kitty's log


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Well-known member
Aug 12, 2005
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hi guys. i know i have an existing one here but need to make a new one.

my tamas all hatched this morning at 9 am. i have four boys and three girls. names are Anne [M]-don't ask lol, Joshua,Lois,Ryan,Esther and The Park. they are all one years old now and they are very happy to be with me their caretaker.

Ryan will be talking in blue

Anne is Red[/color

Joshua will be in Purple

Esther is orange

the parks in green.

Lois is gray


Hi guys my name is Ryan. i got my friends here Joshua,lois,Esther,The Park and Anne.

even though i am a boy i am stuck with a girl's name. but that don't bother me at all. I am okay for now.

yo my name is Joshua but you can call me Josh. i love being a music star i have a mic and it's pretty cool. i wonder what my bandmates will look like.

The name is Esther calling. i am also a music star and i also have a mic. but unlike Josh i don't care how my bandmates look like as long as i am a huge star.

Well we are the Park family. My name is Matthew, my name is Ivy and my name is Monica. we are having fun tonight. i got some cool family here.

Lois here. i am glad to be part of this group. this is a great group we got here and everyday you will hear from us tama readers and i hope you enjoy our show that we will put for you. it has comedy and romance plus some great music. so hope you enjoy this and please send in those comments we would love to hear from you. enjoy!


From Kitty and her tama crew.

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hi guys update time.

5/6 of my tamas transformed. the parks will transform tomorrow.

Ryan- check me out. i am looking cool.

Lois- look at me i got wings and i am brushing my teeth right now.

Anne- that is very cool. i am dark and mysterious person.

Esther- just had a great dinner and it was yummy.

Joshua- i am playing with my toy rocket.

Matthew-Wow a rocket.

Monica- well we did pretty good today guys.

Ivy- yeah tomorrow we get to transform into teens too. i can not wait for that one.

Kitty- well can't wit for that one either. Esther and Josh i like your bands. they are pretty cool.

Esther- they are cool. my bandmates are singers just like me.

Joshua: at least i got drummers in my band.

Kitty- that's great guys. so we got few hours to spend together, we do something fun tonight.


Well Readers it's to be continued from here.what will happen next stay tune and you'll find out.

hey guys it's me kitty83. little update. The Park Family Transformed into a Chamametchi,Mamekatchi and ichigotchi. also Joshua Transformed into a Tarakotchi and his bandmates transformed as well. his band Adevent is a Jazz band and got his pro debut.

Joshua: yes i got my pro Debut today.

Ryan; way to go buddy.

Joshua: thanks.

Matthew: yeah knew you could do it.

Joshua: really?

Matthew: yeah.

Monica: wow our friend Joshua a professional Musician. playing Jazz that is cool.

Joshua: thanks.

Ivy: yeah, i mean it is so cool.

Esther: you know Joshua. i died today but was brought back to life by kitty so i want to be a great musician just like you.

Joshua: thanks Esther and you will be a great musician just like me but you have to practice every day then you'll get a pro debut on the same day you go into adulthood.

Kitty83: well Josh i knew you could do it and you will have a sold out concert.

Joshua: yeah and all the fans there plus the girls will be chasing me.

Kitty83: keep dreaming there buddy. you'll get a girl chasing you in no time.

Well proud of Joshua getting his pro debut on the same day he turned into a Man. in no time he'll be married and starting on his second generation. talk to you guys later.

hi guys. my tama Esther turned into a Ringotchi and sadly Ryan passed away but i am starting my other tama name Sue.

Sue: hi guys.

Joshua: hey Sue.

Esther: hey Sue.

Matthew: how's it going?

Sue: good.

Ivy: that's good to hear.

Monica: yup.

Anne: hey guys The dog is here.

Lois: relax she's sleeping on the laying on her side. she looks cute that way.

Sue: i am glad to be here with you guys hope we could be friends here.

hey guys it's me Kitty83. well my Anne turn into Masktchi and my Sue also transformed. the parks also changed too.

Sue: look at me guys.

Matthew: wow mystery woman.

Ivy: we change too.

Monica: yeah.

Lois: that's great guys. i still can't find a job here.

Anne: you'll find one soon. i know it.

Lois: thanks anne.

Matthew: well i wonder what tomorrow will bring us.

Ivy: looking forward to it big time.

All: Good Night Readers!

hey guys i just got my tama go and it's so cool. hatched it at 2:00 pm and it's a boy kinotchi. he looked cute. then he transformed into Mattaritchi. right now he fell asleep at 7:40 PM. got a whole day with him tomorrow, still got my other tamas but gonna take a break from them and focus on my tama go hehe. finally i got one although my mom was not thrilled that i bought one but oh well.

my Kinko is doing good guys. he's a Kilalatchi. he look so cool right now. now it's almost his bedtime. he had fun with me today. did praise and time out. played games and went to the bathroom and ate food. he had a blast with me and tomorrow there will be more.

*don't ask on how i thought of the name kinko. it was the first name that popped in my head lol. i hope you enjoy his name Kinko and thanks for reading my log guys. enjoy!

well gys here is the update. it's day three here and here it kinko went to the bathroom and did praise and time out. also my kinko transformed into Mametchi, the coolest Tama ever. i am so happy i got him. anyways he took a bath and then brushed his teeth. he went to bed at 8:30 pm. he looks so cute sleeping in his bed. i wonder what tomorrow will bring folks. good night readers and enjoy.

guys it's day four here and Kinko had fun today. we went to the park and he met a friend there also we played games and we had some yummy food to eat. then he went to the bathroom, did showering and then brushed his teeth. he fell asleep at 8:45 pm and he is sound asleep. tomorrow is another day folks for me and Kinko.
