBLES !!!!!!!!







1st generation so mad at myself for resetting : )


0 years old

10 pounds anorexic

8th generation HOOT HOOT !






Thats all

Buh bye : )

Sorry I haven't posted yesterday guys a tragedy happened and I will in a few hours K ?

Hey guys sorry I didnt post I didnt have any pictures beacause photobuket is being a loser.

So here is a quick update I got lovelitchi : )

She had a baby girl this morning with Kuromametchi Yay!

I miss her so much : (

But I am aiming for a Melodytchi

Oh her name in Naomi so yeah get back to you guys later

C-ya !

Alright hey guys I have got some photos ready and im updating Yay : )

Small news today >.> Naomi evolved into sabosabotchi

I was at a party last night so I got a few care misses ; )

Naomi will evolve into a adult tomorrow YAY WOOHOO

I am expecting a Giragiratchi or Makiko

I have connected to my phone to transfer files way over 32 times so pm me if I am wrong about something

So yeah

Oh and my tamago is violetchi again grrrrr

But yeah here is the pictures




It says: Tamatalk thank you so much for reading my log


:pass Out: Naomi clean you room : )



Big black blob : (

Alright people so im updating my log yay

I hope I can start this regularly : )

So the first segment for today is fun time with

Danny (V3) Lily (V2)


Danny: * Yawns loudly *

Lily: Thatnks for waking me up bro.

Danny I didnt mean too.

Lily: I was joking I was already up

Danny: O ok well thanks.

Lily: So do you think I will evolve today ?

Danny: Yea I think so well I mean you are sussposed to.

Lily: Yea I wonder what I will turn into I hope for a whaletchi.

Danny: That would be cool.

Lily: Yee.

Danny: I am sussposed to evolve first thing tomorrow morning.

Lily: I know thats exciting I wonder what you will turn into.

Danny: I hope for either a Paparatchi or a Tarakotchi.

Lily: Yee I like papratchi its all nerdy : )

Danny yea thats what I adore about it.

Lily: Im boreed .

Danny: Haha ask daddy to play bump with us ?

Lily: OKIE DOKIE : )

Danny: well im going to go chill for a bit so bye.

Lily: good idea I will too BYE !

Pictures and stats:






Hungry <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

Happy <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

Training 5/10 ?

Age 2

72 lbs < Fatty : )

1495 points



Hungry <3 <3 <3 <3

Happy<3 <3 <3 <3 <3

Training 3/10?

4 years old

97 Lbs < I take that back Danny. Lily you are gigantic

45 points < Poor



4 years old

2 happy sybols

So yeaa

See yah tomorrow or later tonight !

Heey Tamatalk :), wow I havent updated in like 4-5 months , OHNO, People hate the changes but I COMPLETELY love them they are amazing . Especially the like cover when you go on the website haha , But ANYWAY, Kso I am going to log my id-L and probablystarting tomorrow? Well A v3 an a music star or like yeeah, But for now I have some pics of my idl, and stats. I will update some more when it evolves but yeeah , Alright enough Blabbing for me and on to the TAMAS !

What a beautiful , egg ?



Ohmy what a beautiful girl , Her bows so perfect , I name her ...

Destini :) !


K oh my gosh shes soo beautiful close up


Stats ,,

Hunger 4/4

Happiness 50%

No happy symbols .. No money

0 years

47g < HOLY

Update soon :)

To lazy to make a post so heres a youtube vid :)

Kso , Loooong day even know I didnt do anything , But anyway yea so I reactivate my youtube account


Im planning on making daily videos so yeah thats all for me now for the tamas


I wanted violtechi and guess what i got...

Violetchi !!!

Im really happy woah small size

better ..

Sorry im not making any scence at all really so yeah TAMA UPDATE

Stats ...

Destini is half full and pretty happy no happy symbols1700 gotchi points 2 years old 34 pounds and first generation now ... PICTURES.

Kso I got a new music city account my last one was hacked boohoo

Feel free to add me/ talk to me if you see me


It was snowing all day and destinis house got a bit cold


Look at destini shes so cute up cclose she will be even cuter tomorrow with her new clothes :)


Thats it for me and you guys have a good rest of the day > Unliike me haha...

Buh bye :rolleyes:

Omagawd .

I was gone for 2 months !

And last time I checked my views they were at 150 but now there at 979 !!!

Holy almost 1000 views that's like amazing to me.

I really wanted to do a v3 giveaway but my mom told me the mail where i live is going really slow and prices to ship are rising so maybe another time ;)


Im going to keep on logging and try to do updates every (or) other day . So yeah for now im going to log my iD-L like always. and could someone message me telling me which other 2 tamas to start up choices are.

Pink hearts and halos v3.

Pink icecream v3.

Headphones music star.

Japanese symbols v3.

Blue with bubbles v3 or.

A tamago ( White)

So yeah now lets get it on with my id-l :)

Kaay I started on a new generation and got a baby girl ! I named her Minnie and went on from there ;)


So I fed Minnie and then played a few games.

But I couldnt hold still while playing games so i didnt upload them.


Well thats all im going to post for right now but ill surely post later beacause im going to the zoo :D

Ill take some pictures of little Minnie there :)

See ya later.

Long time no see!

Im restarting this log as it was quite a sucess before.

This time I will also post a log viedo for every post.

Subscribe to the youtube channel below and watch the video for more info.

I am going to get some batteries tonight and i pinky promise ill keep this log going for at least 6 months<3

love you all , bye.

Link >

//www.tamatalk.com/IB/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png <
Since I haven't played with tamas in so long , I gave myself a day to he close to it again <3 so I hatched a baby girl which later turned into a paletchi. We played this morning at the games center, we kept trying to find someone to play with at the park and to visit the tama marche. But it was cloudy so I guess no one came.and that was basically it for the child stage. And about 10 minutes ago my paletchi evolved into the one with a pineapple on its head ? Keep in mind tho is an I'd-l. So that was basically it i will post a conversation of the day after I finish my homework. So bye :) see you very soon.


First of all im sorry for not posting everyday like im supposed to.

It was the end of first term and I really needed to do good ! and i was also practicing for the school showcase which went amazing:)

So basically my pineapple teen evolved into lovelitchi :) I really wanted moriritchi but then again I love Lovelitchi :)

Im still debating which tamagotchis to start up and log along with my id-L. I thought about a v3 and music star so if thats the case ill start them up tomorrow:)

My id-l's name was Naomi. This morning she got her final happy symbol, and she was dirty-.-

She begged me to get married so she could start the family name, I agreed and she got married to kuromametchi. He took her on a lovely date and later purposed:)

Naomi later had a baby boy whos name is Lee. Now here is the morning convo I had with Naomi :)

Naomi: Its time for me to leave and get married now.

Kody: I know I know but you havent got youre last symbol, so untill you get that you have to wait*:


Naomi: There happy mageela ?

Kody: Ugh fine lets go find you a husband.

Naomi 10 mins later: I think I need to pic kuromametchi, hes so cute but tough. Hes like a teddy bear:)

Kody: If youre sure beacause I only want whats best for you !

Naomi leaving

Naomi: You took great care of me Kody but its time for me to leave, Take care of my boy and ill see you in a few days <3

Kody: Thanks for being an easy charecter and .... Well thanks for cutting me off and leaving -.-

Well that was today not to exiting, i will probably make a video tonight by sure for tomorrow though, Bye <3

Hopefully a new video up today :) either way ill be making a post. But Gozarutchi left this morning. i best you're like huh ..? so ill explain later. Have a splendid day C:
